He Leadeth Me…

We are traveling in the maze of the confusing, sin ridden world, trying to find our way to our destination. On every side there are dangers and snares and dead ends and the nearer we come to the end, the more confusing it becomes. Satan is doing his utmost to lead us in a wrong direction.

Looking at all the old conference pictures we see how many members and even ministers have left us and joined with the enemy. Somewhere in this confusion they lost their way and started to follow the wrong leader. The only way to escape the snares and dangers that the enemy has set on our way is to have a guide who knows the way and can lead us out of this maze to the celestial city.


One of the major snares is the offences that come upon us and many have fallen victims to the enemy by them. It is not so much the offences that come from outside but the ones that come from inside the church.

Jesus said that, “It must needs be that offences come.” Matt. 18:7. God permits this test to come upon us to try our patience. Evil speaking of one another is offensive and even that it is spoken behind the victim’s back it normally eventually comes to his ears.

Favoritism, especially by the leaders has offended many. One who is neglected or pushed aside can suffer when he sees that others who may be less capable are chosen.

Some are offended when their sins are pointed out. Only few people have the talent to give rebuke in such a loving way that no offence will be taken.

“All coarseness and roughness must be put away from us. Courtesy, refinement, Christian politeness, must be cherished. Guard against being abrupt and blunt. Do not regard such peculiarities as virtues; for God does not so regard them. Endeavor not to offend any unnecessarily.” R.H. Nov. 25, 1890.

Love for Position

Some have left our church because they were not chosen to the position that they desired. Even on the General Conference level this can happen. They forget that God has some corner in His great vineyard for everyone and for every talent. If it is not the work that they themselves like to do, God may have something else planned for them. Moses, Joseph, Daniel and many others did not know the work that God had planned for them until they were called into it.


Many have stumbled on this stone and lost their faith. The tenth commandment is widely broken even by professed
Christians. We learn from the Bible that the love of money is the root of all evil. Sabbath keeping, tithe paying and other offerings are heavy burdens to the covetous person. Only few people have learned that giving is the condition for receiving. Many examples are given in the Bible of covetousness; Balaam fell a victim to it, also Judas and Achan.

“Covetousness, selfishness, love of money, and love of the world, are all through the ranks of Sabbathkeepers. These evils are destroying the spirit of sacrifice among God’s people. Those who have this covetousness in their hearts are not aware of it. It has gained upon them imperceptibly, and unless it is rooted out, their destruction will be as sure as was Achan’s. Many have taken the sacrifice from God’s altar. They love the world, love its gain and increase, and, unless there is an entire change in them, they will perish with the world. God has lent them means; it is not their own, but God has made them His stewards.” Test. Vol. 1, p. 140.

Worldly Entertainment

Television, videos, and Internet are reaping a rich harvest to Satan. Many Christians will be lost because of these stumbling stones. Many think like Eve in paradise, “I will only look,” but looking at evil produces desires which in turn produces sinful acts. Our minds are like a computer; what is put in that will come out in thoughts, words and acts. Paul wrote that in the last days people will be “lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.” 2 Tim. 3:4. More time is spent watching vanity than reading the Bible.

David asks a question and also answers it. “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity.” Ps. 24:4.

“Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity.” Ps. 119:37.
People who start to follow vanity in this maze of life will come to the dead end and perish unless they turn back to follow their Leader.


To many their belly is their God. They do not realize the danger of indulging a perverted appetite. This was the first sin in paradise that brought all this evil into the world. This was the first victory which Christ gained after His baptism by fasting 40 days.

“Every true Christian will have control of his appetite and passions. Unless he is free from the bondage and slavery of appetite he cannot be a true, obedient servant of Christ. It is the indulgence of appetite and passion which makes the truth of none effect upon the heart. It is impossible for the spirit and power of the truth to sanctify a man, soul, body and spirit, when he is controlled by appetite and passion.” Test. Vol. 3, p. 570.

The Eden was lost by indulging the appetite and it can only be gained by controlling the appetite.
Many other dead end roads are found in this maze that Satan has created. No one has found a way out of it without the divide guidance. We must follow the Leader. Jesus is the way. His life is the road map to us, how we must deny ourselves and carry our cross and we will come out of this confusing maze sanctified and prepared for heaven.
May the Lord help us all in this.

Timo Martin