The End is near!

For 6000 years sin has prevailed in the world. For 6000 years people have suffered the results of sin. But now finally it is coming to its end. The Lord has been very patient with His people. Long has He waited for us to get ready. But now all the signs indicate that He will not delay His coming much longer.

Actually for many Christians He will come too soon. They have not prepared themselves yet, and will be lost eternally. Sister White writes, “The end will come more quickly than men expect.” G.C. p. 631

She asked a question once of a brother in the church, “if you knew that the Lord would come in a few years, would you do differently than what you do now?” He replied with all the things that he would do if the Lord’s coming were so near. Then Sister White asked again, “would you live differently if you knew that the Lord’s coming is not yet for 20 years?” The brother answered, “I think I would.” (Last Day Events p. 41 – 42)

What would be our answer to this question?
This may well be the reason why the Lord has not revealed to us the time of His coming. Many would delay their preparation to the very last. Enoch walked with God for 300 years. Others want to walk with Him so short a time as possible.

We hear of a terrible storm that is before us. We hear of the Sunday Law and persecution and of Jacob’s trouble. Many are terrified at the thought of these future events. Yet these events will not change our destiny. Today is the time when we should be terrified because today we decide our eternal destiny. Today we prepare ourselves for the end or be lost. The judgment in heaven takes place when we least expect it. Jesus said, “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” Matt. 24:44

When life seems yet normal and peaceful “one be taken, and the other left.”
After the judgment that begins at the house of God, the church will be mightily shaken. All who did not receive the seal of God will be shaken out. The parable of Jesus and of the 10 virgins will be fulfilled. The foolish virgins will leave the company of the wise virgins. After this comes the more forceful Sunday Law, the persecution and the time of trouble.

“When probation ends it will come suddenly, unexpectedly – at a time when we are least expecting it. But we can have a clean record in heaven today, and know that God accepts us.” 7BCp. 989

The most important message to us as the church of God is to get ready now; soon it will be forever too late.
Sister White writes, “I saw that none could share the refreshing, unless they obtain the victory over every besetment, over pride, selfishness, love of the world, and over every wrong word and action.” EW p. 71

The Spirit of Prophesy gives us clear guidelines for our daily life. The areas which we must watch especially are pointed out. “Pray without ceasing.” “No man is safe for a day or an hour without prayer.” GC p 530

“It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point and let the imagination grasp each scene, especially the closing ones.” DA p. 83

“No renewed heart can be kept in a condition of sweetness without the daily application of the salt of the Word. Divine grace must be received daily, or no man will stay converted.” OHCp. 215

“Only those who have been diligent students of the Scriptures and who have received the love of the truth will be shielded from the powerful delusion that takes the world captive.” GC p. 625

“Study the Word of God. Commit its precious promises to memory so that, when we shall be deprived of our Bibles, we may still be in possession of the Word of God.” 10 MR p. 298

“We greatly need to encourage and cultivate pure, chaste thoughts, and to strengthen the moral powers rather than the lower and carnal powers. God help us to awaken from our self-indulgent appetites!” M.M. p 278

“Crowd all the good works you possibly can into this life.” 5 T p. 488

“We should watch and work and pray as though this were the last day that would be granted to us.” 5T p. 200

“The tithe is sacred, reserved by God for Himself. It is to be brought into His treasury to be used to sustain the gospel labourers in their work… Read carefully the third chapter of Malachi and see what God says about the tithe.” 9T p. 249
“Many who are now only half converted on the question of meat eating will go from God’s people, to walk no more with them.” R.H. May 27, 1902

“They should set aside days for fasting and prayer. Entire abstinence from food may not be required, but they should eat sparingly of the most simple food.” C.D. p. 188, 189

“Evening and morning join with your children in God’s worship, reading His Word and singing His praise. Teach them to repeat God’s law.” EV. P. 499

“Among the most dangerous resorts for pleasure is the theater (television). Instead of being a school of morality and virtue, as is so often claimed, it is the very hotbed of immorality. Vicious habits and sinful propensities are strengthened and confirmed by these entertainments. Low songs, lewd gestures, expressions, and attitudes, deprave the imagination and debase the morals. Every youth who habitually attend such exhibitions will be corrupted in principle.” 4T p. 652

If we follow these guidelines we will be ready for the Lord to come. To ignore them or to delay obedience will grieve the Holy Spirit and once the Holy Spirit leaves us, our salvation will be lost forever. Sister White wrote, “Oh, how many I saw in the time of trouble without shelter! They had neglected the needful preparation; therefore they could not receive the refreshing that all must have to fit them to live in the sight of a holy God.” EWp. 71

The end is near! Let us all,, brothers and sisters in this Reform Movement prepare ourselves now. Soon it will be forever too late.

By: Timo Martin