The Little Rill
A little rill from the backwoods is attempting to battle its feeble way through to the river of life that helps keeps this poor sick and crippled world alive. God is not willing to give up repeated and persevering attempts to bring life, health and stability to a shaky world.
But the poor little rill is very feeble. Many and grave obstacles hinder its torturous progress. Sometimes the Source that feeds it gets too far behind. The little rill has tried to go too far too fast and finds itself down in a very weak trickle. But when it rests, and waits for reinforcements from behind and above, its progress is much helped.
Sometimes it seems as if the little rill had a mind of its own, and a planned course it wishes to take. Not being very far sighted the little rill knows not the obstacles in the way that would bar its progress entirely. Back and forth the little rill weaves, trying this way and that, spending its precious energy with slow results.
But when the little rill rests, a strong current of refreshment from behind and above pick it up and send it merrily along the way and speedy progress takes place.
The rests are rests of faith, and rests of trial. Dirt and debris have accumulated along the way, this waste must settle out that would do harm to the larger river of life that flows for the healing of the world. The fact that few seem willing to drink deeply of this river of life does not prevent the need for sparkling clear perfection.
And so the feeble little rill trickles on from year to year. Thankful for progress though painful and slow. Thankful for the other and larger rills that help to swell the sparkling river of the water of life that sends refreshment throughout the whole world, available to all who will come and take of the water of life freely.
Education 117
Isaiah 30:15
Revelation 22:17