And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us. Acts 16:9
If you would have told me a few months ago that I would be going to Pakistan, I would not have believed it, but the Lord showed me that His will was that I go. My friend, Gulzar Dass was going there to set up a school and a clinic on the outskirts of Karachi, the largest city. I hoped that our church could prove a benefit in this process of establishing an ongoing outreach in the wider Pakistani community.
The leader of our work there, Br. Inayat Daniel came from Islamabad to help and encourage the souls with me when I was there. There were also contacts that came from Facebook through different believers in Australia. These contacts were in Faisalabad and Farooqabad with Br. Inayat making contact with some believers in Lahore and Karachi. Some of the contacts had their own ministries in feeding, providing schooling, and helping poor children and their families. We tried to help with these efforts as well, but having very limited resources, we could only do so much.
There were also many opportunities to help sick people with simple natural remedies, as health care there is inadequate and costly.
Your prayerful support for these souls is solicited.
Thank you,
Jerry Eaton