The Ottoman Empire

The proverb “All the ways lead to Jerusalem” was used till the 15th century. Until then Jerusalem was considered as the center of the world. By Jerusalem one could situate the site of the countries surrounding her and the traveler could orientate himself. Today it seems to be the same. All eyes are focused on the Middle East and global events in and around Jerusalem; remaining the “crossroads of the world”. After Christ’s birth it was the “center of the greatest exclusiveness and bigotry.” (AA 18) “Symbol of and faint shadow of final ruin and doom of the world (DA 743; GC 36). Thus North of Jerusalem was the King of the North that is Turkey, and South of Jerusalem was the King of the South, which is Egypt.

Turkey attacked the southern country and after fighting cruel conquering wars, founded the great Ottoman Empire. But all has a beginning, a development and an end. The Turks then were as strong as are both America and Russia together today… 450 million subjects populated the Ottoman Empire! But as the prophet had foreseen it, this empire was destroyed on the 2/8/1840.

The great river Euphrates started to dry up. This means that the country that is crossed by this river, which is Turkey, started to perish. Turkey is falling and failing and is called today “the sick man on the Bosphorus”.

She tries desperately to establish again her empire… and attacked furiously the Russians (Crimea war). She is helped later by the French and the English, but not by much. Nobody wants to help her for no one agrees with her conquering and destructive plans. (Daniel II:45) Even today, the powerful countries help her in a measure that serves only their own purposes.

Turkey’s downfall will open the way to the Kings that will come from the East. (Revelation 16:12). And then will take place the last battle in Armageddon At that period will come the Prince Michael (Daniel 12:1) who had already risen in 1844. When He will come all the prophecies will be accomplished. The three-fold angel’s message will no more be heard. God’s grace will not mediate anymore for the sinners. The 144,000 will be sealed. Many will beg for salvation but it will be too late. The fire that was burning at the altar will be thrown down by an angel. So the prayers will not be purified anymore by it, and because of that will not be able to reach God. The Holy of Holies will be filled with smoke. The remaining burning coal will be put in 7 jars, which will bring the 7 plagues on earth. The angel will pour the content of the jars with no more grace and mercy. They represent the fury of God: a frightening thing!

The jars can be compared to the cup of Gethsemane. Those who didn’t place their sins on Christ have to bear the consequences of the lack of Grace. If we don’t give our sins to Christ they come back on us; we “reap what we sow”. (Gal. 6:7)

God is very sad because of the sinners. From the beginning He continuously urged his people to keep away from sin. No one can complain about not being warned by the message of repentance. We must try to wake up the people around us. Now is the time!

God will too bring a stop to the grievances of this world. On the day of the last Judgment even the lost ones will say: Lord, you are righteous and your judgments are righteous. (Rev. 19:2)

John Theodorou, USA

For more information on the downfall of the Ottoman Empire:

“The Great Controversy” chapter 18 and chapter 39.
Revelation 9:10,11 – 5 months literally 150 years (5X30) days.
The 150 years start 27/7/1299 and end on 27/7/1449.

Revelation 9:13 – 15 – The 4 angels are the 4 sultans of Aleppo, Iconic, Damascus and Bagdad.
There was the center of the Ottoman Empire.

1 hour = 15 days
1 day = 1 year
1 month = 30 years
1 year = 360 years

Total: 391 years and 15 days, (from 27/7/1449 to 2/8/1840)