Based on Genesis 11-25:10

Thera, one of Shem’s descendants lived with his family in Ur
in the land of the Chaldeans. One day he departed out of Ur,
taking his son Abram, Sarai – Abram’s wife and Lot, son of
Haran – his son’s son and settled down in Haran in Canaan.
In the stream of time, at the age of 205, Thera passed away.

Haran, like Ur, was the centre of a Moon cult (SDA, Bible
Commentary, vol. 8, p.639), corrupting the people of God with
this pagan worship of old.
Ever since the Babylonian language confusion, all scattered
nations prompted their own version of religion, in open
rebellion against the God of creation.
Then God spoke to Abram, a pious, God-fearing man to open
before Abram
His divine plan.
“Get thee out of this country, away from thy father’s house and kindred to a land
I will show thee, make of thee a great nation, bless thee and in
thee shall all families of earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:1–3
Then Abram age 75, left Haran with Sarai his wife,
his nephew Lot, with all possessions, herds and servants
he in Haran got.
Leaving that beautiful, prosperous place was
a great leap of faith
moving to a land he did not know what he would face,
 a journey into the unknown, but God had spoken,
it was to Abram a safe token.
Trekking through the land, to the place of Moreh
they had come.
Here God appeared to Abram saying:
”Unto thy seed will I give this land.”
There Abram built an altar to the LORD,
then moving onward, southward.
Briefly settling east of Bethel on a mountain,
Building an altar unto God and called there on His name,
Leaving the altar for a witness to remain.


After weeks and days of tedious journeying the travel band reached the South
of the land, but alas, there was a grievous famine in the land.
Did God lead them here to perish for want of food
with all his camels,
goats and sheep? There was no grass for them to feed.
But Abram simply kept on going aiming toward Egypt,
trusting thus the famine to escape it.
Being afraid for his life, he told Sarai not to say she is his wife,
because of this dishonesty, his life and all his company
could have been in dire jeopardy!
The Egyptian princes brought Sarai to Pharaoh.
Enchanted by her beauty, he desired Sarai to become his wife.
He gave Abram cattle, asses, oxen, sheep, camels, maidens, servants, silver, gold,
Enriching all his household.
But for Sarai’s sake God did interfere,
Casting over Pharaoh’s house great plagues and fear!
Then in his distress Pharaoh rebuked Abram
for his untruthfulness:
“Take now your wife and leave, helping men I give
To guide you on the way, no longer here to stay!
So Abram returned to Bethel where he had raised up
an altar unto God before,
Lived and worshipped there.


He and Lot had grand possessions, flocks, large herds,
but the land
Was not able to bear this grand large band.
And the Canaanite and Perizzite dwelt there in the land.
There was need to separate, Abram graciously let Lot chose
The rich and fertile plain of Jordan to move onward,
And Lot pitched his tent near Sodom eastward.


And the LORD said to Abram:
“Lift up thine eyes and look in all directions,
All land you see I will give thee and your seed,
And I will make thy seed as numerous like dust.
Arise, walk through all the land it will be yours indeed.”
Then Abram moved
and came to the plain of Mamre in Hebron,
Building an altar unto God, residing there
with all he brought along.


It was not too long that Lot moved on to Sodom.
The city had a king, Bera was his name,
Against that same and other kings of four,
The king of Elam, Chedoloamer, with three kings made war
Against them for rebelling to serve Chedoloamer any longer.
Bera and the four kings with him were defeated,
Fled up to the mountain, their armies being sore depleted.
King of Elam with his allies looted Sodom and Gomorrah,
Animals, victuals and families, among them Lot
and all he had,
Then far away were led.
Abram learning of this tragedy, at once set up his strategy,
Armed his 318 well-trained servants, pursued the spoilers
on even unto Dan.
With heroic might, fighting in the night, he recovered Lot,
All captive taken people, all the goods, the animals and victuals.
Melchisedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God,
Met Abram on the way – it was a glorious day,
As Melchisedek brought bread and vine,
Blessed Abram who by the hand divine,
Had gained the victory over the fierce enemy.
And Abram gave him tithes of all he had,
Then moved on being very blessed and glad. . . .


At his home in Mamre, Abram was well known for his wealth,
Pious, kind demeanor, was held in great honour
By the heathen nations in Canaan’s land there.
Even so he felt himself a stranger and fear in him did linger.
Then God appeared to him in vision: “Fear not, Abram, I am
thy shield and thy great reward.”
Abram inquired in regard of the reward,
what God would give him,
as he had no son of his own, but a steward born in his house
would be heir in this whole affair.
Then he was to look up to heaven if he would be able to count
the stars out.
God then points – so shall be his seed coming
from his loins!
And Abram believed the word of the LORD in his faithfulness,
And it was counted unto him for righteousness.
 Then was Abram a sacrifice of several clean animals to bring,
And God made with him His covenant, consuming the offering.
And speaking in a vision, that Abram’s seed will be a stranger
In a strange land, ruled by a strong hand four hundred years
With affliction. But God will judge that nation
and in the 4th generation,
Will lead out His people by His own hand into this very land
with great substance for their possession.

End of Part 1. To be continued.

By Edda Tedford