The Covenant Relationship
“If we would come into possession of the heavenly inheritance, the glorious eternal substance, we must be in covenant relationship with God.” R.H. Jan. 21, 1890
“The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, powers infinite and omniscient, receive those who truly enter into covenant relation with God.” 6 B.C. p. 1075
The Covenant we have made with God is more than mere casual promise. In order to understand the solemnity of this covenant we must go to Calvary and behold the sacrifice that God did on His part. Our part must not be any less. Our part includes strict obedience to the law of God and to defend His cause to the end, even unto death. The enemy can come to destroy this church only over our dead bodies. We are not to be just spectators in this drama of ages but actors who show to the world unflinching loyalty to our Master.
This covenant relationship was shown by Jesus in His prayer, “that they all may be one; as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us.” John 17:21
When we become one with Christ and the Father we enter into the inner circle of God’s family. Jesus will not call us servants anymore but friends. Abraham was called a friend of God, and therefore to him was revealed the mysteries of God which the outsiders did not understand or know even.
Sin brought separation between man and God. The terms of the covenant were not kept by men. If one of the parties in the covenant breaks the terms the second party is released from his responsibility, and the covenant becomes null and void. Therefore a new and better covenant was now necessary.
The old covenant that was made with Adam and Eve in the paradise was broken, the same way as the covenant made at Sinai. The new covenant was based on different promises. It has provision to restore man to his original state. God covenanted to give His only begotten Son, “that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
This covenant included the second mile. God went beyond the law and the first covenant terms and gave His Son to die for the fallen mankind. This covenant is based on love which goes beyond the terms of the law.
“As the divine Sufferer hung upon the cross, angels gathered about Him, and as they looked upon Him, and heard Him cry, they asked, with intense emotion, ‘will not the Lord Jehovah save Him”’… Then were the words spoken, ‘the Lord hath sworn, and He will not repent, Father and Son are pledged to fulfill the terms of the everlasting covenant… With clasped hands they had entered into the solemn pledge that Christ would become the surety for the human race if they were overcome by Satan’s sophistry.” Y.I. June 14, 1900
God has fulfilled His part of the covenant of love. “The Father ratified the covenant made with Christ. He would receive repentant and obedient men, and would love them even as He loves His Son.” D.A. p. 790
The same way when we enter into this new covenant we go beyond the commandment and enter into a love relation with God.
This covenant relation with God makes us covenant messengers. We are to teach others the new covenant terms, which is nothing else but Christ’s righteousness message, the justification by faith. We become preachers of righteousness as was Noah and other patriarchs.
This involves a full surrender of all our powers and talents into His service. All connections to Satan and his agencies will be broken.
But sadly we see that only few are willing to make the full surrender. Only few are going to keep the covenant terms which they promised at the baptism.
When the way becomes narrow and trials and afflictions come our way many will turn back and choose an easier way in order to save themselves from the persecution and from possible death.
“Then I saw the Christian company consulting together. Some said that they would lower the banner, accept the propositions, and save their lives, and at last they could gain strength to raise their banner among the heathen. A few, however, would not yield to this plan, but firmly chose to die holding their banner rather than to lower it. Then I saw many lower the banner and unite with the heathen; but the firm and steadfast would again seize it and bear it on high. I saw that persons were continually leaving the company of those who bore the pure banner, and were uniting with the idolaters under the black banner, to persecute those bearing the white banner. Many were slain, yet the white banner was held high, and believers were raised up to rally around it.” E.W. p. 212
“Those who would rather die than perform a wrong act are the only ones who will be found faithful.” Test. Vol. 5. p. 53
Humanly it seems impossible to fulfill the covenant terms. But part of the covenant is that God has promised to help us to fulfill our part. Paul says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Phil. 4:13
“Those who consent to enter into covenant relation with the God of heaven are not left to the power of Satan or to the infirmity of their own nature.” D. A. p. 258
At the baptism we covenant ourselves to the control of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We are being adopted into the family of God and we can claim all the promises of the Bible to ourselves. The fullness of joy, peace that passes understanding are part of the covenant promises. A power to move mountains has also been included. The atmosphere of heaven surrounds all who have entered into this covenant relation with God.
My brother, my sister, my friend do not continue in a miserable life of the lukewarm professor of religion. To be a member of the church is not enough. We must become one with Christ and our Father in heaven. We must place all on the altar of sacrifice. We need to make a full surrender. When we fulfill our part of the covenant, God will surely fulfill His part and our covenant will not be only for a time but for eternity.
Timo Martin