Incredible, Wonderful, Miraculous!
Isaiah 9:6
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful…”
We read here in reference to Jesus as Wonderful – a Marvel! The term “marvel” is used almost exclusively with reference to divinity. Old Testament writers extolled God’s “marvelous” works including His creation and salvation.
Marvel can also be defined as a person or thing or even that causes astonishment and admiration, a prodigy, a marvel. It’s also referred to as a feeling of surprise, admiration, caused by something strange, unexpected, incredible, miraculous… gazing in wonder at a comet, a sunset.
When Jesus preached, some did not accept His words. But many others wondered, marveled at His words. “No one else but Jesus spoke like He did.” (John 7:46). It was His words! They were clear, melodic, and reached far into all the mountains, sea, lake and hillsides.
In Luke 19:47, 48, “the chief priests and scribes of the temple wanted to destroy Him, and couldn’t find what to do with Him because all the people were attentive to Him.”
In John 7:46 the chief priests asked the officers who went to arrest Jesus, “why haven’t you brought Him?” The officers then answered, “never has man spoken like this man.” They didn’t arrest Him. Rather, they were enthusiastic! Are you, too, enthusiastic when you read or hear His words?
We read further on, in Col. 4:6, “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how to answer every man.” How is your speech? Let your words, too, be seasoned and gentle. “If any man speak, speak as the oracles of God, if any man ministers let him do it with the ability God gives. That God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, “to whom be praise and dominion forever.”
In John 12:49-50, he writes of a mystique. Jesus says, “Even as I speak, the Father commands Me, what I should say, and speak. Whatever I speak the Father has said it unto Me, so I speak.”
It’s from the Father! Whatever He speaks. What’s the secret of Jesus and the disciples? Speaking through God the Father and Jesus. You, too, can have the same power, to speak and help others through Jesus Christ. That’s the secret.
People need to hear you, are waiting to hear from you. (Matt. 28:19). “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, whatever I have commanded you, and lo I am with you always…” We are commanded to go, therefore, and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son, and Holy Spirit. Furthermore, teaching them to “observe all things I commanded you. All that has been taught to you, it says.
Our words, then, too are to be marveled, wondered at, admired. Teach, then, as we were taught. Acts 4:13 reads, “they marveled at Peter and John, for their boldness; they were unlearned, but they said they saw and were with Jesus.” Also, Stephen, Paul, and others said much of the same.
What else was said about Jesus, the wonderful one, marveled at by so many? It was His works. “The multitude wondered when they saw the dumb speak, maim be made whole, lame to walk, and blind to see.” The spirit of prophecy says, “Jesus Christ healed all… everywhere!” When the blind man was healed, he said, “This is a wonderful thing.” (Matt. 9:30, 31; 16, 17).
Before Pilate a marvelous thing happened. The marvel was… silence! A child-learns to speak at two years of age, more or less, but when and how to speak takes sixty years! True? We’re always learning. “Come unto me all ye that labour and I will give thee rest.” (Matt. 11:28). The Pharisees tried to trap Jesus. Jesus was called the “friend of sinners”. They, however, marveled at His wisdom… “seasoned with humility”.
Jesus Christ asked, “who is your neighbour?” then He followed with, “do the same to all men.” (Luke 10:29). God’s people are to be a wonder in this troubled world. (ISM 113).
The marvel of marvels is salvation… the plan of salvation!
A loving father built a small sailboat for his child. They took it together to the nearby lake to sail it. Attaching a string to the boat they let the wind carry it offshore, outwards, but unfortunately the string broke, much like when flying a kite. The boat drifted aimlessly far out into the lake, hopelessly lost. The small child cried day and night, could not sleep or eat, thinking about his little boat, for 2-3 dark days.
His father built him another boat, but it was not the same to his child. One day, the child saw his little boat for sale in a neighbourhood shop window. He desperately wanted his boat back. He told his father, who rushed to the shop and bought it back. From this experience the ch^ld was happy two times now, first when the boat was first built, and secondly when he bought it back. It’s the same with the children of God… with humanity! We belong to Jesus two times. First when He created us, and second when He bought us back with His life for us with His precious blood. It was an expensive, supreme sacrifice, an unfathomable price.
He’s a marvel… wonderful! Therefore, marvel at Him! All heaven marvels, all angels marvel. Marvel that you are here. Marvel that you accepted the truth. Marvel that you made a covenant with Him.
Jesus Christ’s love is so great He calls us… brethren. Jesus came to fulfill and complete the plan of salvation. He is coming soon to take us with Him. Why?
Because He’s WONDERFUL!