Dear Brothers and Sisters I would like to let you know a little bit about our event which took place in London – June 14th, 2014.
First of all we thank all of you who participated and answered to this call. I know from my personal experience when God calls us we should answer because then we give an opportunity to the Holy Spirit to use us for God’s glory and our personal spiritual growth.
The theme of this Youth-Retreat was about music. Bible tests were taken from Psalm 33:1 & Psalm 40:3. How music benefits us? How to use music for God’s glory in our worship towards God. And the wrong use of music. We live in a Christian world so confused regarding music and that’s why I prayed and asked God to help us in this matter and give us enough light from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy regarding how to worship God in the most beautiful way possible.
The retreat took place in the open nature – it was a beautiful shining day and there together we have learnt something regarding this gift – which is music. The program was led by Sister Brenda in which she mentioned that music is a precious gift from God and that if this is right used brings glory to God. Harmony – Melody – Rhythm were the mean points discussed.
So, we want to thank Brother Danny and Brother Adrian who talked about the benefits of music and how different types of music affect us. The idea of Gospel rock so popular to many Christians was that we cannot carry the Gospel into a worldly vehicle. If we want to carry the gospel to the world let us carry it in a godly manner singing godly songs to the glory of God.
Brother Jose Avila with his family praised the Lord with a beautiful song, so we want to thank them and may God help this wonderful family to praise His name always.
We conclude with a personal experience by Sister Alina. She shared with us her personal testimony and how God helped her to come to the true knowledge of His word and was baptized.
In few words I want to thank the Field for the support and prayers offered.
God bless you.
In Christ
Brother Nicholas Anca