An embassy of sheep
Marching through the city streets,
Highways, byways, and lanes
With sword in hand,
Eyes, tongues, feet aflame
Speaking mightily in Jesus’ name
To rich and poor, bond and free,
For all are guilty, that all might see
The sky is red and lowery.
Behold, the days are cloudy and dark
As in the days Noah built the Ark
Prophecy spoke of explicitly.
The heart thinketh evil continually
Of the enmity, adultery,
Greed which is idolatry,
Hypocrisy, insanity,
Nudity covers many;
Humanity marrying Sodomy.
Like in the day Abraham prayed,
Three souls the angels saved—
Lot, his daughters too;
Pray, for the laborers are few
To reap the tares and the wheat;
Blood the goats drink,
Eating diseased flesh meat
Grown genetically;
Their god, their belly.
Defiled mind, soul, and body
Weeping like a raging sea.
Sorry? No, no sorrow.
Not today, yesterday, nor tomorrow.
Seeking peace, liberty, and prosperity;
Finding misery, slavery, and poverty
In the earth, war and hate.
Faith is dead, Justice trembles and shakes
Like the Tower reaching unto heaven
Building again, resurrecting nine eleven;
Destroyed by twisted winds,
By the wisdom of foolish men.
In honor are like the perishing Beast;
His mark—the exaltation of his decree,
The abomination of desolation.
(The ingathering of all nations)
Godspeed, to the mountains flee,
Or to the mountains, “Fall upon me.”
Like the fig tree having only leaves,
Man’s fall is nearly complete,
Changed into the same imagery;
Iniquity will reign tyrannically,
The end of God’s mercy. Amen.
Chester Cosby