For my vacation, the Lord opened up a way for me to pay a visit to my dear friends on the island of Papua New Guinea. With joy, because of long absence, I greeted the believers in Papua New Guinea, who requested a seminar on, “Preparation for the Final Crisis.” Although I intended to take a vacation, I had decided to fulfill their desires for a seminar.Though I had prepared much material to present, the Lord tried my faith by allowing my briefcase containing all of my preparation to go missing on one of my flights there. So I had to trust the Lord to bring back to my mind all of the material, which He did- praise His worthy name. We studied every night, and souls were convicted as we also delved into the word of God for two studies during the day. Some of the topics included, “The 144,000 and the sealing message, Christian leadership and Health in the last days.” Br. Peter Dakire and his family plan to move soon, as they have had some problems in time past with some of their neighbours, so let us pray for them, that they will be a light in their new place of labour. We never know exactly why God’s hand may lead us in a certain way, often through trials and difficulties, but if we trust Him through it all, then we end up having a very rich experience. May our gracious God’s hand continue to lead and guide His dear people in this tropical, but troubled land. We know Jesus is coming soon, and He will have many souls who come from Third World countries, where their prosperity may be low, but their faith burns bright. I returned home safely, well rested from my vacation, ready to take up my duties in my local field of labour. Amen
By Jerry Eaton