Based on John 4:4-30, 39-42

He was Thirsty

It was a sunny, very dry hot day, when they were on the way
To a distant city of Samaria, with the name of Sychar.
There they stopped at Jacob’s well,
Anyone to see them then could tell,
That band of men was weary, hungry, very thirsty.
One sat down while all the others
Went to Sychar to buy victuals.
Who was this longing for a drink of water,
Looking down the well to see the cool, refreshing treasure,
But had no means for drawing up its precious water.
Sent to earth in human likeness,
Bearing in His body like all men all weakness.
Being tired from the journey then,
He was a hungry, very thirsty man.
This was the Christ, Messiah, Saviour, Holy One,
God in fallen, human flesh, the Creator –
Who now helpless, longed for some refreshing water.
Angels would have loved to serve the needy drink,
But no, He must endure it to the brink,
Like all men on earth – infirmity, and tiredness,
For this He came to know and feel all human weariness.


The Woman of Samaria

That morning did not go so well, why? This she could not tell.
Her usual lively spirit was depressed,
Her troubled mind could not find rest,
A shadow crept upon her, a gloom she never felt before.
A dark foreboding troubled her,
That the life she lives is in a crisis, a change must come to what now is.
Suddenly her past was clear before her eyes,
That pursuit for happiness – it was all a lie –
What she perceived as love – was nothing more than a mirage –
Five times over – and the new one also just a fleeting rush –
Into something that must also end with a dramatic crash.
She dreamed that marrying men will be the spark
For joy, contentment, always hoping it is the one
To still her thirst for happiness,
But turned out to be mere emptiness.
None of her husbands understood her soul,
The longing of true love, genuine and pure,
The desire of a higher sphere, enriching life so precious, fair.
This all lies shattered now before her mind,
Where can she help and healing find? . . .
Despised by all as a base woman, always looking for a man,
But no one knew, perceived, what silent cry,
In her inner heart and soul did lie….

“I must have a drink of cool, fresh water,
Must hurry to the well,” the heat out there, it did not matter.
She took the pot and out she went, the woman with a conscience rent,
Who knew she lived a wretched life,
But all she really wanted – have a faithful husband, to be a good wife…


The noonday sun beat down on land, and man and beast,
But she does not care the least,
Her doleful mind needs the relief,
To clear her thoughts a refreshing drink will give.
Nearing Jacob’s well she sees someone sitting there,
As she did draw she did not care, but the man did ask a drink of her.
She looked – it was a Jew – what is HE doing HERE?
She was amazed that from her, a woman of Samaria,
She be asked a favour!
Jews do have no dealings with her nation, to Samaria they heed no notion.
Then she heard him say: “If you know the gift of God,
And who it is that says to you, Give Me a drink;
You would have asked of Him, and He would have given you living water.”
She answered: “Sir, You have nothing to draw with and the well is deep;
From where then have You that living water here indeed?
Are You greater than our father Jacob, which gave us this well,
And drank from it himself, . . .”
Jesus answered:” Whosoever drinks from this water shall thirst
Again; But whosoever drinks the water that I shall give him
Shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give,
Shall be in him a well of water, springing up into everlasting life.”
Her heart pounding, she cried: “Sir, give me this water, that I
Thirst not, neither come here to draw.” She was in awe.
“Go, call your husband, and come here.”
“I have no husband,” “You have spoken well…
For you had five husbands and he you have now, is not
Your husband: that you said truly.”
Oh, it was embarrassing to hear this, hitting a sore spot!
To continue with this topic she would not,
For this matter was not to flatter!
With anticipation turned now the conversation,
Perceiving Him to be a prophet –
About worship she began to chatter,
Talking then with Him of worship.
But Jesus did explain and made it plain
That the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and Truth,
For such God is seeking, for God is a Spirit and the Truth…
The woman was astonished hearing this
Then said, she knew that the Messiah, called the Christ
Will come and speak all these things to be,
Then Jesus said: “I that speak to you am He.”


Just then the disciples did return – they were bewildered men
Seeing Jesus talking with the woman!
Then she in utter wonder left the pot, running to the city,
To tell the people to come out quickly,
To see Him who told her of her life, is this not the Christ? . . .
The people were excited, they wanted to know
Who this is and the throng hurried to the well,
To hear for themselves what this Christ to them would tell…
And the Samaritans urged Jesus to come with them that day,
Teaching them the truth, without delay.
Then Jesus stayed with them two days.
And many did believe on Him because of His own words,
Not because of the saying of the woman they have heard.
But saw themselves that this is indeed the Christ,
The Saviour of the world.


This day for the woman was the turning point to a life anew.
The craving of her soul, the want she felt was gone,
She was made whole, new inside and all.
She knew then what to live for, ended thus her last affair,
This way of life she wants no more.
Her soul had found the peace, the joy she never knew,
She gave herself to God, lived a life forever true,
To testify to others that Christ does know your heart and soul.
Gives you the living water, a fountain ever full,
Springing up in you into eternal life,
In truth and righteousness, and godliness,
The searching, thirsting heart to cool. Amen.

 Edda Tedford, Canada