Kissing Life Goodbye

Judas The Judean

Judas Iscariot was the disciple that betrayed Jesus. Judas was the son of Simon (John 6:7), or of Simon Iscariot. The term “Iscariot,” is used to distinguish Judas from the other disciple named Judas (Luke 6:16). Judas Iscariot was from Kerioth, in southern Judah. Thus, Judas was a Judean, the only one of the Twelve who was not from Galilee.

When one hears or mentions the name of Judas, it is fraught with mixed emotions. Why? Well, he had amazing and distinguished abilities. Not only was he brilliant, but had this commanding and striking ability to apply them in an astonishing manner; although craftyin nature they are still rare attributes. Moreover, he had the additional privilege and glorious opportunity of being with Jesus for three and one-half years. This is unparalleled, matchless! But, one may wonder if this was looked upon merely as a money-making opportunity?

Miracle Watcher

What changed Judas? What was the turning point in his life? Jesus’ ministry was punctuated by many miracles. Judas saw it all! Jesus demonstrated His power over nature by:
-Calming a storm (Mt 8:23-27)
-Walking on water (Mt 14:25)
-Multiplying food (Mt 14:15-21)
-Pulling a coin from a fish’s mouth (Mt 17:24-27)
-Turning water into wine (Jn 2:1-11)
-Catching fish (Lk 5:4-11)
-Causing a fig tree to wither (Mt 21:18-21)

What else did Judas witness?
Well, he saw Jesus healing people with:
-Leprosy (Mt 8:2-4)
-Paralysis (Mt 8:5-13)
-Chronic bleeding (Mt 9:20-22)
-Blindness (Mt 9:27-31)
-Fever (Mt 8:14-17)
-Demon possession (Mt 8:28-34)
-Dropsy (Lk 14:1-4)
-A shriveled hand (Mt 12:10-13)
-Crippled limbs (Lk 13:11-13)
-A severed ear (Lk 22:50-51)

Judas, furthermore, witnessed the miracle of miracles -Jesus bringing dead people back to life: (Mt 9:18-25; Lk 7:11-15; Jn 11:1-44)

Demons And Diseases

The apostle John wrote the reason why he documented the miracles of Jesus, writing, “Jesus did many other signs… but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and believing, that you may have life in His name.”(Jn 20:30-34)

In the ministry of Jesus, He gave His apostles the power to cast out demons and heal diseases (Lk 9:1-6). These miracles served to give credence to the apostles’ message.

The apostle Paul, also, spoke of this, saying, “Truly the signs of an apostlewere accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.” (2 Cor12:12). Nowhere in the New Testament do we find believers in general performing the types of dramatic miracles of the apostles.

You Judas!

The apostle Judas, being sufficiently exposed to a multitude of miracles, and being with Jesus for three and one half years, however, became a detestable traitor. He became the most treacherous man in the history of mankind. Nothing can ever compare to it in its scope and magnitude on planet earth. Do you know of anyone named Judas? Would you name your child Judas? No child would be disreputably named Judas! If one is monstrously accused of a villainous or treacherous activity or act, he is referred to as, “you Judas”!

A Perfect Gentleman

Yet, Judas appeared quite normal. He was not a sinister looking figure. In fact he was a model citizen; a man of means, educated, respectful, and scholarly. Furthermore,he was very congenial, and even cared for the poor. Consequently, he was made the treasurer for the apostles; he kept the money-bag. Why the apostle Judas? Well, the apostle John was busy preaching and meditating; he might be too forgetful. The apostle Peter was too fiery, unpredictable. Yet, I doubt if anyone would choose a crook to be a treasurer. Judas was never a suspect, up to the very end, that he would play the role of a hideous, and shameless betrayer. The fact remains that he utterly rejected Jesus Christ!

Gene Mapping Church

Judas has many descendents. What do we mean by this? It doesn’t mean DNAgene mapping to search for roots of our past, reaching even into ancient Israel, and earlier, which has become a national scientific craze. Admittedly, there is some merit into these exploratory searches. But, the descendents in question are those today; “gene matching” church attendees that have often heard the gospel message, even preached from the pulpit, scholarly students of the Bible, knowing the scriptures thoroughly, and can quote passages in their entirety, and have a form of godliness. For many this slowly develops into a formalism, a routine, of attending and merely participating, but for many more, as indifferent spectators. They are respectful, and in essence know the message, the truth, and are looked up to by many believers, and even non-believers. Many have been there. Maybe you have been there. They attend a convenient church, but to be sure are living, as Judas, behind a shroud; living a “lie,” and as idolaters, deceivers, and fornicators.

Hear And Hear

Judas, although he had heard the gospel often, and heard Jesus Christ speak in the flesh, he had the heart of a “hypocrite,” assuming the false appearance of virtue… insincerity-critical (GR). The same “song” which can ignite the hearts onto fire, can just as quickly defuse the same heart. Many can believe, “unto death,” and can hear, and hear, and “be near” to Jesus Christ, but never respond in heart. Judas enjoyed the ?miracles he witnessed, even healing and casting out demons as the other apostles, but when a crisis point was reached, a trial or test came into being, a time to “examine the heart,” he fell, abandoning his fellow apostles, and the only One that could save him.

White-Washed Church

Likewise, in church it is nice to be around fellow believers, friends, family, and fellowship together, hear specials, and be excited when new guests and friends of the church appear, to sing, pray and worship together, and pot-luck dining. Nobody denies that this is a lovely gathering and uplifting; to edify one another and the church. On the other hand, if your friends did not come to church, would you come? If you were all alone would you come to church? Even so, if no one came to church, would you go… alone? Indeed, is the reason for attending church, social reasons?

Political Platform

Judas had a social, but more so a subtle and cunning political agenda. Firstly, the Jews fiercely despised the Romans. Judas had a heart to follow Jesus and a heart to overcome the Romans at the same time… a paradox… absurd but true.

This was true of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and the Pharaoh. ManyEgyptians joined the Israelites as curiosity seekers; taking with them their idols and customs, but really had no conviction. For many, when the trials come, at the moment favorable circumstances change, theywill abandon a cause, a person, or leader. Consequently, the heart hardens, and they are cut off from their “Life Source.” Isaiah says, “there is no remedy,” and furthermore, says, “the whole head is sick and the whole heart faint.”(Isaiah 1:5).

Cancer Of the Soul

Even so, Judas had a fatal flaw that clearly shows up. We find this in John 12:1-8, in which Jesus was anointed by Mary with a pound of expensive spikenard ointment. As she broke the jar containing it and anointed the feet of Jesus, Judas said, “Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?” Judas thought this was an extravagant gesture, but in fact was an act of love, for which Mary was criticized. Judas did not, in essence, care for the poor nor had the slightest interest or love for them. Judas held the money bag, and was stealing from the treasury of the disciples…. a cancer of the soul, an entrenched and misdirected greed.

Stop Thief! Many steal from God, today. But, who could be so bold as to do this? The Jews of old were warned of this in the book of Malachi 3:7-15; “How have we robbed God? In tithes and offerings.” Today the same spirit of Judas persists. Many are guilty of this greediness, and have a hypocritical heart. This does not come on suddenly, but slowly grows and festers in the heart for a long time. The intention of Judas was to be loved by Jesus Christ. In fact, Jesus Christ washed the feet of the disciples, and indeed, the feet of Judas Iscariot, His betrayer. Yet, Jesus knew, in fact the motives of Judas all along.

Second Chance Yet, Jesus Christ gave Judas a chance to repent. He could have prayed, as the prodigal son on his return to his father, “I’ve sinned against you and heaven.”(Luke 15:11). Judas was suffering from spiritual instability. But one, admittedly, cannot live a holy life apart from Jesus. It’s easy to fall away from God into despair, but God has a solution for all. “The entrance into the kingdom of heaven is through the panging pains of repentance.” The only secure place in this earth is in the hands of Jesus, and our dependence on Him, as a child with his father. Satan, however, took over the heart of Judas, and convinced and possessed his heart. Judas went along with Satan’s ideas, and bought himself into Satan’s slavery of doom. Judas walked out of the upper room into the darkness from the light, a fugitive slave for Satan’s camp.
Follow The Crowd In the garden of Gethsemane scene,the frenzied mob came with soldiers numbering anywhere from 200 to 6000, along with hostile masses of people. (John 18:1-9). Who were the people of this vulgar crowd? They were the same ones that only a few days earlier laid down olive branches before his path and were praising Him, but now turned against Him. Many were caught up in this combative spirit and “followed the crowd.”

Many today flee into the perilous night and betray Jesus Christ, and “put Him into an open shame.” (Heb 6:6).

I Am

The vindictive priests who were seeking Jesus Christ approached Jesus, and Jesus “said unto them, Whom seek thee? They answered Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus said unto them, I am He.”(John 18:4-5). The great I Am is recognized as the chosen name of God. “I am the Alpha and Omega, The beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” (Rev 22:12). When Jesus answered them, “I Am, they all fell to the ground like dominoes, with the power of God. Judas kissed Jesus, not his hand or feet, but came as a beloved betrayer, yet the act of kissing was not one of adoration and love, but in fact it was a treacherous kiss. Jesus said to Judas earlier, “what thou doest, do it quickly.” (John 13:27).

Get Back Now

Many today fervently and vibrantly sing, “Oh how I love Jesus.” They sing and worship in church and kiss one another, and then flee into the dark shadows of night, lusting unto immorality, deception and to death.

Judas Kissed Life Goodbye. He went his own way, the pernicious way, where the end is death (2 Peter 2:2). He returned the money to the priests, but they were not interested. Their objective was accomplished through his treachery. Judas fatefully hung himself, forever separated from God. In his heart he lived a lie and died a lie. We, too, can agonizingly suffer a similar ungracious and dismal fate. Remember, “if any man has got out of touch with God… he can get back now.”


John Theodorou, USA