“Moreover the [workers with] familiar spirits, and the wizards, and the images, and the idols, and all the abominations that were spied in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did Josiah put away, that he might perform the words of the law which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the LORD.”  2 Kings 23:24. A great revival took place in the nation of Judah when they found the book of the Lord.

100 years ago, in the church of God, a call was made for Reform when the apostasy in the church reached the limit of the Lord’s tolerance.  This was the theme for the Canadian Field conference.

On Friday evening, Brother Larry Watts shared with us the importance of the work of the Holy Spirit in the work of revival and reformation. For a revival to happen, it must indicate that something was dead and given power to become alive again. The work of the Holy Spirit is vital for this transformation to happen. When we pray, we need to have ears to hear the answers to our prayers. Often the Holy Spirit answers our prayers in a manner that we do not expect. We need to have our ears open, and then to accept the answer, and finally to respond. This is the work of the Holy Spirit, which is vital for revival and Reformation.

Brother Timo Martin then reminded us of the importance of our heritage as Adventists and Reformers. The call to Reform came when there was a change being made in God’s church; the foundation was being torn down. We need to go back to the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16).  God has a work for each one of us to do. We are not to just sit back and wait for the Lord to come, but we are to work.  If we continue to advance, then the end result will be perfection.  In the near future, the whole world will be against God’s faithful commandment-keeping people who are keeping the Sabbath as the Lord commanded.  Brother Timo reviewed for us the future events that will soon take place on this earth. It will be a trying time for God’s people, but we must prepare today; one way to prepare is by proper Sabbath keeping, which can only be accomplished by the Holy Spirit.  We are responsible for our children also on the Sabbath day. Today we must be faithful in our duties if we wish to be ready for tomorrow’s trials.

For the Divine Service on Sabbath, Brother Watts shared some more inspiration regarding reform.  If there is a revival amongst God’s people, they will turn the world upside down as did the apostles. “And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also.” Acts 17:6

There are many reformers (true and false) in the world, who are reforming—wanting to re-form, or change—the current methods of doing things. Lucifer was the first reformer.  He tried to reform the society of heaven. He lost that effort and came and continued his work here. Because of the changes he made on this earth, a reform was again needed and God wasted no time in getting on with the work of reform; a reform for the better.

“Revival and reformation go hand in hand. Reformation accomplishes revival. “A revival and a reformation must take place, under the ministration of the Holy Spirit. Revival and reformation are two different things. Revival signifies a renewal of spiritual life, a quickening of the powers of mind and heart, a resurrection from spiritual death. Reformation signifies a reorganization, a change in ideas and theories, habits and practices. Reformation will not bring forth the good fruit of righteousness unless it is connected with the revival of the Spirit. Revival and reformation are to do their appointed work, and in doing this work they must blend.” –The Review and Herald, February 25, 1902

For a true revival in our lives, we need to connect with God. When Adam sinned, he ran from God. He was not looking for God, but God was looking for him.  We too have sinned, and need to change our ideas and connect with God again. And once we are connected we are sent as missionaries. In Jesus’ parting words to His followers, He told them to go and make disciples of men.  God is calling us today to make a reform.

In the afternoon, the young people and children blessed us with interesting biographies of song writers and the message behind many of the songs that were written. These songs had great meaning in the lives of these people.

Brother Woonsang Kang, had the privilege of travelling to Friedensau, Germany in the month of May to attend the Seventh-day Adventist Symposium regarding the war issue. He shared with us some of his experiences and reminded us of the history of the Reformation.  There can be no reconciliation with apostasy; no compromise.  What makes us the church of God today is our ability to teach and defend the law of God, to the point of death.

Brother Oscar Oviedo made an appeal to the young people.  The youth need to be trained to be an army for the Lord. Satan is making war with the youth. When people are young, they are more adaptable and able to move from place to place and to travel. That is why the Lord needs the youth in His army.  Jesus put together His army when He was on this earth and it consisted of 12 men whom He trained to go and preach. Again the thought was expressed that the answers to our prayers do not always come in the way we expect. The disciples, on the way to Emmaus, did not expect Jesus to come in the manner that He did. He gave them a Bible study and they stated that their hearts burned. We need to have the same experience. We need to have a revival and reformation and the comparison was made to the time of Nehemiah, when a lay person had a burden for the work of the Lord, and he acted on it. We need our youth to be as Nehemiah.

Sunday morning found us at the lakeshore as we witnessed five dear sisters make their covenant with the Lord through baptism.

Brother Renzo Suarez then encouraged us with our responsibilities of discipleship. What does it mean to be a disciple? Being a disciple means to know and to preach Jesus. To know Jesus we must communicate with Him. When Jesus was on this earth and called His disciples, they did not hesitate to answer the call. From the fishermen to the tax collectors, they left all and followed Jesus, and they were not all men who were poverty stricken.  Once we have become disciples, Jesus’ commission for us is that we go and make disciples of others. If we are truly filled with the Spirit we cannot wait to bring souls to Christ. This will be our greatest desire.

The work of revival and reformation begins with the individual.  This thought was expressed by Brother Elder Hernandez. We are individually called to work for the Lord.  Each person has different talents, and have been given different gifts. Some preach, others teach. We are to get out of our comfort zone and work for the Lord. We will not be happy just warming a pew in church every week. We all need to begin with having passive faith—praying and listening to the Lord—and end with an active faith—putting into practice what the Lord has told us to do. Each individual should discover their gifts (Romans 12) and find out how to be involved in the work of the Lord. The gifts are given to the church for the perfecting of the saints and each member must individually use their gifts for the service of the Lord.

Brother Morris Lowe wrapped up the conference in the final meeting by reviewing the subjects studied, and the progression and importance of revival and reformation. He stressed the importance of love. Without love, you cannot fulfil the law. Love is the fulfilling of the law (Romans 13:8). If you fall in love with the Lord, you will be able to keep all the commandments of God. The Lord calls us to be repairers of the breach, not only in practical godliness, but in our love to one another.

With the ending of the conference, we all left truly blessed with the fellowship that was experienced and the solemn messages and appeals that were made. The appeal is made for all of God’s children world-wide that each person individually responds to the call for revival and reformation in their lives, and use the gifts and talents that have been given to them for God’s honour and glory.  And most of all—to love. Amen.