Eternal Life
“The Lord wants us to individually search the scriptures so that we may know about the great plan of redemption and that we may understand that great theme as far as it is possible for the human mind enlightened by the Holy Spirit to understand the purpose of God. He wants us to understand something of that love He manifested by giving His son to die in order to make amends for sin by removing the stains. Thereof restoring what had been lost; thus lifting us, ennobling and reinstating the original purity of the soul through the righteousness of Christ. The only way in which fallen humanity could be restored was through the gift of His son, equal to Him in character and possessing His attributes. RH 08-11-1892
Who can begin to comprehend the suffering Christ went through in the Garden of Gethsemane as He bore the burden of the sins of the world on His shoulders? So acutely did He feel the weight of sin that for a moment the cup in His hand shook and all of heaven heard His agonizing cry “O My Father if it be possible let this cup pass from Me.” (Matt. 26:39) The Almighty God suffered with His son.
Stand before the cross of Christ and learn from it what the cost of redemption was. With a broken heart the Holy victim on the cross of Calvary lifts His eyes to God and cries “My God, my God why have you forsaken Me?” (Matt. 27:46) The angels of heaven took pity on their beloved Commander and with joy they would have lifted up an army and gone to His help. But this was not the plan of God. Our Saviour tread the winepress alone and not one of His own was with Him.
“Salvation within the reach of sinners”
“The plan of redemption was made to put salvation at the reach of sinners. Christ fulfilled His purpose; His death has brought eternal life to all who accept Him as their personal Saviour. But far too many of those for whom He died to bring salvation to, refuse to be faithful to Him.” (Manuscript; 66. 28-07-1901)
The sanctuary which is in heaven is the center of the work of Christ in favour of man. This concerns every living soul on earth. He opens before our eyes the plan of redemption and takes us through to the time of the end, revealing the victorious result of the controversy between good and evil. It is to the great benefit of all to carefully investigate these subjects and to be able to give an answer to all who ask us for the reason of the hope that is in us.
In the Most Holy place one can find the law of God which is the standard of righteousness whereby all of humanity is tried. The ark which contains the 10 Commandments is covered by the Mercy Seat before which Christ offers His blood in favour of the sinner. This illustrates how righteousness and mercy are joined together in the Plan of Salvation.
Eternal Surety
The great Plan of Redemption will result in the complete re-establishment of the favour of God for this world. All who were lost because of sin will be restored. This redemption not only applies to man but also to the earth which shall be the dwelling place of all who are obedient. For six thousand years, Satan fought to obtain possession of the earth. Nevertheless, the original purpose of God in creating it will be fulfilled. “But the saints of the Most High shall receive the Kingdom, and possess the Kingdom forever, even forever and ever.” (Dan. 7:18)
Here, where the Son of God lived in human form; where the King of glory lived; suffered and died; it is here when all things are renewed that the tabernacle of God shall be with men, “He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them and be their God.” (Rev. 21:3) Throughout eternity, as the redeemed walk in the light of the Lord, they will worship God for His priceless gift: Emmanuel: “God with us.”