Eternity is closing on us. A few more days, and the time of probation will be at an end. Heaven is all astir; the angels of God are hurrying and preparing for the final events of this doomed world. Also, Satan and his angels have never been so active as now, trying to make God’s people sleep a little longer and to neglect their preparation, until it is too late for their salvation.
Suddenly, one day, without warning, the time of mercy will end; and he that is unjust will remain unjust, and he that is filthy will remain filthy. Then there will be a great awakening. The wise and foolish virgins will awake, and many will realize that their lamps have gone out; they are in darkness. Not even one ray of light is shining on their way, and they separate from the wise, whose lamps are burning.
Now the people who were not willing to sacrifice to God’s cause throw their silver and gold on the streets, and the sins that have never been confessed before or repented of, now are confessed publicly to the world. Now the bitter tears of anguish are shed, but all too late, forever too late.
When William Miller realized that there was only 13 years left before the judgment, he was in a panic, “I must do something. I must get ready, I must prepare myself. I must warn the world.” He realized that eternity was upon them. But today we may not have 13 years any more. The coming of Jesus may be nearer than we realize. Where will then be the world-loving Christians, to whom television was more important than Bible reading? Or a Christian who spent more time in selfish pursuits, rather than in missionary work? What happens to those who short-changed God in tithes and offerings?
The most dangerous enemies that God has are traitors in the camp. They are in the church, and their example and influence cause others to esteem lightly the church order and authority. Criticizers and fault finders are destroyers and enemies of God.
If we would have, in the city where we live, three men like Noah, Moses, and Elijah, they would set this city on fire. “When divine power is combined with human effort the work will spread like fire in the stubble.” –The Review and Herald, December 15, 1885. But if there are Achans in the camp, the curse of God will be upon us, and our best efforts will produce very little.
A church with ten dedicated and faithful members is more powerful and mightier than a church with one hundred half-converted religionists.
God has permitted false churches to rise up to provide a place for self-righteous, offended, and lukewarm people to go, those whose eyes are blinded that they cannot see the difference between light and darkness, and between the human and divine.
Sometimes even the very church of God has fallen into sin, and what is the result? “They joy of our heart is ceased; our dance is turned into mourning. The crown is fallen from our head: woe unto us, that we have sinned! For this our heart is faint; for these things our eyes are dim.” Lamentations 5:15–17
After falling into sin comes the harvest. No one can escape the harvest of their sowing; it will surely come.
In the time of Joshua this happened. One man, Achan, had committed sin, and it became a sin for all Israel. God said to them, “Israel hath sinned, and they have also transgressed My covenant which I commanded them: for they have even taken of the accursed thing, and have also stolen, and dissembled also, and they have put it even among their own stuff. Therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies, but turned their backs before their enemies, because they were accursed: neither will I be with you any more, except ye destroy the accursed thing from among you.” Joshua 7:11–12
The same thing will happen today if we permit sin to continue among us. To purify the church, God has brought shakings among them; sometimes the majority of the members have fallen into a careless, lukewarm condition, and the faithful remnant have been separated from the rest of the church. When Nadab and Abihu brought strange fire into the temple, fire came from God and slew them. When the children of Israel committed immorality with the daughters of Moab, a plague came from the Lord upon them and slew 23,000. God has not changed; sin is as evil to Him today as it was in ancient times. Only the punishment is not always immediate.
A little carelessness can destroy the whole city. The city of Chicago was burned down from the careless handling of a lantern. Satan’s rebellion started from a feeling of jealousy toward Christ. He started to speak to the angels against God and Christ. One-third of the angels joined with him, and almost the whole world became his followers. Now with 6,000 years of practice, he has become very skillful in deceiving people.
It takes only one dissatisfied member in the church to cause the downfall of many. When we lose the sight of the objective of the church, (which is saving ourselves and others) then petty grievances fill our minds, and we start wondering what the church is doing for us rather than what we can do for the church. Then many will become discouraged.
But we must stop halting between two opinions. If the Lord be God, follow Him (1 Kings 18:21). A lukewarm, half-hearted service will not benefit us. There is much to do for everyone, and we must use every talent that we have. Wasted hours and days are sacrifices for Satan on his altar. We must give all to God, all to Jesus, and all to His church; not one moment, or one penny to the enemy.
We are nearing the borders of the Promised Land. In clear language God is revealing it to us. The calamities, disasters in the land, air, and sea, earthquakes, tornados, and wars, are the voice of God telling us, to “get ready, get ready,” for we are almost home. God is merciful, gracious, and slow to anger. Let us fall on the Rock, Jesus Christ and be broken, before it falls on us and grinds us to powder.
Soon our names will be called in the judgment in heaven. May the Lord help us that we may belong to those to whom Jesus will say: “Come you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 25:34. Amen.
Timo Martin