I will seek in these first two paragraphs to briefly explain a theory that sees millions of fundamentalist evangelical believers using 1 Thessalonian 4: 16–18 and Mathew 24:40–41 as their reason for preparing for a major phenomenon called “The Rapture” where, according to them, those in the “Church” who are ready, will suddenly disappear, essentially “snatched away” into the air. Pilots leaving planes unmanned; motorists in the middle of the highway—gone; two people together—one suddenly taken; housewives, etc. nowhere to be found, “caught up” in the air, leaving behind absolute chaos. Why? Because, according to them, Jesus came in the first of a two-part coming, where in the first one He will secretly “snatch away” believers to avoid the cataclysmic, most dreadful experience known as “The Tribulation”—the ultimate apocalypse—ushering in the end of the world. Armageddon!
In the meanwhile, according to these spurious charismatic interpreters of prophecy, those who have not prepared themselves will be left behind on earth; given a second chance to be saved after the rapture out of which some having suffered greatly (fulfilling Revelation 9), repents and now seek to evangelize the others who also were left behind, lasting for a period of seven years. Jesus then comes again—this time visibly and audibly.
Shocking! I wonder who John Darby, the presumed founder of this atrocious theory, got his message from and why did men like Hal Lindsay in the 1970s, Harold Camping as late as 2011, self-made interpreters of prophecy, popularize it as gospel? I believe we know why and who really is the author behind it.
I turn to you, the Reader, does this sound logical to you? Is this truth? Do the Scriptures support this? Furthermore, if you look from cover to cover, would you find the word “rapture”? I assure you it is not found anywhere in the word of God—somewhere along the line it became synonymous with the word “caught up”. Finally, are these just misguided Christians? Could it be that it goes deeper than sincere believers, carried about with every wind of doctrine, seeking to follow; seeking at all cost to go to heaven, going even further than the overwhelming number of obsessive charismatic preachers, after swallowing this preposterous error passes it on to unwitting church folks?
The whole idea is arguably, quite dangerous at best—unscriptural on all counts; mere sensationalism to those who know the truth. One thing, I must give credit where credit is due. Christ is indeed coming back the second time, according to Scripture—the prophetic waymark, and, accordingly, God’s true commandment-keeping people will indeed be “caught up” to meet the LORD in the air, but what is in question is when and how, as on the other end of the spectrum millions have embraced human erroneous theory and will argue to the bitter end, but can this flawed theory hold up to the search light of truth, where every column, when tested by the weighted evidence of truth of the Bible crumbles? The real question is: Is there a bigger player in the market of deception that is shrewdly behind this? As it were, an accomplished, calculating deceptive system? Could it be that this certain system, pushing this teaching is seeking to undermine a most far reaching, a most solid prophecy as found in Daniel 8:14 by taking the last seven years of the 490 years and putting it at the end of the 2300 days to take the heat off themselves, while telling unwitting sincere believers to look to the future—futurism at its finest—a sly way out? Could it be that Daniel 7:24–25 is hot on the trail of this system, where the prophecy finds an answering chord, fitting every specification? Yet it is not convenient, as there is too much at stake, so, to ward off any possible connection, any pessimism, where the anti-Christ is squarely identified, then an erroneous theory had to be had—Darby’s theory was the answer—brought to the market place as “meat in due season” where the buyers gullibly without money, without price receive it; where it was never brought to market previously when God’s true people were traveling the old path.
In conclusion, in my opinion, the real need, “since the horse is already gone through the gate,” so to speak, is to seek sincere souls so that with the help of the Holy Spirit the whole truth and nothing but the truth be told, where they will be taught that Christ’s return will be literal, audible and imminent; that there is no second chance; that all who are fitting themselves up in righteousness will go through the great tribulation; where they will understand the true meaning of 1 Thessalonians 4:17, namely: “The LORD Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the arch-angel and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” In addition, to let them know that the “one” taken, as stated by Christ in Matthew 24: 40–41 will undoubtedly be the wicked as in Noah’s day to which He earlier had used as an example. Finally, where they will find that that last week (seven years) of the 490 years is all about Christ and Him crucified, where between Him and His disciples, confirmed the covenant for one week—a wonderful study, where they will find that it is not an opinion but a Biblically supported fact, not put to the end of the 2300 days (years) but simply the completion of the 490 prophetic years.
It begs the question: Who will go, since many will need time to unlearn what they have learned. Who?
Rose Powell