By God’s help a new soul made her covenant with God and joined to our little group here in London. Just as the Bible speaks of there is joy in the presence of the Angels of God over one sinner who repents Luke 15:10 the same we may say there is joy among us when we see people taking their stand for Jesus. He is coming soon with great glory to take us home and our dear sister Yohana Monsalve gave her heart to Jesus making covenant with God our Father through Baptism receiving Jesus as her personal Lord and Saviour.

The Baptism was officiated by Br Morris Lowe at Sharon Creek River where people came to be witnessing this great and so important event. The time was beautiful and it reminded me the time I was baptized also. The Baptism I think it is the most important day of one’s life because it is then when we confess publicly Jesus as our personal Saviour promising Him to follow and to witness Him. I want to thank God and to all of you who participated with us at this event. May our Father in heaven give us always new souls and bring them at the cross where Jesus died for us is my wish and prayer. Amen!

In Christ,

Br. Nicholas Anca