Praise the Lord
Two months ago, when I was reading the Bible text Mark 7:25-30 at 7.00 PM in my home, the telephone rang. One of my friends, our church member, Brother S. Jayaseelan talked to me. He requested me to come to his village immediately, because one of his neighbours was sick, a woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, and was also requesting prayer for her.
Really it was very interesting to me. Why? The same time I was reading the Bible text Mark 7:25. “For a woman whose young daughter had a unclean spiritheard about Him, and she came and fell at His feet.” Then afterwards we offered prayer and submitted everything to the Lord. Myself, Brother Ruban David and Ramesh traveled 50 km to the place called Thamallaree Muttur.
We started the prayer meeting at 9.30 pm. We praised the Lord with many songs and many Bible texts. Within a half an hour, unfortunately, not the girl, but the mother of the young girl had an unclean spirit, dancing and shouting. Then we, the two Brothers went near her and offered prayer. The Lord heard our prayer and the unclean spirit left her. Then the family members and church members requested us to continue the prayer meeting. So, we were teaching them Bible thoughts. We preached to them that Jesus is the only way for redemption from the bondage of sin, disease and from unclean spirits.Then the young girl, who was suffering from an unclean spirit, was dancing,shouting and crying until 12.30 am midnight. We continued in prayer until the evil spirit went away from the young girl.
At 12.30, after the prayer meeting the same young girl saw us, and said to me, “Hello Pastor, when did you come here, why have these people gathered here at the midnight hour?” We told her ?our loving Lord healed her and her mother. She was surprised and praised the Lord. The family members, church members and village people started praising the Lord; we also praised the Lord for this wonderful miracle. My dear Brethren, praise the Lord with us. Our loving Lord will do miracles in our life also. “And he [but here ‘she’] departed and begins to proclaim in Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him; and also marvelled.”