At the youth conference in Mosbach (Germany) in winter 2010/11 the youth project 2011 was launched.  Young people from Germany and other countries started to donate money for the benefit of the Maranatha school in Uganda. The aim of this sustainable project is to plant a school garden there. The students will not only get the seeds, the tools and supplies, but also the knowledge for gardening and how to support them. Since the students don’t have a balanced diet – most of the time they eat beans  and corn- they should learn how to plant vegetables and consequently get a better nutrition.

Brother and sister Koebele are in charge of the charity work in Uganda, Burundi and Ruanda. They travel to Africa every year and according to their last reports a piece of land was bought and they started digging a well in order to water the garden. In the last three months workers were fencing the lot in to protect it from animals and other intruders.

Part of this charity campaign is a flee market that is organized at youth conferences and other meetings. Attendants of these gatherings are asked to bring along toys, books, clothes, household articles and other things that they don’t need anymore, but still are in a good condition. People can get these articles/ goods by giving a donation for the school garden project in return. We thank God that so far we were able to raise about 700 Dollar.

Manuela Di Franca