How Do You Treat Your Friend?
“Henceforth I call you not servants…but I have called you friends…” John 15:15
The religion of Christ should not only prepare us for the future immortal life, but should also enable us to live the life Christ lived while He was here on earth. Jesus is not only our example, He is also our friend and guide.
Jesus is attractive. He is full of love, mercy, and compassion. He has chosen to be our friend, and to walk with us in all aspects of our lives. He says: “I am the Lord your God; walk beside me and I will fill your path with light.”
Jesus the Majesty of heaven has chosen to befriend those who turn to Him with their burdens, weaknesses and worries.
He shall make them His beloved children, and shall finally give them an inheritance, which is of more value than the empires of kings; a crown of glory even more valuable than any that has ever graced the head of the most exalted monarch on this earth. We have the privilege of daily walking beside Jesus, in peace and happiness.
We can have many friends, but they shall never be to us what Christ is.
Imagine that an old friend passes by your house unexpectedly at breakfast time. You offer to take the day off to be with him but he insists and tells you not change your schedule just because of him. So then you invite him to accompany you to work and he accepts.
How would he feel if you ignored him completely, would not speak to him, would not invite him to eat, and would refuse to present him to the rest of your friends? I am sure that we all agree that this is not the way to treat a friend.
Jesus told His disciples that they were His friends (John 15:15). And those of us who know Christ as our personal Saviour have the assurance that we are also His friends.
Nevertheless, can we truly say that we treat Him as our friend?
Evaluate your friendship with the Lord asking yourself these questions:
Do I speak to Jesus through prayer throughout the day?
Do I take time to read and meditate on His word?
Do I enjoy communion with Him?
Do I worry about what He might think of my actions?
Do I ignore Him or do I respect Him?
Do I present Him to others?
Do others know that I have a close relationship with Christ?
Let us make sure to treat Jesus every day as He deserves to be treated, as our Saviour, teacher, and friend.
Brethren and youth, and everyone who believes in the words of Christ, learn to recognize that friendship with Him requires faithfulness on our part.
José Alberto Mourato