Chronology of the Last Day Events

1. Time of the End
• from 1798 to destruction of wicked, Dan. 12:4-10; GC 356:0-3

2. 1798, Events Connected With:
• Papal wound. End 1260 years, Dan. 7:25; Rev. 13:3,5; GC 356:1; 439:2
• Knowledge increased after this date, Dan. 12:4; GC 356:0
• Book of Daniel unsealed, Dan. 12:4, 9-11; Rev. 10:2; GC 356:2
• U.S. rising to power, Rev. 13:11; GC 440:1,2
• Second Advent proclaimed after 1798, Dan. 7:25-27; GC 356:1

3. First Angel’s Message,
Rev. 14:6,7
• Given 1831-1844 to every mission, Rev. 14:6,7; GC 405:2; GC 611:1
• Designed to separate saints from world, GC 379:1; GC 405:2

4. Second Angel’s Message,
Rev. 14:8
• First preached in summer of 1844, GC 603:2

5. Midnight Cry,
Matt. 25:5-7
• Given from summer to autumn of 1844, GC 398:3; GC 426:2
• Separated God’s people from fallen churches, EW 238:2; GC 402:1
• A preparation for 3rd angel’s message and sanctuary truth, EW 260:1

6. Great Disappointment, Oct. 22, 1844
• Predicted, Rev. 10:2, 8-10; (Zech. 9:9, Matt. 21:1-9); GC 403:1, GC 405:2
• Designed by God to prove and test His people, EW 246:2,3
• Mistake found, Prophecy again with Sanctuary truth, Rev. 10:11, 11:1-3, 18-19; GC 403:1 to 405:2; GC 409:1 to 413:3, GC 423:1

7. Third Angel’s Message,
Rev. 14:9-12
• Began in 1844 as Jesus entered Most Holy place, EW 254:1
• Embraces 1st and 2nd Angel’s messages, 8T 197:2
• To select wheat from tares and seal them, EW 118:1
• The sealing time is very short, Rev. 7:1-4; EW 58:0
• Ends at close of probation, GC 613:2

8. Investigative Judgement, Eccl. 12:14; Matt. 12:36-37; Mal. 3:1
• Cleansing of Sanctuary began in 1844, Dan. 7:13; GC 400:0
• Christ entered Most Holy place to begin judgement, Heb. 8 & 9; Rev. 11:1-3, 18,19; 3:7,8; GC 424:1-3
• Cleansing—Investigative Judgement, Rev. 14:6,7; Heb. 10:23-27; GC 422:0
• Only professed people of God considered, 1 Pet. 4:17; GC 480:1
• Ends at close of probation, Rev. 22:11; GC 428:2

9. Shaking Time, Heb. 12:27; EW 269-273
• Has already started, Continues till close of probation, 1T 429:1
• Purpose to purify church, Eph. 5:25-27; Mal. 3:1-3; 1T 99:3
• Causes: Heresies, 1 Tim. 4:1; 5T 707. Straight Testimony, 1T 181
• Those shaken, GC 608:2; CDF 428-9; EW 50:3; 5T 80:0-81:1
• Great proportion shaken, Matt. 22:14; 5T 136:1; 2T 445:2-446:0; GC 608

10. Counterfeit Reformation
• Among false churches before Loud cry, Isa. 2:2,3; Micah 4:1-5; EW 261
• Cause of, GC 464:1

11. National Sunday Law, Rev. 13:14-17; (Compare Daniel 3)
• Church appeals to civil to enact, Rev. 13:14-17; GC 607:1
• Brings National Apostasy, 5T 451:1; Then National Ruin, 7BC 977; 2SM 373.
• This law marks Union of Protestants and Catholics, 5T 712:0; GC 607:1
• Image to beast formed, Rev. 13:13,14; GC 445:1,2
• Final Test to man, Acts 5:29; Rom. 6:16; GC 605:2; GC 602:1; 5T 81:1
• Sign to leave large cities, Micah 3:10; 5T 464:3 to 465:0
• Every other country follows U.S. with Sunday law, Rev. 13:3; 6T 18:2
• Sign that probation soon to close, 5T 451:2
• Completes fall of Babylon, Rev. 14:8; GC 389:2 to 390:0

12. Short Time of Trouble
• Coincides with Latter Rain just before plagues, EW 85:3 to 86:0
• Causes, 2 Tim. 3:12; GC 606:2 to 608:1

13.LatterRainandLoudCry,Hos. 6:3;Zech.10:1,4:6;Acts2:17,3:19
• Coincides with short time of trouble, EW 33:2; EW 85:3 to 86:0
• Latter Rain develops 3rd message into Loud Cry, Rev. 18:1-4; EW 277
• Miracles—Sick healed, EW 278:1; GC 612:1
• Prepares saints for plagues, Ends at close of probation, EW 86:0

14. Marvelous Working of Satan

• Begins after Sunday law, 5T 451:1,2
• Through spiritism impersonates dead perfectly, GC 552:1; 560:1
• Wonders, Miracles, Healings, Rev. 13: 13,14; 16:13,14; GC 588:2 to 589
• Brings war, disease, disaster, storms, Rev. 16:14; GC 589:1 to 590:0
• Claim saints cause trouble by violating Sunday, GC 589 to 590:1
• World, headed by papacy, unites and opposes saints, Rev. 13:3,4,8; 7T 182

15. Satan Counterfeits Christ’s Coming

• Crowning Act, Matt. 24:23-27
• As angel of light, claims changed Sabbath, 2 Cor. 11:14; GC 624:2
• Not permitted to counterfeit manner of coming, GC 625:2,3

16. Mark of the Beast Received, Rev. 13:16,17; 14:9-11
• After truth made plain to all, GC 449:1; GC 604:3; GC 605:2

17. Sealing Time, Rev. 7:1-4; Eze. 9:3-6
• Sabbath is seal, Eze. 20:20; GC 640:1; 8T 117
• Qualifications: Reflect image of Jesus fully, no sin, EW 71:1,2
• Not remember sin, blotted out, Heb. 10:14-17; 5T 475,476; GC 485, 620; PP 202
• Complete just before probation closes, Eze. 9:1-7; EW 279:2 to 280:1

18. Marriage of the Lamb, Rev. 19:7-9 (Lamb=Christ—John 1:29)
• Lamb’s wife=Holy City, Rev. 21:9,10; GC 426:2 to 427:1
• Receives Kingdom at close of mediation, Dan. 7:13,14; GC 480:0
• Guest’s (saints) garments inspected = Investigative Judgement, Matt. 22:14; GC 428:1
• Wedding garment=Robe of Christ’s Righteousness, Rev. 19:6; GC 428:1
• Wedding conducted in sanctuary, Most Holy Place, EW 251:1; 280:1
• Saints attend marriage by faith, Matt. 25:10; GC 427:1
• Returns for wedding feast with us, Luke 12:35-37; Matt. 26:29; GC 427:1

19. Close of Probation, Rev. 22:11; Zeph. 2:1-3; Mark 13:33-37; 2T 190-191
• Every case settled, Spirit withdrawn, Gen. 6:3; GC 612:2; GC 614:1; PP 201:2
• Exact time not perceived by world, Continue form of religion, GC 615:1
• Jesus leaves Most Holy and lays confessed sin on Satan, Dan. 12:1; EW 280
• Changes from priestly to kingly attire, plagues, Isa. 59:17, 18; EW 281
• Day of the Lord begins, Joel 2:11; Amos 5:18, 20; Zeph. 1:14. 18; GC 310,311.

20. Great Time of Trouble
• Begins at close of probation, Dan. 12:1; GC 614:1
• Whole world involved in ruin and destruction, GC 614:1,2
• Saints blamed for trouble, GC 614:3; (compare 1 Kings 17:1; 18:17,18)
• Not store food, God provides with bread and water, Isa. 33:16; EW 56:2; 1T 206:1
• Righteous live without intercessor, Isa. 59:16; GC 614:1
• Ends at 2nd coming with 7th plague, Job 38:22,23

21. Seven Last Plagues, Rev. 15,16: Isa. 28:21; 26:20,21, 59:16-18.
• Begin at close of probation, GC 627:3; EW 52:1
• Plagues are not universal, GC 628:2
• Most awful scourges ever known to mortals, GC 629:0
• Wicked search in vain for truth, Amos 8:11,12; GC 629:2
• Saints suffer but not perish, Ps. 121:5-7; 91:3-10; Isa. 26:20; GC 629
• Shortened for elect’s sake, GC 631:0 (compare Matt. 24:21,22)

22. Death Decree, Rev. 13:15 (compare John 11:50; Dan. 3:5, 10, 11)
• Passed after close of probation, GC 615:1,2
• Plagues enrage wicked against saints and pass decree, EW 36:2 to 37:0
• Passed throughout world, Rev. 13:3; PK 512; EW 282:2; EW 283:0; GC 604:2
• Sign to leave all cities and villages and flee to mountains, GC 626:1
• Determined to strike in one night, but saints delivered, GC 635, 636
• No righteous will die after decree, 9T 17:1
• Angels fight for saints in form of men, GC 631:1; EW 283:0
• Decree begins time of Jacob’s trouble, GC 615, 616; LS 117:1

23. Time of Jacob’s Trouble, Jer. 30:7
• Begins at death decree, GC 615:2 to 616:1
• A time of mental anguish, fear every sin not confessed, GC 616:2; GC 619
• Angels provide saints with food and water, Isa. 33:16; EW 282:2
• Saints cry day and night for deliverance, Ends trouble, EW 283:2

24. Armageddon, Begins at 6th plague, Rev. 16:12; 19:11-19; Joel 3:2, 9-16
• Earth is battlefield, Rev. 16:14; R & H, May 13, 1902
• All take sides, God and law keepers or Satan and apostates, 7BC 982,983
• Religious phase, Rev. 12:17; 16:14-17; 7BC 983; GC 583. between good and evil
• Angels fight for righteous, Rev. 19:14; GC 631:1; 6T 406
• Military phase, Nation’s armaments, 7BC 967; GC 642; 6T 14
• God’s artillery, hail stones 57 lbs, Rev. 16:21; Job 38:22, 23
• Ends at Second Advent, GC 641, 642

25. Deliverance of God’s People, Mal. 3:17; Ps. 27:5
• Saints cry day and night for deliverance, EW 283:1 to 285:0
• Comes as time to carry out death decree nears, GC 635:0
• Delivered at midnight, Job 34:20; GC 636:2
• 144,000 living saints at that time, EW 15:0
• Sun shines at midnight, moon stands still, GC 636:2; EW 285:1
• Earthquake of 7th plague frees imprisoned saints, GC 637
• Wicked turn on one another and on ministers, Jer. 23:1, 2; GC 655, 656

26. Special Resurrection, Dan. 12:2
• Righteous who died in 3rd angel’s message since 1844, GC 637:2
• Those who pierced Him, Rev. 1:7; GC 643:1, 2
• Most violent opposers of truth, GC 637:2

27. Tables of the Law Appear in the Sky
• During the 7th plague (earthquake), Rev. 11:19 (16:8); GC 639:1

28. Day and Hour of Christ’s Coming Announced
• Announced by voice of God, Joel 2:11; GC 640:2

29. Second Coming of Christ
• Small black cloud appears in Eastern sky, GC 640:3 (Orion—EW 41)
• Jesus appears in clouds, Rev. 1:7; GC 641:0-1

30. First Resurrection, Righteous Dead
• Voice of God calls dead to awaken, 1 Thess. 4:15-17; 1 Cor. 15:21-23
•Come from grave, same stature as died, but no blemishes, little children placed in mother’s arms. 1 Cor. 15:51;
GC 644:2 to 645:1

31. Wicked Slain by Brightness of His Coming
• 2 Thess. 2:8; Isa. 11:4; GC 656:2; 657:2

32. Saints Taken to Heaven
• Resurrected and living saints meet Christ in air, 1 Thess. 4:17
• Taken to heaven in cloudy chariot in 7 days, EW 16:2; 288:0
• On sea of glass, saints receive crowns and harps, James 1:12; EW 288:1
• Jesus opens Holy City gates and saints enter, Rev. 22:14; EW 288:1
• Gather before white throne and see those won for Christ, GC 647:1
• The two Adams meet, GC 647:2
• Marriage supper, Table miles long laden with fruit, EW 19:1

33. Millenium, 1000 years
• Earth desolate, Jer. 4:23-27; Rev. 20:1-3; GC 658:3 to 660:2
• Satan bound, Banished as scapegoat, Lev. 16:21; GC 658
• Saints in heaven judging wicked, 1 Cor. 6:2, 3; Rev. 20:4; EW 291:0

34. Events at End of Millenium
• Jesus and redeemed return to earth, Zech. 14:5; GC 662:1; EW 291:1
• Wicked dead raised (2nd resurrection), John 5:28, 29; Rev. 20:5
• Christ descends upon Mount of Olives, Zech. 14:4; GC 662:3; EW 291:1
• Holy City descends to Mount of Olives, Rev. 21:2; GC 663:0; EW 291:1
• Christ and saints enter Holy City, Rev. 22:14; GC 663:0
• Devil looses and gathers wicked for battle, Rev. 20:7, 9; GC 663:1; 664:1
• Skillful men make implements of war, EW 293:2; GC 664:2
• Gates of city closed by Christ’s command, GC 664:3
• Christ’s coronation on throne above city, GC 665:1; 666:1
• Books of judgement opened, Rev. 20:11, 12; GC 666:2
• Panoramic scenes of Great Controversy in sky, GC 666:3 to 668:4
• Satan bows to Christ’s supremacy, GC 670:2
• Wicked turn against Satan and his agents, Eze. 28:6-8, 16-19; GC 672
• Hell fire devours Satan and wicked, Ps. 11:6; Rev. 20:9, 10, 13-15; Jude 1-15; Jude 14, 15, Mal. 4:1, 3; 2 Pet. 3:7; GC 672:1 to 673
• Some suffer days, some a moment, Rev. 20:10; Luke 12:47-49; GC 673; EW 294
• Satan suffers greater and much longer than people, Rev. 20:10; EW 291:0
• Earth purified and re-created, 2 Pet. 3:12, 13; GC 674:1; EW 295:1
• Saints inherit earth, Ps. 37:9-11, 29; Isa. 45:18; Rev. 21:7
• Conditions of New Earth, Rev. 21:1-7; Isa. 65:17-25; 35:1-10; Rev. 22:1-5
• Space travel to other worlds by saints, EW 40:0
• One reminder remains, Christ’s wounds, Heb. 3:4; Zech. 13:6; GC 674:2

Dear Reader,
May this subject help you and me to understand that our salvation is near at hand.
The Latter Rain is about to be given to the saints, and the angel with the inkhorn writer is preparing his wings to go to
Jesus and report that his work is complete and that all the saints have received the seal of God and the Latter Rain.
Then probation will close. But I must leave this subject for the present and close with the exhortation of the prophet.

“Seek ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgement: Seek righteousness, seek meekness:
It may be ye shall be hid on the day of the Lord’s anger.” Zech. 2:3

From your Brother in the blessed hope,
Pastor Golden Kayawa Hingabantu
Kalomo, Zambia