“The disciple is not above his master, but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.” Luke 6:40

What Is It?

By definition difficulty has many veiled and elusive meanings. Yet, while to one it can mean something simply hard to understand or to solve, or not easy; but to another it can mean someone hard to please or satisfy or persuade – plain stubborn and mean! We can go on and on: uncompromising, hardship, a hindrance, obscurity, or perhaps for another an embarrassment, or dilemma.

You see, it can fit almost any circumstance that we are confronted with daily, as we are living today in such times – difficult times, hard times – economically struggling before many obstacles and afflictions that lie before us and will worsen as prophecy is fast fulfilling. The specter of a clash between the Kings of the East and the Kings of the West ominously looms before us. Doomsayers, geopolitically and ideologically, tell us of the dangers of nation challenging nation for power – hints of the Apocalypse, Armageddon – but without a Biblical foundation; in short – mayhem, and carnage! This trend is accelerating and is deepening waves of change sweeping through every element of our human lives. Yet all of this is happening when the plagues are about to fall on mankind. We are looking at a tumultuous year before us.  We are, in fact, facing such difficulties daily in our lives. The tsunami of change affects everyone, making for a turbulent environment of alarming difficulties.

We cannot avoid them, and I am not suggesting to avoid them. Your attempts may be in vain. Ah! But we don’t have to make such “difficulties” part of our daily agendas!  So, difficulties, therefore, are a “way of life.” And what a way of life! It will be the most dangerous ride the world has ever seen. Everybody will feel the stress!

But, for many these “difficulties” become insurmountable! Many succumb to them and never recover; and for them, the difficulties become elusive and vague – forever wrestling with its “meaning.” In fact almost impenetrable! Therefore, difficulty waits for us all along our journey to heaven. But, we will learn, herewith, how to Confront Difficulties, nevertheless, in our lives.

Extended Family

Understanding this theme requires some effort or skill to “confront” such life factors. It is not just another trendy theme; but one of a still deeper level.  So let us, therefore, turn to the Word of God: Mark 3:21 says, “And when His friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on Him: for they said, He is beside Himself.” (emphasis mine)  Great crowds continually gathered to hear and see Jesus; and His “friends” heard about it. Now, who are these “friends”, these friends that were concerned about Jesus? Why, these friends were the most closely associated ones our Lord grew up with in His own historic life! They were actually members of Jesus’ immediate family!  (Greek, hoi par’autou).

But, someone out there might say, “Oh, but the Lord must have had a very sweet and delightful homelife!” Right? No! Wrong – wrong! In fact, He had an exceedingly difficult life. Jesus Christ’s friends then were members in His own household, who did not believe in Him.

Friendly Concern

It seems word came to His mother and brothers in Nazareth concerning His ceaseless activity. What was their purpose? Well, to “lay hold” on Christ and to take Him with them because they felt that He was overwrought; fatigued, overworked, excited or nervous (Mark 3:21).

The disrespect which Christ’s kindred, according to the flesh, showed to Him when He was preaching (and they knew very well that He was then in His element) – they stood without, and sent in a message to call Him out to them (Mark 3:31), as if He must leave His work, to hearken to their impertinences.

Stand Guard

Jesus, however, preferred the salvation of souls before His own life. He put an apparent neglect upon His mother, which seemed purposely designed to obviate and prevent the extravagant respect which men in aftertimes would be apt to pay her. Our respect ought to be guided and governed by Christ’s; now He looked upon those that were about Him, and pronounced those of them that not only heard, but did the will of God, to be to Him as His brother, and sister, and mother, as much esteemed, loved, and cared for, as His nearest relations (Mark 3:33–35).

This is a good reason why we should honour those that fear the Lord, and choose them for our people; why we should be not hearers of the word only, but doers of the word, that we may share with the saints in this honour. It is good to be akin to those who are thus allied to Christ, and to have fellowship with those that have fellowship with Christ, and woe to those that hate and persecute Christ’s kindred, that are His bone and His flesh, every one resembling the children of a king (Judges 8:18–19); for He will jealously plead their cause, and avenge their blood (Luke 17:1–3).

Frequently those who are nearest to the Biblical means of knowledge and God’s grace are most negligent (Romans 10:2). Familiarity and easiness of access breeds some degree of contempt. They that go on with vigour and zeal in the work of God must expect to meet with hindrances both from the groundless disaffection of their enemies, and the mistaken affections of their friends, and relatives, and they have need to stand upon their guard against both.

Branch of Jesse

So you see, dear friends and brethren, the next time you feel inclined to complain or grumble over disagreeable, unsympathetic, uncongenial friends, companions, or relatives, remember that Jesus Christ had Judas in His company for three and one-half years!

What happens, therefore, to you when you complain, or grumble about a difficulty, or pour your difficulties into other people’s minds (–Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 725)? Well, it reveals a sickly and enfeebled faith (–Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 147). If you continue, it will make you weak (–Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 146). Think about this, as we also can misrepresent Christ (–Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 147).

Our Lord’s difficulties increased when He preached His first public sermon. Where, again, was that? It was in the place where He was intimately known as. . .  merely the “carpenter’s son.” Jesus was the son of an honest tradesman. What harm is there in that?  The “carpenter’s son” was of the house of David (Luke 1:27). Also a son of David (Luke 1:20). So, Jesus was a carpenter’s son but a person of honour!

There is a class of those who are always willing to pick quarrels, and they overlook what’s worthy, but fasten on that which is mean and cruel; some bad spirits. Some maddened or bleeding souls, furthermore, regard in essence one’s state as the “Branch of Jesse” – if not the top Branch, they conclude, one is unworthy (Isaiah 11:1).

In Us!

Well, His countrymen smashed up and utterly broke up His service and they even tried to kill Him! That’s what His listeners and friends did! Oh, but we say, “I expected that when I accepted the Truth and was saved and sanctified, my father, mother, and brothers and sisters would be made righteous, but instead how often they seemed wrong and negative!”

Now, if the mother of our Lord, Mary, His own mother, misunderstood Him, and His brothers did not believe in Him, the same things will happen to His life. . . in us! Mary was not Queen Mary, or Lady Mary, or even mistress Mary, but a plain, simple, young girl, uncluttered with grandeur or prideful pursuits; but yet skeptical. Therefore, we must not think it strange or be surprised concerning the misunderstandings and murmurings of others (1 Peter 4:12).

The life of the Son of God. . . in us is brought into the same kind of circumstances that the historic life of Jesus Christ was brought into, and what was true of Him will be true also of His life. . . in us.

Ten Steps to Confront Difficulties

How do we, then, confront difficulties when we are utterly surrounded by them and they are a part of our life? Well, Nehemiah met difficulties and overcame them (–Prophets and Kings, pp. 635–645). Daniel learned to master difficulties (–S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 4, p. 1168). Zerubbabel, prince of Judah, met difficulties (–S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 4, p. 1169). Paul pressed forward in the face of difficulties (–The Acts of the Apostles, p. 484).

1)  Difficulties, however, are not easy to surmount. Small difficulties appear mountains high to dyspeptics (–Selected Messages, bk. 2, p.234). Difficulties are under Satan’s magnifying glass with his suggestions (–Selected Messages, book 2, pp. 52–53). Moreover, Satan will multiply them (–Counsels on Health, p. 547). No one is exempt from difficulties!

2)    It’s not easy to say God is love, when everything that happens actually seems otherwise; giving a false impression, or appearing deceptive; one lie after another; just small misunderstandings; devious concepts and acts. We learn to cope.

3)   Everyone’s soul represents a battlefield! The point, then, for each one of us is whether we will. . . hang in. . . endure; persevere as Job, who dealt with suffering, and say. . . stand fast! “Though things look black, I will trust in God.” Ah! It’s very easy to trust in God when there is no difficulty. But when there is sickness in the house, when there is trouble, when there is fear, when there is death, where is our trust in God?

4)    God has to deal with us; to rebuke, reprimand, nudge us on the black side as well as on the white side of life. It’s all very well and nice to know in theory that there are things in this life we must shy away from and not trust in, but another thing to know it and confront it in fact. . . daily.

When God deals with us on the black side (dark side), He condemns, and forbids everything we should not trust in, and which would grieve Him, and, so, we have a miserable time until we learn never, never, anymore to trust in it, never, never anymore to look anywhere else than to Jesus. Isn’t it true that it sometimes happens that hardly a day passes by without Jesus saying, “Don’t trust there, that is black”? In life when things look black (dark), there are some who God trains by bringing to them disappointment and apparent failure. It is His purpose that they will learn to master difficulty. (–S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 4, p. 1160). God’s appointed conditions of success, furthermore, are difficulties! (–Evangelism, p. 445)

5)    Be calm and undisturbed in all difficulties; be patient and forebearing (–Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 130). He knows all our difficulties, yet it takes courage to overcome, so do not as God’s servant be easily discouraged, having always a firm purpose (–Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 434); and remembering always, not to let difficulties separate you from God.

In addition, if we are wounded and bruised, if we meet with difficulties that are hard to manage, let us remember how much Christ suffered for us (–S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 5, p. 1125). Moreover, bring Heaven’s blessings into our hearts (–The Review and Herald, March 9, 1905).

6)    Sit in Heavenly Places in Christ. (–The Review and Herald, March 9, 1905). Actually suffering brings us into God’s audience chamber (–Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 172); and it is here that we can also bring our difficulties to God (–Gospel Workers,1915 ed., p. 418). Where are the heavenly places? Whenever you open the Bible, give or attend a Bible Study class, visit the poor, needy, sick, widowed, and orphaned, are in communion (meditate-prayer) with God, hear the Word of God, attend a meeting or conference, distribute books or pamphlets, do gospel work, evangelizing in out-of-the-way places – in all one has the presence of Jesus! Remember, difficulties should make us feel the need of prayer and His presence.

7)    God has means for removal of every difficulty (–The Ministry of Healing, p. 481), and has made provision for every difficulty (–Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 251). In our lives we have the privilege of prayer in times of difficulty (–Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, p. 273). Believe this and let others know you believe this! God opens the way for God’s people in such times (–Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, p. 271). Such times as the present should make us feel the need of prayer. Tell God in private prayer your difficulties (–Testimony Treasures, vol. 1, p. 274).

Stand in God’s strength, and not your own; in fact and the working of His providence and hand, not your own.  In fact, difficulties can be removed in five minutes if pride and selfishness were laid aside (–Early Writings, p. 119). He has promised strength and courage for meeting every difficulty (–Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 147). It requires more than weaklings to press on through difficulties (–Ministry of Healing, p. 497).

8)    Let us not forget our faithful women!  Women can, by their womanly tact and a wise use of their knowledge of the Bible, remove difficulties that men cannot (–Evangelism, p. 491). They are in position, too, to teach children how to cope with difficulties.

9)   Success comes as we continually struggle against difficulties; grapple with it, wrestle with it (–Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 361); it will also strengthen us in formation of correct characters (–Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 494). Do not give up because of difficulties, but try, and try again (–Sons and Daughters of God, p. 254). Winston Churchill, at the height of the WWII Nazi bombings of London addressed his people; “Never give up!”

10)    Conquer difficulties, or they will conquer you (–Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 497). Go forward in the face of difficulties (–Evangelism, p. 64). The greater the difficulties are, the greater the victory (–Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, p. 307).

Mountains of difficulties will be removed in your life and cast into the deep blue sea when God’s providence is working in you (–Prophets and Kings, p. 223).

LOOK UP, NOT DOWNCAST, WHEN WE FACE OUR DIFFICULTIES! When we are crushed with difficulties we can find sweet comfort by simply resting in the Lord. He will sustain us in His great love and guide us to the paths of peace.

BEIJING – STATE media reported a recent story from east China about a toddler in critical condition after surviving a 10-story fall by being caught in the arms of a passing woman.  The two-year old girl, Niu Niu, was left unattended on Saturday in the family’s 10th floor apartment outside Hangzhou city when her grandmother went to run an errand. Reports say a passerby, Ms. Wu Juping, saw the toddler hanging from the window and then ran over when she saw Niu Niu fall. Sunday’s reports say 31-year old Ms. Wu broke her arm catching the child, who is hospitalized with internal bleeding and other injuries. –AP The Straits Times Asia July 3, 2011.

The woman caught the child in her arms as it plummeted down and both crashed to the pavement! The toddler survived! Unprecedented! Incredible! Miraculous!

What would you have done? Such an object traveling from such a height and speed is like a deadly missile! We are such objects – deadly! But Jesus is willing to catch us when we fall and cradle us in His arms. . . at any time. . . or speed!

When unforeseen difficulties seem insurmountable, fall into the arms of Jesus. He is waiting!


A hearty Amen!

John Theodorou
