Isaiah 6:8

American Union Conference, August 24-27, 2011

At the beautiful setting of the Cohutta Springs Camp Ground in Crandall, Georgia, the American Union conference convened on the evening of August 24.  Surrounded by the scenes of nature this setting provided a peaceful respite for God’s people to come and rest from the weary duties of life. It was a time to fellowship; a time to rest; a time to renew spiritual energy to return to each prospective home to continue the work of God afresh.

The theme of the conference focused on Isaiah’s answer to God’s call for assistance.  God is making the same call today and looking for willing volunteers.  Missionary work – the spreading of the good news that Jesus is coming soon – was presented in workshops and sermons. There are a variety of means and methods to work for the Lord, and each person is called to do his part, whether large or small. Missionary work can be from your own home, or from your neighbourhood.

To begin the conference, Brother Dering encouraged everyone to “Arise, shine; for thy light is come.” Isaiah 60:1. In this time of earth’s history there is much darkness and the last message of mercy that is to be given to the world is a revelation of the character of God, His love.  In order to grow spiritually, we need a perfect understanding of the truth, a solid prayer life and we need to share the faith.  Everyone has been given at least one gift that can be used as a witnessing tool. If we truly have the love of God in our hearts it will be seen as light in the midst of darkness. Witnessing will be an exciting endeavour. Religion will be pro-active.

On Thursday morning a question and answer period was conducted for the members to ask questions from a select ministerial panel.  Interesting and well-thought-out questions were asked, which the ministers gave insightful answers to.

Following this panel, a series of eight workshops were conducted over the next two days. These workshops focused on many important areas of missionary work, beginning with “A Matter of the Heart.” This is where it all begins  – in the heart, for out of the heart are the issues of life.  Jesus said, “Give me thy heart.” Two questions were asked, “What do you live for?” and ,“What would you die for?” If God truly has first place in your heart, your goal will be to build up God’s kingdom, not matter what the personal cost to yourself. Do you love the cause of God enough   to die also for Him? The most amazing thing you can do for this person you love is to lead souls to Christ. This is what He is asking you to live for.

In order for God’s church to grow and be successful in missionary work, harmony must exist in its’ ranks. Just like a musical piece, each note is different, but when they are played together, they make a beautiful sound. If all the notes played were identical, no harmony would be provided, but when each plays a different note, and it is pleasing to the ear, this is harmony. In the church we do not all do the same duty, but we do different duties but it is in harmony.

How can the gospel be advanced effectively? How can we get people’s attention? We need energy. We need to smile. We need to lift up our heads, walk confidently, believe that gospel of Jesus changes lives and it has changed ours.  We must not be timid and hide our light, but let is shine. Go forward confidently.

If we do not have many talents, we all have a testimony to share. Our personal testimony is the most effective witness of what the gospel can do.  Each person is unique and has made a unique experience with Christ. This experience we need to share.

Again in another workshop the idea was brought out that in order to be effective in witnessing, the first step is to get people’s attention. Various methods were presented that would make people stop and listen. The second step is to get their interest. You have something that is beautiful and you present it so wonderfully that he want it also.  This takes much prayer and a close connection with God.

The publishing work is a very important work. The literature is go out as “the leaves of autumn” and in order for it to succeed it also needs financial support. Various means were presented to the members as to how they can get out of debt so that the cause of God, placing your means (where it will be more useful) into the bank of heaven.

We are all called to be watchmen on the walls of Zion . A watchman needs to be awake in order to detect danger and to give the alarm.  If the watchman falls asleep or is blind how can this be done? The blind watchman needs “eyesalve” in order to be able to see clearly again.  There are many methods that Satan has invented to put watchmen to sleep, and it is important to recognize the enemy so as to not lose sight of the dangers surrounding God’s people. As watchman we must be awake to our duty.

Jesus is looking for missionaries today. When a person discovers the love of Jesus, he cannot remain silent. It bubbles over. People’s lives have been changed through Jesus. We may lead people to church, but we need to lead people to Jesus first and foremost. Being in the church is a natural consequence of following Jesus. Those who are not involved with leading people to Jesus become critical of the leaders of the church. If you see someone who is being critical, ask them if them if they are leading people to Jesus. Not sharing Jesus is not preparing for Jesus second coming. Jesus is coming soon.

Sabbath morning dawned bright and beautiful.  After a lively Sabbath school, Brother Suarez, presented the Divine Service.  After the fall of Adam and Eve into sin, sadness filled heaven. Al must stopped.  The Father and Son held a counsel together at which time, the Son willingly decided to go and pay the penalty for man’s sin. He was the first to stand up and say, “Here am I; Send Me.”  He would risk His life to enter enemy territory and suffer for mankind to break the  curse of sin and death. Here was one, equal with the Father, willing to become equal with man.  The book of Isaiah summarizes the whole Bible (66 books). He was a type of Christ. He was a descendant of David and he saw the glory of.  God in vision, which prompted him to say, “Here am I; Send me.”  The glory of God will soon be revealed in the entire world, and we, personally, need to be have the glory of God revealed through us. When this happens, we will feel the need to serve; to warm and comfort those that mourn. ; to heal the broken hearted. When the glory of God fills the soul, religion is no longer a cold ceremony, but it is filled with energy, spirit and life.

The afternoon was filled with beautiful music in praise to the Lord from people of all ages, and heart-touching testimonies of how lives have changed when individuals have come in contact with Jesus.

All too soon the Sabbath came to a close, which brought the ending of the conference. In the final meeting Brother Petkov gave encouragement for each individual to take up the burden of the work. He related the story of King Saul when faced with an enemy with soldiers as the “sands of the sea”, (1 Samuel 13).  Many of the soldiers of King Saul fled and hid in caves.  We also have an enemy with a large innumerable army. Are we hiding in caves also? We need to come out of the caves.  How do we come out of the caves? By meeting the enemy as did Jonathan – with boldness and courage.  He made himself known. Do we make ourselves known? The congregation was challenged to come out of the caves. If each member in the Union gave out 1 pamphlet a day, how many would be handed out in one year?  The publishing house could not keep up. We all need to come out of our caves and do something for Jesus every day.

The conference closed with an encouragement  for each member to be steadfast, unmoveable, in their walk with the Lord.  You can gain the victory through Christ.  Let the glory of God be revealed in you so that you may have the humility of Isaiah and be willing to say, “Here am I; Send me,” when the all is made by the Lord. AMEN

Wendy Eaton