Overcoming Apetite

…It is the hardest thing in the world, for me at least. What? Appetite was conquered the day I stopped eating meat. It was conquered when I dropped to two meals. Not mixing fruit and vegetables did it. Raw food. No…

Appetite is a relentless, tireless foe that lurks in the background ready to catch me off-guard. When I am on the watch and seek ing divine help it pretends to have dissolved; but when, as I say, I am unready, unprepared, it slips quietly into the front seat and begins to command.

“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matt. 26:41.
These words will never lose their importance for me until I am safe inside the gates of heaven.

If Jesus had to endure hunger and temptation, why should I be surprised or complain because of the often and sometimes severe battles I must wage.

If my appetite can be controlled and made to serve instead of command, then many other problems of my life would quietly take their proper places.

How long, O Lord? How long until the end of this struggle on planet earth? How long will mankind waste and abuse the mercies You shower daily upon us. How long before Your people awaken and begin to conquer themselves and the world? How long until sin, sickness and suffering are at an end and the whole universe is indeed one verse, one glad chorus of praise and harmony around your bright throne?

“In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Ps. 16:11.

Kathleen Ross, Alberta, Canada