Based on Genesis 5-9 in Four Parts

Part Four: The Dry Earth


In the 600th and first year, first month, first day,
Carefully and anxiously,
Noah opened up the cover of the ark and looked –
What he saw made him cry out with joy – for all the ground was dry!
And in the second month, 27th day the whole earth was dry.
Then the ark’s heavy door was opened by the angel of the LORD,
And God said to Noah to come forth, his family and every living creature,
To replenish with life again the earth and nature.
What a joy it was to step out on solid ground again!
To see the vastness of the sky, soaking up the pure fresh air,
To behold the land so fair, with the carpet of green grass,
And the lovely blooming flower mass.
Happiness was on each face, gratefulness that by God’s grace,
The long confinement had an end, to walk and live now on new land!


Noah built an altar to the LORD, brought burnt offerings of every kind
Of clean animals and fowl. All through the deluge, he kept his mind
Close upon his God, a day without worship he spent not.
And now to express his gratefulness, his heart did overflow with praise,
And with the sacrifice did raise his prayer to the great Creator,
That he might lead, direct him and family on this now different earth,
And his prayer God had heard.
And God said in His heart, He will not again to curse the earth,
For man’s imagination from his youth is evil, contrary to His will.
Neither will He bring again so great destruction to every living thing.
Summer and winter, seedtime and harvest,
Day and night, cold and heat shall remain,
All by His grace He will sustain.
And God blessed Noah and his sons
To be fruitful and repopulate the earth.
And the fear of them shall be upon every animal and bird,
And upon the fishes in the sea, into their hands delivered were to be.
Then God did make with Noah a covenant, His righteous, faithful servant,
Never more to bring a flood again upon the earth but that it shall remain.
And as a token for His promise, God will set a bow unto the earth below,
That after any rainstorm shall be seen a rainbow
In the clouds as a reminder of the covenant,
God made between all flesh, the earth and Him be constant.
And every living creature, to preserve all nature.


 From the turmoil of the waters, the open up of the great deep,
High mountain ranges were thrust up, steep and rugged, rocky, bare on top.
Everywhere the landscape was different now in shape.
The surface of the valleys, open plains uneven, littered strewn about
With rocks and boulders with rivers winding through.
But will soon be green and graced with willows, other trees
And shrubs, where birds will build their nest,
And cattle, horses, graze and rest.
Hills yet bare with sparkling brooks cascading down,
Soon with trees and bushes, flowers, berries shall wear nature’s lovely gown.
Near rives, lakes, lush forests will be home to many animals to roam.
Lakes and ponds for fowl will beautify the plains
With rich green grass and shrubs for pasture and grow grains.


Far away the great wide sea, for later generations to explore, discover, see
New lands to make a home, expanding living room,
And by such separation forming other nations.


Noah at once did built a home, the timber taken from the stalls
And chambers of the ark and fenced the area in,
To keep his own kept cattle, sheep and goats within.
All the animals dispersed in all directions,
Down the hills and up the mountains,
With the fear of man in them to keep away from him.
Noah a garden planted then, with the seeds he brought with him,
For trees and fruit trees, shrubs and flowers, veggies, berries,
Their beauty soon to cherish, the taste of fruit and berries relish.
Then children’s laughter filled the air, God’s blessings were felt everywhere,
Life again was beautiful and fair!
“And Noah lived after the flood 300 and 50 years,” and died.
He was 950 years old, a man of faith and courage very bold,
Therefore his amazing, grand and unique story was here told. Amen.


Edda Tedford. Canada