Youth Conference Australia
In Port Macquarie, N.S.W, on July 6-10, up to 20 youth and the young at heart came together to hear our theme, “Youth and the Latter Rain.” The youth themselves got involved by presenting the Youth Week of Prayer readings about Friendships.
We got started early Friday morning with Br. John Altwein answering the question: “What is the latter rain, and who will receive it?” He presented some testimonies and Bible verses explaining the fullness of the Holy Spirit poured out upon God’s people. Br. John shared some personal experiences about being a child during Hitler’s time in Germany and that it was hard, but the time of the end will be more difficult. Gideon started out with 32,000 men, but that was too many for God to work for them, so the halfhearted or un-consecrated ones were weeded out by the Lord.
Next, Sr. Jenny Nalder asked, “What do we have to do to prepare for the Latter rain?” She compared the Olympic games athletes’ preparation with that which the Christian must go through. Is this easy? No, they do it to obtain a corruptible crown and God’s people, an incorruptible. She appealed to the youth with timely quotes from the pen of inspiration and personal experiences to show that we must prepare today. Does Christ do it all for us? No, we must cooperate with divine agencies, through hard, stern battles with self. If our youth would be willing to be trained by the Holy Spirit, they could turn Australia upside down.
At 11:00 A.M. we had a panel discussion led by Br. Eaton on issues such as courtship and dating, creation versus evolution, and worldly success as compared to godly success. The correct Christian way was compared with what is acceptable in society today. A few cases were cited when Brothers or Sisters were searching first for the kingdom of God and the Lord provided a spouse from completely unexpected sources. Also, worldly success was contrasted with knowing the peace that passes human understanding.
After lunch we had a nature walk along the beach, only a five-minute drive away. Everyone enjoyed the bracing salt air and found shell treasures. The rest of the afternoon was occupied in preparing for the holy Sabbath.
Br. John Altwein opened the Sabbath with the texts from Luke 23, “And that day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on…And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment.” Joseph of Arimathea wanted to do something special for Jesus but it was too late for doing anything for the living Jesus. He could only help Him in death.
The youth must remember this is a holy day from the first moment to the last. Br. John shared an experience from his own life when he was 12 or 13 and the harvest time came and everyone was expected to help out in the harvest. But when the Sabbath came, he would not work. The Sabbath is the Lord’s day – not ours. If we use it for our own pleasure, we are stealing and there will be no thieves in heaven. Our goal is to be in heaven and if we guard the Sabbath’s edges zealously then the Lord will bless us.
Sabbath morning, Br. Eaton led out in the second service with help from three young brothers, Markus Dammasch, Johan Nalder and Richard Eaton. Br. Jerry spoke about the “Power of a positive no.” Sometimes Jesus tells us no, but He tells us positively the things that are for our own good. And if we accept His discipline, then we will be like letters from God to the world. 2 Cor. 3:2. The first prerequisite to enter heaven is to deny ourselves, to tell ourselves “no”, pick up our crosses and follow Him.
Br. Markus then spoke on how we should be rich in good works, if our everyday life is like Jesus wants it be. Are we willing to be the example that Jesus wants us to be? We must know the doctrine, but we must also know Christ. 1 Tim. 6:18,19.
Br. Johan Nalder then challenged the congregation to consider how we must be in the world, but not of the world. 1 Jn. 2:15. We are not to associate with worldly people, unless it is to lead them to Christ. We must avoid sinners, people who choose not to follow the Lord. We cannot take them into our confidence, but rather make friends of God’s children. Yet, we are to have a balance. We are to be in the world but not of the world.
Br. Richard Eaton asked us, “What does it mean to be alive?” Luke 15:24. The case of the prodigal son was cited because he was dead spiritually before he came back to his father’s house. We must be dead to sin, but alive to righteousness. 1 Cor. 15:22. God is the source of all life, spiritual, mental and physical. Romans 1:18
For Sabbath close, Sr. Diane Lee appealed to us to consider how we don’t seem too excited about Jesus’ coming. It doesn’t seem to be too much a priority in our lives. We need to pray and fast often, or we will be too excited about the things of this world. We seem to be living in a world of our own; we need to be concerned for others, pray for them and give ourselves to Jesus to be His instrument to reach others. In the early rain’s comparison to the latter rain, we see that the latter rain will be much more abundant for it prepares for the harvest. But before we can receive the latter rain, we must receive the early rain. To receive the early rain, we must put away all strife for the supremacy, and strive to come into unity of thought, feeling and action.
Early Sunday morning, Sr. Nada Stefanovic compared the Latter Rain with the Loud Cry. The Loud Cry repeats the second angel’s message and shows the additional corruptions that have been entering the churches since 1844. After the disappointment in 1844 only a small group went on to proclaim the 3rd angel’s message, also not many were ready for the Loud Cry. We must preach all of the three angel’s messages with a loud cry today. We must receive the Holy Spirit to be ready to go to heaven.
Sister Wendy Eaton followed by presenting how the Elijah message corresponds to the Latter Rain. In Malachi 4:5,6 we are told that Elijah the prophet will come before “the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.” This prophecy was first fulfilled by John the Baptist who was the forerunner of Christ at His first coming. He came in the spirit and power of Elijah. The prophecy will be completely fulfilled by those who are to bring the message before Christ’s second coming. The lives of John the Baptist and Elijah were discussed in order to see what kind of lives we must live if we are to bring the message of the Latter Rain in the Spirit and Power of Elijah. It will not be a popular message but we must have the boldness and courage of John the Baptist and Elijah who had no fear in bringing the Lord’s message even to the kings of the earth.
After an afternoon of recreation, we concluded our youth conference.