
Brothers and Sisters, greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I would like to greet you with these words from Psalm 103:2–3 “Bless the LORD, O my soul and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.”

In London, Canada we conducted a health seminar on September 24th and 25th, 2014. Sister Alina taught us about the eight laws of health, which are Nutrition or Diet, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest and Trust in God.

These are some of the things we learned:

  • It is very important what we eat.
  • Walking and other forms of exercise allow our bodies to work properly.
  • Water gives us life and it is a valuable source of healing, energy, and cleansing.
  • Sunlight brings many health benefits when we enjoy it in moderation.
  • Temperance means more than just moderation.
  • Air is a key element for optimum health.
  • Our bodies need rest in order to function properly, but also the quality and quantity of sleep are very important factors.
  • And the most important is that when we do something, we should do it with faith. Trusting in God with our mind and our bodies is very important.

Those who participated in these lectures went home with the sincere desire to do their best in order to achieve and enjoy an improved healthy lifestyle.

The Cooking-Class Demonstration took place on September 28, 2014. Our Sisters in the Church presented some simple recipes for healthy meals. We had visitors in attendance, some of whom we give thanks to Brothers Richard, Danny and Jason, who invited some of their young friends.

I give thanks also to the brothers and sisters who responded to our appeals, taking their time and sacrificing of their means in order to come and make this event a blessing. Brother Evald and Sister Franziska, Sister Fanny, Sister Yohana, and, of course, Sister Teresita Barera with Sister Lorene.

I strongly encourage our brothers and sisters in the Canadian Field and all over the world to conduct health seminars more frequently as the health message is the entering wedge for many people. This will help us reach people with the present truth.

Sister Teresita Barera, the oldest sister in the Canadian Field, through God’s help, completed her 95th year this last Sunday, September 28, 2014 (see notice on inside back cover). Flowers and lovely hugs were given to her with this occasion. May God bless her with strong health and eternal life.

I take this opportunity also to thank the Canadian Field for their support and prayers.

In Christ,

Nicholas & Alina Anca


On October 5, 2014 at the Hamilton church, a group of over 40 people attended a Health fair which focused on nutrition and natural healing methods. Not only were we provided with lectures on different topics, but we also received demonstrations of various methods of natural healing. Brother Jerry Eaton welcomed us all to the health fair.

The first speaker was Sister Helen Marttinen. She talked about the importance of nutrition in healing and in disease prevention. She gave the analogy of a car owner who has an owner’s manual to know how to take care of the car and how to maintain it. Our bodies are also complex pieces of machinery, created by God, Who provided us with an owner’s manual on how to take care of it. And that owner’s manual is the Bible. The diet that God gave to His creation, which is solely plant-based, is both for prevention of disease and for healing.

Sister Wendy Eaton spoke on the topic of herbs. At creation, God provided every herb yielding seed for man’s diet. When man fell into sin he was given herbs to be used for healing. Herbs are considered medicines from the earth. Each plant has its specific purpose.

She spoke of the benefits of herbs vs man-made drugs. Herbs are healthier for your body. But, herbs are still a medicine and should be used judiciously. If you are not an expert, use herbs under the care of a naturopath or herbalist. The beneficial effects of herbs take longer to come about. Drugs are a quick fix, and in emergency situations, drugs work fast and can save lives.  But often man-made drugs are used only to treat the symptoms of disease; they don’t actually cure or prevent disease. In long-term, chronic illnesses, herbs are generally not toxic, and work on treating the underlying condition.

The phytochemicals contained in herbs work to ensure the survival of the plant, by boosting its immunity against predators such as radiation, free radicals, insects, lack of nutrients, bacteria, viruses, and funguses. The survival mechanisms of these chemicals can also be used in human health, with the same results of protection from predators. Because each plant contains numerous phytochemicals that work in different ways, each herb can be used to treat a variety of ailments. Sister Wendy gave the example of peppermint and horsetail, two popular herbs that can treat illnesses such as digestive issues, memory problems, inflammation, infections, etc.

Sister Yohana Monsalve talked about hot and cold water treatments. She gave practical demonstrations on how to use water treatments for various problems. Bathing with herbs can treat various conditions. The addition of Epsom salts into a bath can be very helpful for rheumatic problems and immune diseases.

Whenever you treat someone with hot and cold treatments, you always start with heat and end with cold. She also gave a demonstration on the steam bath, which is helpful for lung problems, blood cleansing, and also for cleansing the skin. Its heat opens the pores in the skin to allow the skin to breathe. After a steam bath a cool shower should be taken to close the pores up again. Other water treatments mentioned were alternating hot and cold showers (to lower blood pressure, and relieve stress for example), and alternating hot and cold foot baths to relieve migraines.

Enemas, another form of water treatment, help to relieve digestive problems, also problems caused by food poisoning, and constipation.

Hot and cold compresses can be applied to any part of the body, using wet towels. The use of compresses can relieve problems such as stomachaches, headaches and sore muscles.

A full body cold pack can be used to treat fever. A friction rub over the whole body with cold water also helps to decrease fevers.

She finally demonstrated the uses for a Sitz bath. The water can be cold, warm or hot, depending on the reason for the treatment. This can be used to treat hemorrhoids and digestive problems, amongst other things.

Water treatments are very cheap, and can treat a variety of conditions.  These include: Acne; Arthritis; Colds; Depression; Diabetes; Headaches; Joint, muscle, and nerve problems; Stress.