The American Union Conference was held at a campground in the rural town of Toccoa, Georgia. In this quiet scenic setting, God’s people gathered for a spritual feast from August 5 to 8, 2015.
The theme for the conference was “Enter into the Most Holy,” based on Hebrews 10:19. “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus.”
Brother Tzvetan Petkov welcomed everyone on the evening of Wednesday August 5th and introduced the theme that was to be studied in the following days.
“The subject of the sanctuary and the investigative judgment should be clearly understood by the people of God. All need a knowledge for themselves of the position and work of their great High Priest. Otherwise, it will be impossible for them to exercise the faith which is essential at this time, or to occupy the position which God designs them to fill. Every individual has a soul to save or to lose. Each has a case pending at the bar of God. Each must meet the great Judge face to face. How important, then, that every mind contemplate often the solemn scene when the judgment shall sit and the books shall be opened, when, with Daniel, every individual must stand in his lot, at the end of the days.” –Evangelism, p. 221–222
It will be impossible to exercise faith if we do not understand what is going on in the sanctuary. To enter the Most Holy means to enter the presence of Jesus. You cannot sin any more. You are filled with the spirit of God and the Holy Spirit takes possession of you.
Sister Ana Santos gave the first presentation on the subject of the meaning of the Sanctuary for our salvation.
“For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands.” Hebrews 9:24. When Jesus returned to heaven after His crucifixion, He entered the heavenly sanctuary to begin the work of intercession in our behalf. In 1844 Jesus passed from the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary. The minds of the believers must be led into the heavenly sanctuary where Christ is now making an atonement. The topic of the sanctuary must be carefully examined because in it rests the foundation of our faith and hope. According to the pattern of the heavenly sanctuary Moses built the earthly sanctuary. From it we have a small understanding of the glories of the heavenly, where Christ ministers before the throne of God. What happiness and joy to know that we have a mediator and an intercessor in heaven!
The following meetings looked at the sanctuary and the meaning of the furniture in more detail. These studies are meant to lead us into the Most Holy. Sister Raquel Orce introduced us to the entrance of the sanctuary.
The sanctuary was surrounded by a wall of white linen with the entrance being of a different colour. The entrance was blue, purple, red, and white. It was easily located. There was only one entrance. And it had to be through this entrance only that anyone could enter. It was always open. Although the entrance was noticeable and accessible, the person must be the one who made the decision to enter. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” John 14:6. “I am the door.” John 10:9. Jesus has made the way, but divine action must be combined with the person’s decision. It was necessary for each Israelite to make the decision to enter.
When the sinner saw his need of a Saviour, submitting his will to God and entered the door, he came into the courtyard. The first object he saw, which was closest to the door, was the bronze altar. This was the only place the common Israelite could go. They could not go in empty handed, but had to bring an offering. Likewise, we also are to take an offering to God. That offering is to surrender what we are humanly, and what we have, without holding anything back. The penitent sinner had to confess their sins on the lamb which symbolized Christ. So today each person must also do his duty of surrendering and confessing. There is to be perfect cooperation between the work of God and of man.
Between the altar and the sanctuary was a laver made of brass that was filled with water. Brother Sebastien Guillaume expounded on its importance. The priests were to wash their hands and feet before entering the sanctuary. It stood as a reminder that people need cleansing before entering the presence of God. After offering the sacrifice with the penitent, the priests cleansed themselves in the laver before serving in the temple. They would then be clean and not die before a holy God. We are cleansed and washed by the blood of Christ daily so that we can serve and minister before Him. The washing in the laver represents baptism, which the sinner can receive after he has confessed all known sins, and therefore is permitted entrance to the Holy Place. In the courtyard, the justification process is done before the sanctification process begins in the Holy Place.
In the Holy Place can be found three pieces of furniture. The first one, the candlestick, was presented by Brother Oscar Valles. The light on the candlestick was to shine perpetually as a representation of the continual presence of God in a person’s life, and that light is to be continually shining from the person to the world.
Brother Elvis Echavarria gave us a description of the meaning of the table of showbread. On the table there are the utensils, and in the centre is the bread, which is Jesus. The bread was baked weekly on Friday. The bread was never to lack from the table. Jesus is the bread that will never lack. Christ must be found in our minds and hearts continually.
The final piece of furniture in the Holy Place was the altar of incense. Brother Ciro Arevalo explained its significance in regards to our salvation. Its location was just before the veil separating the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. Specific instructions were given for the ingredients of the incense and only holy fire could be used on the altar. The smell of incense would spread outside the sanctuary. When you have the aroma of Christ’s righteousness it will diffuse to others. In church it is easy to behave well when you are with brothers and sisters but what kind of fragrance do you have outside? Is your fragrance in your church only? The aroma filled both apartments and was to be burning continually. The altar represents Christ’s continual intercession in the sinners behalf, the incense being the prayers of the saints.
In the evening we were given a study by Jerry Eaton as to the importance of the health message in connection with the sanctuary. We were given a historical sketch of the development of the health message in Adventism. Since our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, in order for us to come before the Lord in the sanctuary we need to be free from all impurities. Health is a major factor in the development of purity of character.
Between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place was a veil. This veil symbolizes Jesus, who is the connecting link between the sinner and the Father in heaven.
On Friday, we entered the Most Holy Place with our study. The day began with a study about the service going on in the Most Holy Place, the judgment hour. Sister Wendy Eaton refreshed our memory regarding the scenes of the judgment hour going on in the heavenly sanctuary, which began in 1844. It is a serious time in which we live because we do not know when our name will be called. The judgment scene in heaven is typified by the Day of Atonement in the earthly sanctuary service. On this day all the Israelites were to afflict their souls, to fast and pray.
Just prior to the beginning of the heavenly judgment in 1844, the Advent believers honestly believed that Jesus would come in 1844 and they too were found fasting, praying and afflicting their souls. Jesus’ image was perfectly reflected in them.
How much more should we be earnestly praying and fasting for our souls, and the souls of our family members, neighbours and friends. If Jesus’ image is not perfectly reflected in us, then we have work to do. The end of all things is at hand and we need to make earnest preparation today.
The one main piece of furniture in the Most Holy Place was the ark of the covenant. Its function and meaning were explained by Brother Humberto Ajucum. The ark was considered the glory and strength of Israel. The only one who saw the ark was the high priest when he came once a year into the Most Holy Place on the Day of Atonement. If the high priest entered unprepared he would die.
“Above the mercy seat was the Shekinah, the manifestation of the divine Presence; and from between the cherubim, God made known His will. Divine messages were sometimes communicated to the high priest by a voice from the cloud. Sometimes a light fell upon the angel at the right, to signify approval or acceptance, or a shadow or cloud rested upon the one at the left to reveal disapproval or rejection.” –Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 348–349
When the ark was taken by the Philistines, four angels from heaven continually followed the ark where it went to protect it. The ark contained no power in and of itself, only as the glory of the Lord rested upon it.
In the ark of the covenant there were three items. Brother Joel Barnedo explained the function and meaning of Aaron’s rod that budded. God was trying to solve a problem in Israel. There was rebellion as they challenged the authority of the leader. Thus, God took matters in His own hand. The rod signifies authority and dominion. When all the leaders brought their rods into the sanctuary, it was only Aaron’s rod that budded, signifying the fact that God had His chosen leaders. Aaron’s rod was not only alive, but it was fruitful. A real missionary has fruit to give. God does not desire for us to keep our faith to ourselves.
Brother Neptali Acevedo continued by giving an explanation of the law of God, which was also in the ark of the covenant. The law of God, enshrined within the ark, was the great rule of righteousness and judgment. The law cannot change a man’s heart. It only defines what the law is, and describes what sin is. The law will be the standard in the judgment. It represents the character of God. The true followers of God will not only keep the law but will live the law by keeping the spirit of the law and going the second mile.
The meaning of the mercy seat, on top of the ark of the covenant was explained by Brother Henry Dering. The mercy seat is a symbol of God’s throne. Two angels are on top of mercy seat, looking down on the ark. “The law of God, enshrined within the ark, was the great rule of righteousness and judgment. That law pronounced death upon the transgressor; but above the law was the mercy seat, upon which the presence of God was revealed, and from which, by virtue of the atonement, pardon was granted to the repentant sinner.” –Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 349. The law condemns us and it is only by the mercy of God that the sinner can find salvation.
Brother Pablo Hunger continued by presenting the function and meaning of the pot of manna, the third item in the ark of the covenant. Manna was the food that God fed the Israelites in the wilderness. It also has a spiritual meaning. “Christ will be the manna and the spiritual dew to these newly converted souls. In Him is no darkness at all.” –Evangelism, p. 284. Manna was given to the Israelites in the desert. When we are in darkness and feel dry, the Lord wants to give food for our souls.
The manna was simple healthy food; today the Lord wants to transform our diet to the simple food that will be eaten in heaven. Manna is angel’s food. The pot of manna was placed in the heavenly sanctuary to remind us that in the time of judgment we need to trust in His providence in our time of need, and that our diets and habits will be transformed.
The Sabbath dawned, full of sunshine and warmth. Sister Elisabeth Sona began the day by giving a presentation of Christ’s second coming.
She asked if this truth brings us fear or joy. Should we not be happy that our Master is coming to take us home? The reformation message prepares us every day. We must look for this Most Holy experience or we will not be prepared for the final crisis. It will help us to stand before God without fear. When we go deep into the experience of the Most Holy Place we understand that its purpose was to restore the image of God in man, to destroy sin. The whole work is in the hands of God. We cannot do anything on our own. All we have to do is to obey, and work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.
Brother Idel Suarez brought the divine service. If you have a clay vase, it is not worth very much; but if you fill it with gold, it will be worth the value of the gold. The vase acquires the value of the gold inside. So, if Jesus is holy and is within you, then you become holy unto God. Your value is acquired by what is inside of you. It is not enough for Jesus to be a high priest in heaven. He needs to be the high priest in your soul. He wants to bring His holiness and blamelessness into your life and to make you perfect, higher than the heavens. We receive justification by faith but we retain our righteousness by obedience.
The holy Shekinah needs to be in you. You need to be gold-plated by Jesus. The sanctuary message is not only about judgment but about a wedding. Jesus is preparing invitations for people from all over the universe for this wedding. His perfect righteousness is the wedding garment you must wear in order to attend; the garment being the character of Jesus—His righteousness. The subject of redemption should be a theme that we continually enjoy to speak about.
Brother Tzvetan Petkov gave the Sabbath closing address. He spoke of the laver of brass which was an important part of the sanctuary. The laver was to hold water. He focused on water in his presentation. Water is not just for hygiene, but water is a symbol of many good things in the Bible. Water is a symbol of the word of God, and also of life, and of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We all need water daily, both physical and spiritual. If we enter the Most Holy we need to be washed first or else we will die. The Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well met Jesus. He offered her living water from which she would never thirst again. This is offered to us also. Let us wash and enter the sanctuary.
The time came for the final service in which Brother Oscar Valles made an appeal for everyone to go home and share what they have learned. “Go to your churches and be a light in your churches.”
We are the people of the last days and are responsible for taking the message to others. We are to share it. To love God is walking away from the world, doing what makes God happy. Going through the sanctuary is all about coming closer to Jesus and being perfected into His righteousness. He is the entrance door and is represented by all the pieces of furniture and ceremonies. We must continue going forward, never stopping to dwell on things that are offensive. In unity we will be found working together and praying for each other. Pray for the leaders as they also have their weaknesses and need help. We are all very personal to God even though we are sinners. He is our physician and will heal us if we come to Him. Do not give up. There is nothing the world can give you that is worth giving up salvation for. Never forget, Jesus loves you.