Saved by Faith

We are saved by faith. We can move mountains by faith. Miracles are done by faith. Nothing shall be impossible to us if we have faith, even as the amount of a mustard seed.

Faith is an everyday word to a Christian. We hear sermons about it. The Bible and the testimonies speak about it. We sing hymns about faith. Yet why did Jesus say, “When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8. It seems that there is very little faith among professed Christians.

The old Israel could not enter into the Promised Land “because of unbelief. Heb. 3:19.
The Lord said of them, “They are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith.” Deut. 32:20.
Sister White wrote, “I am alarmed as I see the lack of faith among our people.” 1 S.M. 83.
“Many who, like ancient Israel, profess to keep God’s commandments have hearts of unbelief while outwardly observing the statutes of God…. As a people we lack faith.” Test. Vol. 4, p. 162.

How do we get the faith that is so important to a Christian?
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of ourselves: it is the gift of God.” Eph. 2:8.
The fruit of the spirit is faith.

Then if it is the gift of God and we receive it by the Holy Spirit, why is not every professed Christian filled with faith? Especially when our salvation depends on it Paul writes that, “God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” Rom. 12:3.
According to this, every person has received faith from God but we can lose it if we do not practice it.

“They profess faith, but it is not a living faith because it is not sustained by works. Faith without works is dead, being alone. Those who profess great faith, yet have not works, will not be saved by their faith. Satan believes the truth and trembles, yet this kind of faith possesses no virtue.” Test. Vol. 2, p. 657.

To overcome one needs faith. Humanly we are weak. We cannot keep the law of God perfectly without the power of God which we receive by living faith in Him. Christ’s righteousness is granted to us by faith. Sanctification is a direct result of faith in God.
A sinless life is possible by faith. On the other hand, every sin that a professed Christian commits is the result of unbelief. The most dangerous type of sin is one that we commit willfully after we have come to the knowledge of the truth.

This kind of willful sinning destroys our faith in God. I have seen people who once were faithful children of God lose their faith so completely that they do not believe in the existence of God anymore.

Sister White mentions several reasons which destroy our faith in God.
“Discouragements paralyze our faith, unfitting us for usefulness.” Test. Vol. 2, p. 604.
“Disease tends to destroy our faith and courage.” Test. Vol. 1, p. 185.
“Those who claim that their faith alone will save them are trusting to a rope of sand, for faith is strengthened and made perfect by works only.” S.R. 289.

“Friendship with the world corrupts faith.” GC388.
“The spirit of gossip and talebearing is one of Satan’s special agencies to sow discord and strife, to separate friends, and to undermine the faith.” Test. Vol. 4, p. 195.

“God gives sufficient evidence for the candid mind to believe, but he who turns from the weight of evidence because there are a few things which he cannot make plain to his finite understanding will be left in the cold, chilling atmosphere of unbelief and questioning doubts, and will make shipwreck of faith.” Test. Vol. 5, pp. 675-6.

There are many other reasons for the people who once believed, but then lost their faith.
Out of the whole world only Noah and his family had faith. The rest of the world perished in their unbelief.
The 1844 disappointment tested the faith of the Advent believers and only one in every thousand had faith to see the leading of God. In the First World War only two percent of the Adventists in Europe had faith in God which enabled them to stand the test. Before the test they all looked as good Christians, but the test of their faith revealed the true, faithful remnant.
The next question that comes up is how to increase our faith.

“The apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith.” Luke 17:5.
One way to increase our faith is prayer. Jesus said, “I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not.” Luke 22:32.
“Faith has been decreasing to a fearful degree, and it is only by exercise that it can increase.” Test. Vol. 3, p. 256.
The Lord brings us to circumstances where humanly we cannot see a way out but by faith in God we are saved from the difficulty and it increases our trust in Him.

Bible reading increases our faith.
“As the student of the Bible beholds the Redeemer, there is awakened in the soul the mysterious power of faith, adoration, and love.” ED. 192.

“If more praising of God were engaged in now, hope, courage and faith would steadily increase.” PK. 202.
To praise God in singing and prayer will make us strong in faith, “The joy in the Lord is your strength.” Neh. 8:10.
“When the enemy seeks to enshroud the souls with darkness, sing faith and talk faith, and you will find that you have sung and talked yourself into the light.” CT, 234.

Trials and difficulties increase our faith.
“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perisheth.” 1 Pet. 1:7.
“Trials will come, but go forward. This will strengthen your faith and fit you for service.” PK 175.
We strengthen our faith by doing missionary work.

“Hope and faith will strengthen as the agent for God works with his talents and facilities that God has provided.” Test. Vol. 6, p. 44.
Apostle Paul gives us counsel, “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith: prove your own selves. 2 Cor. 13:5
Living faith in God has divine power in it. Sin can be overcome and the soul temple purified from selfishness and worldliness. “Through co-operation with Christ, they are made complete in Him, and in their human weakness they are enabled to do the deeds of Omnipotence.” GW113.

“As the will of man co-operates with the will of God, it becomes omnipotent. Whatever is to be done at His command may be accomplished in His strength. All His biddings are enablings.” C.O. 2, p. 333.

“When he has learned meekness and lowliness in the school of Christ, he will reveal Christlike patience, an invincible charity, and an omnipotent faith in the grand work of saving souls for whom Christ has died.” Publishing Ministry 132.

True, living faith is called by Sister White, “an omnipotent faith”. With this faith we can move mountains. In other words, sin can be overcome.

Read Hebrews chapter 11 to see what living faith in God can do. We have no reason to remain in human weakness while saving faith is available to us.

We are saved by faith from sin, and with faith we can prove to the world that the law of God can be kept. It is still the standard of righteousness and the condition for eternal life. May the Lord help each one of us to have this gift of God – the living faith.

Timo Martin