
1 medium onion, chopped                                    1 large carrot, peeled and diced

1 medium parsley root, diced                              1 stalk celery, diced

2 garlic cloves, minced                                          1 cup brown lentils, sorted and rinsed

1 large yellow potato, diced                                  1 tsp. red paprika, mild

8 cups water                                                            2 bay leaves

½ cup parsley, chopped                                       2 tsp. dry lovage

2 Tbsp. organic coconut oil                                  Himalayan salt to taste



In a large pot on low heat, sauté onion, carrots and celery in the coconut oil for a couple of minutes. Then add the garlic and paprika and continue stirring for another minute or so. Now add the parsnip, lentils, potatoes, bay leaves and water. You can also add a little salt at this time, then cover and simmer.

About 15 to 20 minutes before the soup is done, you may spoon in the dumplings in teaspoon size portions. When the soup comes back to the boil, let simmer until dumplings are done. Now stir in the parsley, lovage and the salt, to taste.


Whole Wheat Cream of Wheat Dumplings

½ cup whole wheat flour                                           ¼ cup cream of wheat

1 Tbsp. chickpea flour                                                 ½ cup water

¼ tsp. salt                                                                      ½ tsp. ground nutmeg


In a bowl stir all the dumpling ingredients together and let rest for 10 to 15 minutes, then spoon the mixture into the soup.


This lentil soup is loaded with fiber, protein, iron and folate as well as potassium and several B vitamins and more.  I hope you enjoy!!


If you prefer barley over dumplings, you can stir in ½ cup of cooked pot barley when the soup is done.

By Franziska S. Pedersen