Science and Religion
Since the beginning man has been seeking for meaning in nature. From the learned philosopher to humble peasants, men have tried to find answers to its origin and purpose. And as a result, many theories, vastly different from one to another have been created. Many of these theories which men believed once have been changed as new discoveries have been made which have forced these theorists to alter or abandon their interpretation what once seemed well established.
Today man has probed the secrets of nature from the minutest atom to the planets and stars, and has acquired great knowledge of which scientists only one hundred years ago did not even dream of. Yet there remains questions unanswered and problems unsolved. It seems that the more men study into the secrets of nature, the more questions arise which again require study and research. Yet all the knowledge that man has from the creation of God is like a child touching the water at the sea shore while there remains an ocean beyond unexplored.
Evolution Theories
Most of the modern day scientists deny the existence of God and the Bible record of creation and therefore they have established theories of evolution. Some explain that there was a great catastrophic action which formed the planets by violence. Others believe that the world and man evolved from the unloving in the course of millions of years.
Darwin collected a great amount of knowledge to prove that there has been a gradual evolution from simpler organisms to more complex, by “natural selection” by the survival of the best adapted forms in the struggle of existence, which finally produced the advanced species called the human race. In order to prove their theory, the scientists are still looking for the missing link, a being between man and gorilla.
The Bible says that God created each “kind” as different species. These species may develop to suit various environmental conditions but they still remain the same species as made by God. Different varieties of wheat can be crossed, but wheat will not cross breed with corn, because they are different species. Rabbits may vary in size and colour according to the environment but they still remain rabbits.
Therefore the natural selection does not produce anything new but merely adjusts that which is already existing to changing conditions. The fossils on which scientists base many of their theories give no evidence that one animal or plant has changed from one species to another.
The Flood
The nonbelieving scientists are not willing to accept the Bible record of the flood. Yet it puzzles them to find fossils out of place, in places where they could not have been possibly living. The only answer to this they have is that it must have happened millions of years ago. Large animals have been found in Arctic ice well preserved, still having grass in the mouth. Deep underground, below layers of sand and rock, animal bones have been excavated. The existence of coal,
oil, and natural gas also is a mystery to the evolutionists.
The Bible record of the flood explains to us how these things happened. When large amounts of vegetation, and dead animals floated in the waters and finally came to a stop against a mountain side or fell in a valley as the waters receded and then were covered either by an earthquake or sediment and therefore could not decay but turned into coal, oil, and gas. Sometimes trees, animals or rocks were carried away large distances by the flood waters. The vast differences in the theories of one evolutionist to another makes it evident that they are not based on facts but are merely speculations. To believe them requires more faith than the simple story of creation where we learn that God made them all.
Evidence of A Creator When you see footprints in the sea shore you come to a conclusion that someone has been there. A building gives evidence that carpenters and bricklayers have been there. The same thing can be said of earth and life that someone has made them, and for some particular purpose.
When we consider the fine structures of the retina of the eye or the complicated organ of the ear or the mechanism of speech, it is hard to believe that they all evolved by random selective action as Darwin explained. There are few scientists who believe in God and in the Bible, to then nature has a new meaning.
They see God through His handiwork. And the many questions that the scientists cannot answer they learned through the word of God. To them the origin of man and the earth are no more a mystery.
God is the author of science. When correctly understood the Bible and science agree, giving light to each other. Science proves the existence of God and the Bible confirms it. Actually apart from the Bible, geology proves nothing. Its theories and facts are only speculation. Man can learn by science how the nature works but cannot explain its origin or its purpose.
The evolution theory is one of the greatest deceptions of Satan. It is calculated to lead man away from his Creator, and away from the salvation and the eternal life. It places man as the supreme being in the universe, and therefore not accountable to anyone else. This was the desire of Lucifer in the beginning and it caused his downfall. He did not want to be accountable to God but rather be his own master. This is the reason also why men do not want to acknowledge the existence of God. As soon as man realizes that there is God who created all things the next question comes,
“what does He want me to do?” if He made me, then I belong to Him. And then we ask, for what purpose did He make me?
To a true scientist the voice of nature is the voice of God. In the tiniest blade of grass as well as in the highest mountain he sees the wisdom and the greatness of God. And the more he studies the book of nature, the more he realizes his dependence upon Him and learns to trust and love Him as the only one in the whole universe who can help and save him.
Once I read a book on astronomy where the writer explained the magnificent universe. The immense size of stars and galaxies and their innumerable number. Then in the last page, he exclaimed, “to think that He who created them all once hung upon the cross for man’s sins, is a scene before which all human greatness disappears.”
May the Lord help you to find the meaning in the nature and learn to trust the hand that guides the billions of stars and galaxies to guide also your life to greater understanding of the true meaning of life here.
Timo Martin