Security Measures!
“In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God; He heard my voice out of His temple, and my cry came before Him, even into His ears.”
There is much to be said and done about security today. Security is being imperiled and “ruffled” world-wide. But first, what do we mean by security? Well, it simply means… freedom! Freedom from what? Many things. Freedom from care. Have you ever heard the expression, “not a care in the world”? (Jer. 49:31)
It also means freedom from anxiety, doubt, financial cares or from needs or wants. Furthermore, it means freedom from crime, attack, sabotage, and espionage.
There are many more things, but for our interests these “things” can be carelessness in eternal things, and interests, as many accept worldly customs, and precepts, selfishness, pride, ambitions.
Many profess to be waiting for Christ, but not in their hearts. One example can be gleaned from Luke 12:45, in the parable containing warnings pertinent to Christ’s second coming, in which the servants were tested, “But and if that servant say in his heart, My Lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken.” Many fearing that their brethren stand higher than themselves, begin to mock, belittle, challenge, and attack their fellow brethren and their efforts.” (5T 102).So, it begins, that there are many, in their hearts, thereby that begin to backslide, and this begins with neglect of prayer, and watchfulness. Insecurity and doubt is the natural consequence.
But, let us return to the state of the world and its people. “The entire world is being rocked to sleep in carnal security. It’s closing in about them like a wall, as bands of iron.” (4T 228, DA 635)
We mentioned the “things” and some factors that arise in this lulling sleep of fancied, but imperfect security. Furthermore, the drowsy, yet hostile “world is being lulled into a state of fatal security.” (GC 562). Satan is lulling the world into this feeling of security, but there is no security as fearful souls frantically search for it.
“Israel was led into sin while in a condition of outward security.” (PP 459) People, today, are seeking an escape, a secure “hideout”. The youth are looking for a secure place among their peers and friends, to be firmly established, accepted, needed by them in their reputation or relationship. Others, in their struggles and race of life, as the Apostle Paul, are looking for a secure victory, a “crown”. Christians and believers want to be secure in their beliefs… the church… the truth… the leaders.
But, insecurity for many, or most still prevails. It’s endemic. It’s everywhere! We find those, today, who are taking astounding steps to make buildings secure against earthquakes and wind storms; others building walls of sandbags to secure a town from raging floods; others, yet building high-reaching walls topped with barbed wire, razor wire, and charged electrical wires; higher, and crueler.
Unfathomable security measures are being taken at airport terminals, railways, shipyards, government buildings, financial districts, and even schools, churches and hospitals.
I remember, as a child, having a security blanket to provide reassurance and a feeling of psychological security before I slept, or even in my travels. Each of my three children had to have a familiar item; a little doll or teddy bear, before their bedtime story, in order to go off into an undisturbed sleep. We all need some form of security. It’s a characteristic trait and need. Have you, for example, ever known someone or something that gives you a sense of protection or a feeling of security? I’m sure, if you think about it, you have experienced this. It can be comforting; a comparative or symbolic security.
But, let’s go a step further in seeing what the true atmosphere of the world is, today. Not a day passes that we do not hear mention of security in the news media; Security Council of the United Nations, Home Security, security guard, security risk, securities analyst, security thread (found in EURO paper currency), police security, lax security, or a nation, company, school that has instituted stricter security measures? We can go on and on.
The European Union, in addition, has proposed that a new special security force of guards to freely question, search, arrest or confiscate goods or arms secure all its borders. The USA National Guard is now securing its Canadian and Mexican borders.
Airport security measures are unfathomable in there sophistication and, of course, time consuming, and frustrating. “Security”, as such, is in the air. We can breathe it and see it, as many walk the streets, before retiring, and on arising! Many experience this daily.
But, in heaven, borders and security will not be a problem. There’ll be no language problems, or invasion of privacy in any form, either. If we have the love of Jesus in our hearts, we can overcome any anxiety, barrier, obstacle, or security problems that may plague us. The human heart that abides in Jesus has no boundaries or limits. “What language cannot convey, the heart can.” (Botcheff)
The Apostle Paul tells us in Heb. 10:37, “For in just a very little while, He who is coming will come and will not delay.” It’s a time now of anxious, happy waiting. It’s almost like waiting for the arrival of a loved one at the airport, bus or rail station. We’re brothers and sisters, a people looking forward and not backward… and fearlessly. It’s a new trend, too: the Upward Look! Where are you looking? Whom are you waiting for?
To whom are you looking? To what are you looking? How are you looking? Through agonized, clinging, anxious, heart-reaching, compassionate, chilly, inward, defiant, or heavenly eyes? What do you see?
Everyone is welcome to walk with Jesus, to heaven. Now! Everyone comes, and all are invited, not only to Him but to “stay” with Him. Many come and go but few stay. “They are like swinging doors.” (EGW) Likewise, “many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matt. 22:14) What’s your “direction”? Forward? Most importantly, what’s your attitude… negative, or positive?
Not only LOOK forward, but GO forward? Press onward, all the way to the Gates. We know we are safe, then. “If we feel our dangers and know we are in danger all about us, we shall feel, naturally, the need of watchfulness and prayer as did the prophet Nehemiah, and like him we shall obtain that sure defense that will give us security in any peril. If we are careless, and indifferent we will become overwhelmed by Satan’s devices.” (3T 572)
In the Bible there are many interesting stories and parables, which were written as examples and warnings for us; (1 Cor. 10:11) as object lessons for us and our salvation. All are important, not just the parts, but all have a profound purpose for us.
One interesting story and a lesson in security for us is found in 2 Sam 16:5-16, in which Absalom, by plotting and rebellion claimed the throne of David. Many of his own soldiers whom he loved and trusted, left him. Only a few loyal ones stayed. His life was in danger. Leaving his palace and Jerusalem, now a fugitive, he traveled the sad trek over the brook, Kidron, toward the wilderness. Many of his people followed him, as if in a funeral procession. It was an unhappy hour for King David.
As King David approached Baharim, behold, there suddenly appeared a man out of the family of Saul, whose name was Shimei, a Benjamite. Strangely, he honored David on the throne, but in the affliction of the King, he revealed his true character, cursing him in his humiliation, attacking him with abusive language, ugly words, and hurling stones at him. Shimei was a man of evil temper and in his attacks was revealing his own evil traits His accusations were thrown at God actually. The Lord rejected Saul, not David.” (2BC 672)
David’s men wanted to kill Shimei outright, but David acted with wisdom and restrained his men in this very trying time, showing his faith in his response, “God would reward such suffering with good.” (2 Sam 16:11) David needed divine support at this time, instead of peace with Saul’s house.
With the subsequent turn of events, which brought deliverance to David and his faithful followers, “Shimei found it necessary to reverse his former vile behaviour, and in great humility and penance, pleaded for mercy.”(2 Sam 19:16-23) David again restrained his men from killing Shimei and seeking revenge. David assured the trembling Benjamite, Shimei, that he would not be put to death. This is truly the spirit of Jesus Christ in David.
The Holy Spirit prevents one from killing. If we were in David’s place, what would we have done? How would you have reacted? Would you have done otherwise? God’s Spirit showed David what to do.
Shimei’s fate was determined by his own response to Solomon’s restrictions. “Before his death David instructed his son, Solomon, to see to it that Shimei receive the punishment due him. Solomon brought Shimei to Jerusalem and warned him, that he would be put to death if he left the city, a fair, merciful warning. But, there was little security, as well, outside of a walled town in ancient times. Things went very well for Shimei assuming a normal life again for three years. But, when his two slaves escaped or ran away, Shimei left the city to retrieve them. When Shimei returned, Solomon carried out his threatened penalty as promised. Shimei, therefore, was slain.” (1 Kings 2:42-46).
We’re also sinners like Shimei. It’s important to listen. It’s important if something happens to us. Come to Jesus Christ, and heed His warnings.
So, here is a valuable lesson for us, a stirring example. Shimei’s accusations against David were utterly false, baseless, malignant slander. He was morally low, worthless, base, cowardly, and selfish, and looked upon others as of the same character as himself, and inspired by Satan he threw his hatred upon David, whom God had chastened.” The spirit that leads man to triumph over, to revile, use abusive language, attack abusively, or distress one who is in affliction or weak, is the spirit of Satan.” PP 736)
In Old Testament times there were six cities that symbolized security. If one sinned he would flee to one of these cities. If the sinner left, as Shimei, he would die, killed by the waiting enemy. Man’s security, therefore, today against falling into sin, and against any rash and ambitious movements, is to keep the heart in harmony with Jesus Christ.
‘Trust in the Lord and not human wisdom, which is useless to lean on.” (8T 106)(Jam. 1:5,6)
Because of two slaves, Shimei lost his life. Slaves were considered at that time as animals. Strange that he gave his life for only two slaves. He broke his agreement and therefore, died, was killed. Here’s another crowning lesson for us. There’s many things we cannot leave behind, that is, things we dearly cherish, we just cannot abandon… it keeps us as common slaves; self-fulfillment, ambition, selfishness. (2Tim 3)
Sin is like a prison, we can say. It keeps us from a secure eternal life. If only one sin remains, it keeps us in prison. We leave the security of Jesus Christ. We are on our own. No protection! Can you chance that risk? We must be wise; to leave the prison of slavery.
Keep going forward, grow, mature. Don’t be held back or held down by these sins, these faults, these weaknesses, these habits, these traditions, these defective character traits, these prejudices, these doubts.
Do not do what Shimei did in our lives. Shimei left his security. Many leave the security of Jesus Christ, the church, the truth, the fellowship, the wise counseling. “Christ’s righteousness is man’s only security.” (4BC 1166) “All of the great blessings you receive or privileges should not lull you into a feeling of security, complacency, or carelessness. All of the advantages you have and God has given you are to give you a passion, an ardor, that perceptibly warm feeling into the spirit, zeal into effort, and vigor into carrying out of His Holy will.” (PP 360)
Through this story, we can come closer to Jesus Christ, and humbly rely on Him in faith. Never, never, leave the security of Jesus Christ, or turn away from Jesus in any way. “God desires us to choose the security of heaven in place of the earthly. He can give encouragement to our highest aims, goals, real security to our choicest treasure. What does this mean? It means just this. He declares, “I will make a man more precious than fine gold.” (Isa. 13:12) Think about it!
“How do we have a sense of true security? Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, and trust in His power.” (MYP 107) “Christ’s followers can rejoice in their heavenly treasure, an imperishable treasure in the security of heaven.” (Col 374)
I close now with Heb 10:39; “But we are not those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.”
“Right thinking is the soul’s only security.” (MH 491) How is yours?
These are the stable, effective SECURITY MEASURES for our amazing lives!
John Theodorou, USA