Some time ago I had a very exciting adventure of crossing the sea to a neighbouring island aboard a ferry. When I entered inside I found many people seated, and it seemed like all their focus was on a certain presentation on television. For someone like me, coming from a landlocked and very dry country I was so excited to be surrounded by so much water that I could not sit down. All my attention was focused on the sea and I could not stop praising the greatness and power of the Creator. As the ferry was about to depart I saw some people who were idly standing outside, running and entering. One boy who came running very quickly attracted my attention. As he came running, even faster, people were praising and applauding him so loud while some were laughing at the way he was running. Unfortunately, as soon as he tried to step his foot to enter, the ferry had already started to move. He almost caught the ferry but was left behind. This scene made a very strong impact in my mind. I realized the danger of waiting for the last minute. Since he was just from the neighbourhood, it means that he was aware of the timetable of the ferry but he didn’t care about the time; he thought he will reach the ferry at the last minute. This is the same situation most of us find ourselves in. We all are aware of the time we are living in, also every event has been laid bare before us, but this attitude of carelessness and indifference will make us be left behind.
“Get ready, get ready, get ready. . . I saw that there was a great work to do for them and but little time to do it.” –Early Writings, p.64. Many think that in the future or at an appropriate time they will start the preparation of their characters for the heavenly kingdom. When you wait for tomorrow or the appropriate time, the truth is, that time will never come. The best way is to choose to start the preparation right now, and the good part is that if you win the battle against your evil nature now, it puts you in a better position to overcome the next trial. “A preparation for the kingdom of God is no haphazard work. You cannot be religious at times and at other times irreligious.” –Medical Ministry, p. 202
“I saw angels HURRYING to and fro in heaven, descending to the earth and again ascending to heaven, preparing for the fulfillment of some important event.” –Early Writings, p. 277. What a spectacle—angels were seen hurrying to and fro in heaven. How about the people whom they are ministering to? What a sad situation among God’s people! They seem not to even be alarmed, as if nothing special is about to take place. There is no sign that they are in a hurry to do anything. Almost everyone seems relaxed and comfortable in this world. How about our enemy, the devil?
“Satan will not yield one inch of ground except as he is driven back by the power of heavenly messengers.” –The Great Controversy, p. 559. Then how much ground do we give him because of our indifference? In this situation we must not think we can win; and if we don’t win we won’t be found ready when He comes.
“. . . two women shall be grinding together . . . two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” Luke 17:35–36. This is the painful part about being found ready. No matter how much you love your parents, children or even your spouse, if they do not work for their salvation with fear and trembling they will not be found ready. We might share everything as a family and have morning and evening family devotion together every day, but that is no guarantee that all will be found ready. The whole issue lies with the individual’s choice to prepare when he is alone, every day. He prepares simply by studying God’s word, praying for strength to live by it, and then live by his prayer. In that way you will find that each day you will be growing in Christ and no circumstance will draw you away from the right principles and divert you from getting ready.
So we need not fool ourselves and think we will work hard at the last minute. What happens at school represents exactly how we will also qualify for the heavenly kingdom. As the students learn, afterwards they are given periodic tests or quizzes. The performance on these tests gives an insight on whether one will make it through the final exam or not. After knowledge has been imparted to us, God also tries us through different ways. If every day you fail, that is, you can’t control yourself, temper, passions, appetite or any trial, then you need to understand that even in the final test which we are looking forward to, you will not be able to stand. As a result you need to agonize more with God so that He will add more strength to fight on and win this battle against your evil nature.
Time is very short, brethren. Imagine the wasted years which were given to you since you accepted Christ as your personal Saviour until today.
Oh, what a waste of time! Happy are you if you are like those people whom I found sitting in the ferry, just waiting for it to take off, when Jesus says, “Surely I come quickly.” Your response will be, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:20. Unfortunately many have wasted those years in indifference and sin, yet God is still calling them to fruitful years. A little time is still left, even though we don’t know how long. Like those people who were idly standing outside the ferry, you can rush and get inside; that is, you have to start the preparation right now. Even though these people had a risk of being left behind, they rushed, and found their place inside. Be aware also of the challenge which lies ahead of you; what you failed to do in the time of peace, you now have to do under pressure. If you continue in sin and carelessness, waiting for tomorrow or the appropriate time, just like the boy who came running but missed the ferry, you will be left out. Then you will be heard crying, “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” Jeremiah 8:20. Oh how sorrowful it will be to see your loved ones among the saved and you totally lost.
Therefore, my dear brethren, let us individually make up our minds and choose to give our will to God today and He will give us strength to prepare so that at His coming we will be found ready. Let each one of us “Get ready!”
By Josephine Gwina
(Sierra Leone)