Why do we ask this question? What is the meaning of this question? We are to be wise and vigilant when handling something that does not belong to us, something which is not our property. Often someone cannot carelessly use or misuse somebody else’s property without some sort of retribution. “Is it yours?” Time, wealth, our body, and many other gifts we have are not ours . . . we are only stewards of the real owner. “God has made us stewards, and it is expected of a steward that he be found faithful.” –The Upward Look, p. 175. If we are not faithful, we will be held accountable, and the price we will have to pay is the loss of eternal life.
“Life is a gift of God. Our bodies have been given us to use in God’s service, and He desires that we shall care for and appreciate them. We are possessed of physical as well as mental faculties. Our impulses and passions have their seat in the body, and therefore we must do nothing that would defile this entrusted possession. Our bodies must be kept in the best possible condition physically, and under the most spiritual influences, in order that we may make the best use of our talents. ‘Know ye not,’ asks Paul, ‘that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.’”–The Review and Herald, December 1, 1896 (emphasis mine)
“Have I not the right to do as I please with my own body?—No, you have no moral right, because you are violating the laws of life and health which God has given you. You are the Lord’s property,—His by creation and His by redemption. Every human being is under obligation to preserve the living machinery that is so fearfully and wonderfully made.” –Healthful Living, p. 10 (emphasis mine)
In the beginning, at creation, God designed the body, male and female. Adam’s body was formed from the dust of the ground and the Lord breathed life into him (Genesis 2:7). Eve’s body was made from a rib, which the Lord took from Adam while he was sleeping (Genesis 2:20–23). The Lord made each gender different, according to His will. As each snowflake differs from every other, God also made each body different and unique. No one can change his body with positive results, but people try to make changes which bring only negative results. “Thou canst not make one hair white or black.” Matthew 5:36. “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?” Matthew 6:27
The human body is made from trillions of cells. Each cell has a nucleus that contains thousands of genes, which form the Genetic code, or DNA, of each individual person. Each person is unique, having its own features, characteristics and tendencies. The psalmist David described God’s wonderful creation in the formation his body by saying, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14
The Scriptures tell us that man is a three-part being: body, soul, and spirit. “I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23. The spirit is our inner, self-conscious, conscientious, choosing, and loving part. The body is the physical house of the spirit. It is actuated by the spirit, and its well-being affects the spirit. The soul is the life force which combines the two into a coordinated, functioning person. The body may be our house, but it is also called by our name. I am not a lion, neither a horse nor an insect, but a human being and my body is named Victor Shumbusho. Therefore, let your body praise the designer as did David.
As the Creator, He knows our body’s intricate machinery and how it will function to its best capacity. And since He created us, He also expects us to keep our body in the best condition possible, following the instruction manual that He has provided. God’s original diet for man did not include animal products. “God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” Genesis 1:29
Although permission was given to eat meat after the flood, as we near the end of this world’s history the Lord is asking us to return as much as possible to the original diet. “Among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, meat eating will eventually be done away; flesh will cease to form a part of their diet. We should ever keep this end in view, and endeavor to work steadily toward it. I cannot think that in the practice of flesh eating we are in harmony with the light which God has been pleased to give us. ” –Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 380–381
“Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” 1 Peter 1:18–19. Death resulted from Adam’s sin. Sin has had an effect on our physical bodies. Our bodies decay with age and eventually die. Death came to Adam, our first parent, when he was 930 years old (Genesis 5:5). However, Jesus came to destroy the power that sin and death has on our body. By His death we can be made perfect. He died for our complete being (body, soul, and spirit). Without His death there would be no resurrection. Jesus has paid the full penalty for your sin, giving you the opportunity to live eternally with Him. Satan wants to possess your bodies, but “greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ was sufficient to redeem your entire being. Today, we are waiting for the final phase of salvation when our physical body will be resurrected and glorified and the redeemed will be taken into heaven. Right now, the whole creation is under the enormous weight of sin waiting for the final day (Romans 8:16–25). Our hope is that the time will soon come when all the bodies of the faithful saints in the graves will live again (John 5:28–29; Acts 24:15).
“Our bodies belong to God. He paid the price of redemption for the body as well as the soul.” –God’s Amazing Grace, p. 147. “All men have been bought with this infinite price. By pouring the whole treasury of heaven into this world, by giving us in Christ all heaven, God has purchased the will, the affections, the mind, the soul, of every human being. Whether believers or unbelievers, all men are the Lord’s property. All are called to do service for Him, and for the manner in which they have met this claim, all will be required to render an account at the great judgment day.” –Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 326
“You should be willing for all to know that you are not your own but His who bought you with an infinite price, and that you are not only bound but are determined to glorify Him in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. May the love of so great magnitude constrain you to confess Christ not only with the mouth but with the life, to bear fruit to the glory of God.” –Christ Triumphant, p. 90
“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” 1 Corinthians 6:20
“Man is very dear to God, because he was formed in His own image. This fact should impress us with the importance of teaching by precept and example the sin of defiling, by the indulgence of appetite or by any other sinful practise, the body which is designed to represent God to the world.” –Healthful Living, p. 10
The Apostle Paul wrote an excellent counsel about the body in 1 Corinthians 6:12–20. In these verses he tells us that God does not approve if we use our body as we desire, if it against His counsel. The body we have is God’s. Life is to be considered as a precious gift above all. Unfortunately, many people feel free to kill and abuse the body in such ways as abortion, suicide, carelessness in eating, drinking, dressing, and appearance (outlook). Yes, although you are in the body, is it yours?
Let us consider some areas in our life in which we are expected to glorify the Lord in our bodies:
Abortion: It is true that some countries have legalized abortion to promote family planning. Even though legal in your country, before God it is child murder—one of the most horrible and atrocious crimes. The moment of conception creates a human being; totally unique from his/her mother, a human is created. God’s law protected both the pregnant women and her unborn baby (Exodus 21:22–25). David speaks of existing in his mother’s womb under God’s care (Psalm 139:13–16; 51:5). Therefore, women do not own their own bodies, let alone the independent bodies of their unborn children. They do not have the right to do what they wish with their bodies, or to murder their children.
Murder and Suicide: The taking of another life is a horrible sin and will be judged severely by God who is the Creator and Author of life. “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made He man.” Genesis 9:6. Cain, the first murderer was very much judged severely by God (Genesis 4:9–12). Suicide is self-murder. It is taking the life of the body that God gave you, which is not really yours. Remember, you are not your own; you belong to the Creator. You were not asked if you wanted to live and therefore you do not have the prerogative or right to end it when you choose. You cannot close what you did not open. The reality is that you will face God in the judgment one day as a murderer and “ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.” 1 John 3:15. We have the example of Judas, who took his own life after betraying Christ. Is your life really yours to take?
Food: Does it matter what you eat? You may ask, why would God be concerned about your eating habits? Is
eating really a religious matter? Is it not man’s personal business how he takes care of his body? No. No man has a right to say, “I will do what I want, as long as it is my body.” Here they make a mistake. We are only stewards of someone else’s property, and in this case, it is the body which the Lord has loaned to us. Caring for the body is not only a spiritual duty but also a moral and ethical requirement. The trouble in this day and age is that many people follow only their appetite in eating, drinking, dressing, etc., not their reason. “Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto Me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.” Isaiah 55:2. Good food, it is not necessarily by colour or by what we find tasty. Our taste needs to be educated to enjoy good wholesome food.
“Do not neglect or abuse the body, and thus unfit it to render to God that service which is His due. To my certain knowledge, some of the most useful workers in our cause have died through such neglect. To care for the body by providing for it food which is relishable and strengthening, is one of the first duties of the householder.” –Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 93. If people would reason from cause to effect before eating and drinking, God would be honoured. “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31. “We are composed of what we eat. In order to make a good quality of blood, we must have the right kind of food, prepared in a right manner.” –Testimonies for the Church. Vol. 1, p. 681. Daniel and his friends decided that “Even a mere pretense of eating the food or drinking the wine would be a denial of their faith. To do this would be to array themselves with heathenism and to dishonor the principles of the law of God.” –A Call to Stand a Part p. 53–54
“We do not mark out any precise line to be followed in diet; but we do say that in countries where there are fruits, grains, and nuts in abundance, flesh food is not the right food for God’s people. . . .
“Only when we are intelligent in regard to the principles of healthful living can we be fully aroused to see the evils resulting from improper diet. Those who, after seeing their mistakes, have courage to change their habits, will find that the reformatory process requires a struggle and much perseverance; but when correct tastes are once formed, they will realize that the use of the food which they formerly regarded as harmless was slowly but surely laying the foundation for dyspepsia and other diseases.
“Fathers and mothers, watch unto prayer. Guard strictly against intemperance in every form. Teach your children the principles of true health reform. Teach them what things to avoid in order to preserve health. Already the wrath of God has begun to be visited upon the children of disobedience.” –Testimonies for the Church. vol. 9, p. 159–160
Drunkenness places the temple of God in a horrible situation. By depressing your body’s central nervous system, you interrupt your ability to make wise and holy decisions. “On every side, Satan seeks to entice the youth into the path of perdition. . . . They exercise less and less self-restraint. They become addicted to the use of wine and alcohol, tobacco and opium, and go from one stage of debasement to another. They are slaves to appetite.” –Temperance p. 273. “The stimulating diet and drink of this day are not conducive to the best state of health. Tea, coffee, and tobacco are all stimulating, and contain poisons. They are not only unnecessary, but harmful, and should be discarded if we would add to knowledge temperance.” –Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 420–421. “Tea and coffee drinking is a sin, an injurious indulgence, which, like other evils, injures the soul. These darling idols create an excitement, a morbid action of the nervous system.” –Ibid, p. 425
Sufficient Rest: Getting enough sleep is very important, but you should not get too much of it (Psalm 127:2; Proverbs 6:6–11; 20:13). We should sleep at least eight hours a night (though children need more), and a weekly rest day on the Sabbath is a blessing both for the body and soul.
Fornication: This is a sin against the body that is strictly condemned. It has brought God’s judgment to many in past generations. God has limited physical relationships between men and women to marriage, not only for pleasure, but also for a purpose (1 Corinthians 7:1–5; Exodus 21:10). Virginity is a gift from God to girls, and it should be well preserved for their future husbands. They should be taught that they are special, and should value this gift. Every father is responsible for encouraging their daughters to preserve their virginity (Deuteronomy 22:13–21). Regarding this, ask yourself—“Is it mine?” Certainly not. It is God’s, for His glory. It is written about Rebekah that she was, “very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her.” Genesis 24: 16
Appearance: Lack of proper dress has been shown to be wrong since Adam and Eve sinned. They chose fig leaf garments, but that was not sufficient. God gave them clothing from animal skins. Modesty and humility is shown by our outward appearance. Young women must be warned against vanity, which is in their nature and is promoted by society today. They should be taught to cultivate the inner beauty of a meek and quiet spirit (1 Peter 3:3–4). Clothing should be chosen and worn to cover the body modestly for God’s honour and glory. If we would be careful of our appearance before an earthly dignitary, how much more should we take care before the King of kings. The Bible is not silent about women being modest in their appearance. “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.” 1 Timothy 2:9–10. Also, tattoos and other mutilations of the body are condemned, even if for religious rites (Leviticus 19:28; 21:5; Deuteronomy 14:1).
Tongue: We cannot close this topic without addressing the tongue, which is a small member of your body. David said, “I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me.” Psalms 39:1. It is possible to sin with the tongue. The question is, “How do you control your tongue, and how important are your words?” Failing to control your tongue will ultimately cause you to transgress God’s law, and bring you into judgment. The Lord said “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” Matthew 12:36–37
This is why “If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain.” James 1:26. And “If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.” James 3:2. If we are able to control the tongue we are also able to bridle the whole body. In other words, if we can control such a troublesome member—the tongue—then this is a very clear indicator that our life, as a whole, has been submitted to Jesus.
You have a body, yes. But, is it yours? In this article, it has been shown that your body is not really yours, but it is the Lord’s. Jesus created it and died to redeem it and the Holy Spirit inhabits it. Therefore, we are to glorify God, in our bodies, and everything we do with our bodies. Holiness in our body is our goal. With the help of the Lord we can attain this goal.
“We are to make the most of the capabilities and talents lent us by God. All who are weakening and destroying the physical, mental, and moral powers by sinful eating, sinful dressing, and violation of the laws of health in any respect, will have to render an account to God for all the good they might have done had they observed the laws of health, rather than being self-indulgent, careless, and reckless of the house they live in.” –In Heavenly Places, p. 192
“God in His wisdom has established natural laws for the proper control of our dress, our appetites, and our passions, and He requires of us obedience in every particular.” –Healthful Living, p. 17
“It was a wonderful thing for God to create man. . . . One soul is of more value than a world. The Lord Jesus is the author of our being, and He is also the author of our redemption; and every one who will enter the kingdom of God must develop a character that is the counterpart of the character of God. None can dwell with God in a holy heaven but those who bear His likeness. Those who are redeemed will be overcomers; they will be elevated, pure, one with Christ.” –Healthful Living, p. 12
“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31. Whatsoever therefore we eat, or drink, or whatsoever we do, let us do all to the glory of God, glorifying Him in our bodies, and in our spirits, which are God’s. Amen.
Victor Shumbusho, DR Congo