A letter from Sister Carolyn

I have been working on children’s books for some time now—at first they were very primitive, but as I continue, I try to make improvements.

Over the years I have taught quite a few children’s Sabbath Schools both in the SDA church and the SDA Reform. I love to do this and have been prepared to put some effort into it. We often decorated the Sabbath School room together with the theme of the quarter. Sometimes a nature theme and at other times a spiritual theme e.g. fish, trees, Christian armour, and so on. During these quarters, some effort was spent finding themes for each week for the various topics. I usually divided the hour of Sabbath School into four parts: singing, nature, Bible story, and activity. This seemed to work well, and kept the attention of the children. Nature is God’s second book and can be used to show the wonders that have come from our Creator’s hand. So, as the years went by, I started to collect a lot of material and rather than throw it away, I thought of recording the ideas in books e.g. “Voyage to Heaven” is one quarter’s theme. The recording of information is quite easy, but to help the children I decided to make exercises, questionnaires and puzzles for the children to actually take part and learn about nature and the Bible. In that way the book would be more useful. It could be used by teachers or by the children themselves. Sometimes they may only colour in the pictures but at least they would come in contact with Bible themes.  After producing a few books I realised that these were the very types of books that would have helped me when I was young—but there was only lesson pamphlets and not much more. Nowadays it is hard to find a book for children that is not in comic type characters.

The Bible is God’s book—it is holy and it holds wonderful secrets which reveal what God is like. I want the children to realise these things and in so doing begin a relationship with Him.

My work has begun to go beyond what I have already done with the children and to explore new areas of the Bible and nature.

I always have several books that I am working on, and realise that a lifetime is not long enough for all the books I would like to do.  I have notes on about six new books. I thank the Lord for giving me this work. I love the children and realise how important their young years are. I pray that God would help me to continue this work, with His wonderful Word.

The beauty of the Spirit of Prophecy has also come to my notice and so in my last book I have put postage stamp quotes on each page (Portraits of Jesus).

I hope and pray these books will lead old and young to see the Bible—not as a dull book but a living volume leading us to our Heavenly Father.

Yours Truly,

Carolyn Higgins

List Of Books

1)Apostle John; 2) When I Look Out My Window; 3) The Good Shepherd; 4) The Letter E; 5) The Letter F; 6) True Obedience; 7) Living Water; 8) Faith and Feathers; 9) Voyage to Heaven; 10) Learn to Love the Bible (Proverbs); 11) Revelation;  12) Daniel, book 1; 13) Wilderness Wanderings; 14) Know Your Bible, book 1; 15) Know Your Bible, book 2; 16) Know Your Bible, book 3; 17) Know Your Bible, book 4; 18) Portraits of Jesus; 19) Heavenly Sunshine      

Sister Carolyn Lives in Perth, Western Australia.

Sister Carolyn’s Email: [email protected]