Dear Sister,

Greeting to you all!
Thank you for your email and the pictures. for me, I could not see my pictures because my computer is destroyed and I could not buy the new one yet but I hope the Lord will provide me one again.

The work here in Myanmar is growing step by steps but we have to be patience. We are planing to have a Group Bible study on every Sunday from next week. Some people are willing to jin the church but I let not them to join the church without hearing any teaching of our principle of faith.

On the other hand there are many sickness in Myanmar by this time. Even my family was getting sick one after one. Now my daughter Grace is suffering for dengue fever but I hope she will recover soon. I will be leaving to Matupi to have Bible study and to conduct water baptism on Monday. I believe there  will be more interesting news coming up soon. Please pray for this long journey. I have to get on bus 28 hours and there is no proper Guest Inn. I have to sleep in the tent some time. I have to cross large river by boat.

Any way I am happy that the Lord let me to visit our brethren who are hungrily for the Lord. I am sure this trip must be a fruitful and blessed trip.

May the peace and the Joy of the Lord be with you all!

Your brother,
 Suan, IMS Myanmar
Editors Note: Let us pray for our brethren in countries where the financial situation is difficult, and if possible, as the Lord provides, let us seek to assist them with the blessings the Lord has given to us.