“Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD.” Leviticus 19:32

“The cause needs the help of the old hands, the aged workers, who have had many years’ experience in the cause of God.” –Selected Messages, vol. 2, p. 224

The two oldest members in Canada recently celebrated their birthdays. We thank God for their good health and support in their local churches.

Sister Teresita Barrera (95 years old)

Sister Teresita is the oldest member in the London, Ontario church.. She is originally from San Salvador, El Salvador. Sister Teresita heard about the Reform Church in her country 30 years ago.

She was baptized by one brother named Alfredo (she does not remember the name exactly she but says that this brother was from Germany). She immigrated to Canada 18 years ago. She came by invitation of her son George (Jorge), who sponsored her. Sister Teresita is currently a blessing to the Church in London and is very active in doing things for others. We pray to the Lord to keep her alive and healthy and faithful to the Lord until the end of her life.

BROTHER TIMO (83 years old)

Brother Timo Martin was born into the Reform Church in Finland. He was baptized in___ by___. Brother Timo came to Canada when he was 19 years old, in the year____. He has served voluntarily in the church for well over 50 years, with regular preaching, teaching and Bible Studies (as a lay member). He has been the church leader in the Toronto church for over 30 years.  Many of the members in Canada can thank Brother Timo for his untiring missionary labour in their behalf. Today he still preaches regularly and conducts the afternoon Baptismal class. He also serves as the General Conference Auditor.

“God has especially enjoined tender respect toward the aged. He says, “The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.” Proverbs 16:31. It tells of battles fought and victories gained, of burdens borne and temptations resisted. It tells of weary feet nearing their rest, of places soon to be vacant. Help the children to think of this, and they will smooth the path of the aged by their courtesy and respect. –Child Guidance, p. 144

“Those who have served their Master when the work went hard, who endured poverty and remained faithful when there were few to stand for truth, are to be honored  and respected. The Lord desires the younger laborers to gain wisdom, strength, and maturity by association with these faithful men. Let the younger men realize that in having such workers among them they are highly favored. Let them give them an honored place in their councils.” –The Acts of the Apostles, p. 573–574

“The most tender regard should be cherished for those whose life interest has been bound up with the work of God. These aged workers have stood faithful amid storm and trial. They may have infirmities, but they still possess talents that qualify them to stand in their place in God’s cause. Though worn, and unable to bear the heavier burdens that younger men can and should carry, the counsel they can give is of the highest value.” –The Acts of the Apostles, p. 573

Let us make good use of the knowledge available from our elderly ones while they are still with us today. It is our prayer that the Lord bless Brother Timo and Sister Teresita. Both are still able to manage living alone. Our Heavenly Father takes care of their health and strength to be a blessing to their family and to the Church