Your Place in Time

“For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there relief and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place, but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed. And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

When we look back on world events and history, we often have a nostalgic view of what it must have been like to live in certain times in those days, but especially in Biblical times. Some, when looking back, talk of the “good ol’ days”. I often thought about this and arrived at an inescapable conclusion that though we cannot choose the period of history in which we live, we must decide “how” we will live during our place in “time”.

We all have a place in time. Be it troublesome, precious, exciting, stirring, perilous, solemn, woeful, or sacred, we have a place in time. We will learn more of this topic in a practical, useful manner for us today… a lesson, a message for living in your time.

This truth is shown by the courageous action of the young and beautiful Queen Esther, and a relative, her cousin Mordecai. Esther (the name means “star” in Greek), “was a young Jewess maiden who feared God and communed with Him.” (PK 601) As queen of Persia, she was used by God to deliver her people from certain massacre. The king, called Ahasuerus in the book of Esther, was Xerxes, who reigned from 486-465 B.C.

Esther was actually the queen of the powerful kingdom of Medo-Persia (now Iraq). The Medo-Persians were known as a rude and uncultivated race, who joined with Babylon to destroy the Assyrian kingdom about 612 B.C. King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I) was a mad-man, and a pagan king, who unsuccessfully tried to conquer Greece. His prime minister, Haman, was also cruel and a man filled with a fierce and consuming hatred for the captive Jews. He plotted to destroy all the Jews, a racial minority, in the Medo-Persian empire because, Mordecai, Esther’s cousin, would not bow to him. (Esth. 3:2). A death decree was subsequently issued.

Mordecai urged Esther to risk approaching the king and appeal to him on behalf of the Jews. Mordecai said to Esther, “who knows whether you have come to a royal position and to the kingdom for such a time as this”? (Esth 4:14). Mordecai asked a very interesting question, and a very important question that every believing Christian should consider and think about as we proceed.

Esther, in her time, was used by God to deliver her people from a bloody, treacherous massacre. Like Esther, each of us is a unique individual, too, in history and time. Our birth was no accident and neither is God’s call to be His representatives.

It is a privilege to belong to Christ and a high calling to stand boldly for Him during our “place in time.” So, what is your place in time? Sis. White (1T 16; 5T 321) was very impressed by the lesson and the experience of Esther. We can be encouraged by it also, by reading Esther. She said, furthermore, “there’s a work to do in this age, and parents should educate their children to share in it, and to participate in it…” meaning, get involved!

The words of Mordecai to Esther may apply to the men and youth of today: “Who knows whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this”? Young men should be gaining or building a solid character so that they can be fitted up or prepared to be useful in their time. Daniel and Joseph were youths of firm principles, whom God used to carry out His purpose. Look into their history. They both had many experiences that tested their courage and uprightness to the limit. Joseph, for example, was sold as a slave, unjustly accused, and cast into prison. But, he wasn’t discouraged, and trusting in God reached the throne of Egypt.

Daniel’s life, also, was no accident. It was providence. His talents from a child and his early training, were improved and cultivated. Study the Scriptures, I urge you, to be strong and wise as Joseph and Daniel. Yes, it is possible.
Sis. White was further encouraged with the words of Esther, “I will go in unto the king, even if it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.” (Esth 4:16) But, with these words, we can easily see that many today think the same way. How is that? Well, they are drifting, wavering between hope and fear. They want to be saved and have the love of God, but are lacking, in doubt, and are in bondage (slaves) by timidity, or shy, and lack confidence, much as Moses did at one time early in his life. But, above all, fear of failure!

They need to surrender without delay and find a gracious Saviour, ready to present His mercy, as the scepter king Ahasuerus (Xerxes I) offered to queen Esther of his favor.

“All that is necessary of a sinner, trembling in the presence of His Lord, is to put your hand of faith out and touch the scepter of Jesus’ grace. That touch ensured His pardon and peace.” (1T 16).

“All things work out for the good, we know, for those who love God.” (Rom 8:28). This is God’s great design for us. He orders our steps below here on earth for purposes that are divine. Every child of God has a special place in time you can now see.

When one claims to be a man; manhood, it’s determined by what? Prowess; bravery, fighting capacity, skills? Not exactly. But, by the use of powers that God has given him, the talents are for the good of others. What does God require? Well, that we love God supremely with His might, mind, strength, and our neighbour as well. So, “examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.” (2 Cor. 13:5) But, how, one asks? By denying yourself! This means doing good instead of pleasing self. It means, simply, selflessness. It means, further, patiently working for the good of others, even if our efforts don’t seem appreciated. “Is the word of God the rule in your life? As long as you look to Jesus you’re safe; but if in yourself only, you’re in grave danger.” (In Heav. Pl. 222-230).

The crises of the ages are right upon us. The signs are all there. It’s stealing gradually upon us. The temptations of the enemy are stronger. He knows his time is short. God speaks to us, “gather my saints together unto me.” (Ps 50:3-5) He’s gathering them now, from far parts of the world for that great spiritual battle.

Let your prayer be; let your earnest inquiry be, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” He has already told you! “Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature, go to all classes, cities, highways and byways.” (Mark 16:15). And, “know ye not that ye are not your own. You’re bought with a price.” (1 Cor. 6:19. 20).

“The voice of duty is the voice of God.” (Eccl. 9:10) Look upon every duty as sacred, because it’s God’s service. Say, “God, please help me to do my very best… give me energy, a clear mind, cheerfulness, strength, and then your life will be filled with brightness, and thanksgiving.” (In Heav. Pl. pg, 226)

“The season of distress and anguish is just before us and requires a faith that can really endure. Endure what? Weariness, delay, hunger… a faith that won’t fail when tested. The “time of trouble” will soon involve the whole world. God’s people can expect great tribulations. Who are the people of God that will suffer the most during the “time of trouble”? Well, those with little faith now! They never made it a habit to trust God. But, conforming, compromising, and complicity with the evil of the world. Jesus Christ is our pattern.” (GC 932). “He was holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners.” (Heb 7:26).

But, “He was in contact with them for their salvation, but the Pharisees judged Him as losing His Nazarite character.” (HC 7:39; 1Cor. 9:19-23; 10:27). “Now is the time to become perfect in Christ.” (GC 623)

“Everyone must stand for himself before God.” (Ezek 14:20). There will be no High Priest in Heaven. The probationary period will be closed. No more intercessory prayers. No pleading. No forgiveness. “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still; and he that is holy, let him be holy still.” (Rev 22:11). God’s people will flee from the cities and villages, from angry mobs.

“The Sabbath will be proclaimed more fully at the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, just before the last plagues fall. Some of God’s people will be in prison, some in forests and mountains. Some will be in the courts and martyred, in the news media and in public view. (Rev 6:9-11). All of this and more will begin in the U.S.A. with the passing of the Sunday Law.

What will be the reaction of many? And, a sign for the believers? We can read an unknown prophecy soon to be fullfilled in Isa. 59:19… “So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.”

The leaders, the saints, the children of God shall be like, “a city that is set on a hill and cannot be hid.” (Matt. 5:14) They will be at war. As church members, we’re in the Christian army, enlisted and serving. Armour; breast plates of righteousness, helmets of salvation, swords of truth. These will be their formidable weapons. There’s no possibility of mistaking them. But, the “salt of the earth,” in order to preserve from corruption and wickedness has to be placed in the middle of it and before it can do its work causes excessive irritation, which spells… persecution.

Light attracts bats, night moths, mosquitoes and burglars, as well as honest people. Jesus warned us, many will be deceived, betrayed, cheated (defrauded). Cities, too, attract the vilest, and are gathering places for the wicked, lazy, parasites, and ungrateful.

All these considerations and factors can make many believe we are not salt, or to make us put our light under a basket, or cover our city with fog. But, no, Jesus will not accept this practice or teaching, for there is always the faithful remnant… faithful disciples.

In no other book or portion of the Bible is God’s providential care of His people more clear than in the book of Esther. We are that same spiritual Israel of today. All of life is under God’s command. Nothing “just happens”! It was all part of God’s plan for the Jews in their time and place.

God’s people will be delivered again in the time of trouble, every one that shall be found written in the Book of Life. (Dan 12:1). “And they shall be mine, saith the Lord, in that day when I make up my jewels.” (Mal. 3:17) “Set a crown (mitre) upon their heads.” (Zech 3:4, 5)

This could be YOUR PLACE IN TIME!

John Theodorou, USA