Motto: “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Revelation 14:12
On Thursday, March 22, Br. Timo Martin and I arrived in Finland. Br. Martin had been invited by the church in Finland to speak at their Spring Conference, taking place from March 24–26. The members in Finland were elated to see Br. Martin again; the older ones remembered him when he was a little boy, coming to church with his parents, his five brothers and two sisters. The younger ones recalled him when he spoke at the Finland conference just over 20 years ago.
Br. Martin (Marttinen) was born in Finland in 1931 and left his home country in 1952, when he was called up to perform his military service. God’s providence allowed him to leave Finland, despite a rule where Finnish citizens, who were to perform their military service, could not obtain visas to leave the country. Since then he has lived in Canada where he has been a key member in furthering the work in the church in Canada.
The Reformation was slow to come to Finland, because it was so far north, and the language was challenging to anyone who did not speak Finnish. Two German brothers came initially, but due to the language barrier, had little success. These brothers had brought an Estonian sister into the faith. She later went to Finland at her own expense; she stayed in Finland, learned the language, and preached the message. When she found souls ready for baptism, she would call the brethren to baptize them into the church. Twelve members were baptized as the first members of the Reformation in Finland, Br. Martin’s mother included. Brothers Korpman and Holmstroem from Estonia visited Finland every year, encouraging the members and giving them Lord’s Supper until they became self-sufficient.
Today the church in Finland has 13 members; they have a church building in a town called Akaa, containing an office, kitchen, sanctuary, several bedrooms, a dining area, and a sauna. In Finland, there are people interested in the Reform who are having Bible studies from Br. Vladimir Marinov, the leader in Finland and worker in our church; several are also attending church.
Present were 21 people from several countries when the conference opened on Friday evening. Many had traveled long distances to be at the conference. Br. Reijo Jyrkinen opened the conference by reading a worship on music. He compared music to prayer. Br. Timo Martin led the Sabbath opening meeting. Paul was happy in trials, tribulations. We must also be happy when we go through similar things. If we ask God to take trials away from us, God will leave us to walk our own way. Sister White tells us that God will not give us any more trials than what we need to be saved. Not only are we to keep the Ten Commandments, we are asked to walk the second mile, to love others as ourselves. We must live the life now that we will live in heaven. We are all like in quicksand; we cannot get out in our own strength. We need God’s help. But, if we sink too far, God will no longer help us, and the Holy Spirit will leave us. We need to cry out to God before we have gone too deep. The tree that the owner wanted to cut down because it did not produce fruit, Jesus said, leave it for one more year, and let me do all I can for the tree. If it then does not produce fruit, cut it down. We may have the same, one year of mercy left for us, God will do all He can for us, but if we do not produce fruits, He will leave us alone.
Sabbath morning was cool and cloudy. The church was full. People came from various countries to attend the conference, including Sweden, Canada, Estonia, Ukraine, and Bulgaria. Many translations were taking place at the same time into the different languages. There were 41 people in attendance, which included a group of people originally from DR Congo. They now live in Finland, and are slowly learning the language. However, the challenge has been that their native language is French, and none of the church members speak French to translate for them. A few of them have learned enough Finnish to be able to translate the sermon into French for the others.
Br. Martin led the divine service. Many fear war and persecution, but what we should fear most is self-righteousness. When events such as the Dark Day, October 22, 1844, or when WW1 occurred, people thought Christ’s work was ended and He would come. However, He will come when many cry peace and safety; when all is quiet, our name will be called in the judgment, and our time of mercy will be over. Many will not be ready. When we are born again, we are given the Holy Spirit, and we become new creatures through His guidance. We must develop our characters to the same likeness as was Adam before his fall; this can be done with God’s help. Br. Martin reviewed the four seals God’s people will be given before we reach heaven.
Sister Eva Lammes, who traveled from Sweden to attend the conference, gave a powerful health message in the afternoon on Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes. She reviewed the five main risk factors which contribute to these illnesses, which include increased abdominal girth, high blood pressure, low HCL, high triglycerides and high fasting blood sugar. If all five risk factors are present, there is a 5Xhigher risk of cardiovascular disease. Lack of exercise and smoking also contribute to elevated risk. She also talked about natural methods to prevent and heal both of these conditions. Diet is the key, look for food high in nutrients and low in calories, e.g. vegetables. All meals should contain healthy proteins. Limit the amount of starchy carbohydrates and fruits to 1-3 servings per meal. Healthy fats should be 15-25% of our calories healthy fat. Fibre is the secret to blood sugar control. Also, regular exercise could prevent 30-50% of new cases of diabetes.
For the testimony and praise meeting we heard from various attendees of their experiences in coming to the truth. Groups from the various countries in attendance provided many beautiful instrumental music and songs.
Br. Marinov led out in the Sabbath closing. He reminded us of the motto of the conference. We know who Babylon is, and we know who are God’s people. We need to find our place, our role in the Three Angel’s Messages. God has given us these messages. We know that we are in the time of the judgment. We need to spread the message, with God’s help. The most important thing we need is the faith of Jesus, and we will be given strength to remain until the end.
On Sunday morning Br. Martin spoke again. He reminded us that we are living in the Day of Atonement. Unlike the High Priests in ancient Israel’s time, Jesus moved into the most holy place only once. We have to prepare ourselves as did God’s people in the wilderness. When He completes His work of judgment, the door of mercy will be shut forever. The door is still open, but it could close at any time. We must have faith to do what God asks of us, without asking why. We do not know God’s will, but if we are born of God, we can overcome every sin.
The sisters provided us healthy meals throughout the conference. I was delighted to enjoy many of the Finnish foods that I am unable to get in Canada.
All who were present at the conference agreed that it was a blessed time and all sent greetings to the members in the various countries represented there.
On Monday, together with Br. Vladimir Marinov, we traveled almost two hours to visit an elderly sister, Anja Rantanen who was unable to attend the conference. Br. Martin preached a sermon in her living room on the 144,000. The 144,000 need to learn the song of Moses and the Lamb, the song of their experience, a song that only they can sing. It is the same song that both Moses at the Red Sea, and Jesus sang. Br. Marinov then gave the Lord’s Supper to the sister. We enjoyed a lavish meal prepared by the sister before heading back to Akaa.
Helen Marttinen