Quo Vadis?

(Where are you going?)

Moments flee, hours do not last, days go by, the weeks rush fast
Months speed forward fast, another year into eternity is cast.
Nothing can return, time is swallowed up, some memories may remain a bitter cup ­–
or stay as sweet delight in what has been. . .


Think, o man, what you are living for, is pleasure, money, fun you score?
Is the hunt for earthly treasure, trifling mirth, the major drive what life is worth?
In this age “must have, must get, must see,”
Self is first, so blind as to forget, a life of greed must end in misery.
Precious years are squandered chasing vain pursuit, but lacking to produce the fruit,
The Holy Spirit longs impart to those with earnest virtue do regard.
But judgment lingers not, soon it will come, what will be your lot,
weighted in the balance – wanting of obedience and faithfulness to God?
You know the truth – but strayed away, esteemed it lightly, chose the way
to venture after glitter and display –
That must perish, so will you, this divine justice has to do.
Wake up and be alarmed, from where so charmed to his bewitching ground
Satan lured, beguiling you to gain and sin, casting out Jesus from within –
but soon must give for this account.
What seems enchanting as a whole, is but detrimental to the soul.
Repent and pray and weep and seek again the One you have forsaken,
You had cherished in your heart, for Jesus was your part.
How perilous to neglect devotion, casting the eye on worldly notions,
chasing dubious visions!
How swiftly comes the fall, from truth thus to depart – O, how deceitful is the heart!
Come now in spirit sorrow stricken and kneel before the cross,
confess your sins, bemoan the loss, of times and years,
which caused the Saviour suffer grief and tears.
Surrender body, mind, and soul, the cleansing blood of Jesus makes you whole.


A new creation now you are, filled with joy and peace and love,
with gratitude to live and serve, walking in the Spirit from above.
The Quo Vadis quest is stayed, your solemn view now fixed,
To yonder realms with light arrayed, and heavenly bliss and beauty mixed.
The Saviour’s wounds were not in vain, enduring bitter anguish, pain and shame.
Out of love from Satan’s evil spell, He ransomed you from death and hell.
The only worth of life is yield yourself to Him,
To know the bliss obeying, loving Him.
To Christ give all, surrender nothing less –
for beside Jesus all other things are nothingness! Amen.

Edda Tedford, Canada