Heaven cannot wait

John 14:1-3; 3:16; Ephesians 2:4-7

Of the hundreds of occurrences of the word “heaven” in the Bible, practically all are translations of just two words – the Hebrew word “shamayin” and the Greek word “ouranos”. The Hebrew word means literally, “the heights” and the Greek word has a similar meaning, “that which is raised up.” However, the scriptures don’t speak very much about heaven. Maybe it’s because you can’t put the sea in a teaspoon. Greece is surrounded by vast seas. You cannot describe something that’s indescribable. You cannot describe heavenly truths with merely an earthly mind. Mortal cannot describe heaven. (8T131)

Heaven is our home. It’s the Christian’s home. It’s the home to which God’s children are going. (8T 175) But even on earth heaven can be our home. “Home sweethome.” It can be the dearest most joyous place. Only heaven is God’s home. It’s the Father’s house. God dwells in the highest heaven. (PK67) It’s our real home; a home we’ll never move again. Think of the number of times man moves in the course of a lifetime. In the USA it averages seven times!

Heaven is a home where love is spread in divine glory, and in heaven it’s God’s love that does this. It’s a love that is enduring. It’s the cohesive of the universe. It’s the great binding agent that draws man together. Is it conceivable that God just loved us a little? His heart just might have looked at our needs? That He might have had just sympathetic interest in the sons of the earth? BUT, NO! “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16 God gave heaven’s dearest possession to save these men and bring them to His home. Never can we doubt about the reality of God’s love. Jesus Christ’s coming answered that. Jesus Christ came and demonstrated before a sinful world, the infinite love of God.

Yes, and from that day to this, all who have opened their hearts to this love have come to know its transforming power. But, the fall culmination of God’s love awaits that day when all of God’s children shall be gathered home. The house of God, (the church), on earth is the gate of heaven. (5T 491) But, there are people who think they can go to heaven as an independent company and alone. (IT 229) A frightening though Not until we’re all gathered in the Father’s house will we understand fully how great is that affection of God’s love for us. We have come to know something of the love of God here telow in many ways. We have felt its transforming power as the burden of our sins rolled away. We have come to know the warmth of God’s love as He has provided for us and protected us along life’s way… a j ourney of faith.

But, all of these are nothing, wonderful, as they may now seem, compared to the sea of God’s love that will come upon us when we reach home, our heavenly home. Heaven really starts here on earth. (SD 112) How?

When? When we enter in rest through Jesus Christ our Saviour. (DA 331); when we accept that invitation of Jesus Christ, saying, “come learn of Me,” we begin the eternal life. Yet, sadly, this world is all heaven that some people will have. (2T 100) Jesus’ presence is heaven. When you have the presence of Jesus Christ, nothing of this world can make you sad. His presence is Joy. You will have a certain peace, a calmness, until it becomes natural in your life. The more you taste of it, the more you reflect the heavenly peace. As time goes on you will increase, and prosper in all things. (Ps. 31:8, 15:14, Josh 1:8)

When you walk with Jesus Christ in this life, we’re filled with His love. We no longer walk in the shadows of darkness and fear, but in the light. We become satisfied, comfortable with His presence.. .safe and secure.

If you want to be a saint in heaven, you must first be a saint on earth (ML 277) Rev. 14:12 There’s not many ways to heaven. (DA 663) Heaven is attained by all who comply with certain conditions. (4T 625): One needs to leave sin.. .to overcome sin. One needs to leave secret sin…to overcome it. Sin crucified Jesus Christ. One needs to be obedient to God’s law. God’s gifts are promised on this condition of obedience. (COL 145)

Finally, men can reach Heaven only through faith. (4T 27).. .linking your soul with Christ. (6T 148) In one journey I made to the magnificent island of Patmos, where the Apostle John, the seer of Patmos, wrote the book of Revelation. I met up with a tourist wearing a T-shirt, “proclaiming’, “Heaven can wait – I Love Patmos.”


By: Br. John Theodorou
Athens, Greece