Centers of Holy Influence
We all, all who are converted, and being changed into the likeness of Jesus, need to become centers of holy influence. We need to have a strong magnetism that attracts. Not to attract to ourselves, however, but to point sinners to Christ our Saviour.
In order to exert this influence, we need to maintain a strong discipline over ourselves. And we need to understand our influence in the world.”One child, properly disciplined in the principles of truth, who has the love and fear of God woven through the character, will possess a power for good in the world that cannot be estimated.” CG 163.
“Love, sympathy, and kindness yield fruitage of blessing, a harvest that is imperishable.” CG 163.
“For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Gal. 6:8.
To become a center of holy influence we must have, and practice tact. What is tact? Tact is the ability to sense the exact right time to do or say a thing. DICTIONARY: “The ability to appreciate the delicacy of a situation and do or say the most fitting thing.” [L tactus, sense of touch]. It is related to tactics the technique or science of securing strategic objectives, esp. the art of deploying and directing oneÕs own forces against an enemy. [Gk taktika, Òmatters of arrangement”]
Each of us need to know and learn how to manage ourselves. Therefore we need to know ourselves. KNOW THYSELF! Also we need to know our Captain, and what He expects of us. We need to understand our duty.
And when we have failed in our duty, missed our cue, followed our own headstrong way because it is our strong habit, then we must repent with all our heart and soul and mind. We must take time to reflect and review our actions, emotions, and words. We must do this daily and often otherwise we will become as fixed as stone in a crooked course, and God will have to dismiss us, reject us as reprobates, unmanageable, and unfit for a place in His work.
We will often have to bow down and weep at the feet of Jesus because of our shortcomings and mistakes, but we are not cast off, not rejected by our pitying Saviour. He will pick us up, again, set us on our way, (HIS way), and put a work into our hands that is appropriate for us. Even if it is the most humiliating, the lowest tasks on the list, do not reject it. It is practice, and a test, for other labour.
Our tears may fill an ocean, our mistakes may be myriad, but we have an extremely patient Commander. If we don’t give up trying, HE NEVER WILL! AMEN.
Kathleen Ross, Alberta, Canada