Work Out Your Own Salvation!
“We should be careful not to take into our hands the work of judging that belongs to God…
The Saviour bids us, “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Matthew 7:1,2, Remember that soon your life record will pass in review before God. Remember, too, “that He has said, therefore you are inexcusable, 0 man who ever you are who judge, for in what ever you judge another you condemn yourself, for you who judge practice the same things.” Romans 2:1 G.W. p.474 and Remember always, written by apostle James “who are you to judge another?” James 4:12.
Win Souls to the Saviour’s kingdom:
As the children of God, we have to win souls to our Saviour’s kingdom. That is our right duty. But unfortunately, some of the Christians are thinking to destroy or push away those who are co-workers and faithful members, from the church. Those who do this are agents of Satan.
These things are happening every where, But they are not willing to solve the problems and talk to each other and be open hearted. Instead of doing this, they are taking revenge on them. These kinds of people are losing their salvation and are also making others lose their salvation. If anyone find fault with their co-brother, it is destroying the work of Jesus Christ.
The will of God:
When the first Coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ occurred, he said to us, we should think what is the will of the heavenly father, ‘Even so it is not the will of your father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.” Matthew 18:4. What wonderful words! What does the apostle peter say? “… .but is long suffering towards us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance”. 2 Peter 3:9 The apostle Paul also says about the will of God. “who desires all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:4 Our Saviour says, what is the thing which makes joy in heaven more than any thing. “I say to you that like wise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety nine just person’s who need no repentance.” Luke 15:7.
Do the will of God:
What we know by reading the above passage’s are… “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” This is God’s will. If we are also God’s children, our will also must be like this. Now what to do? It we find any fault from others, we have to do according to the words of Matthew 18:15-17. With the love of Jesus, we have to inform them not to lose salvation because of their sin. This is also one of the wonderful works of salvation. Instead of this we should not think to destroy the sinners. This creates joy in heaven.
Find The Good Things:
Many people say we are true Christians and followers of Jesus Christ. But our activities are against the character of our Saviour. How can Jesus come among them? We can find one thousands faults as well as we can find ten very good things in a person. What shall we do? Shall we condemn them always with one thousand faults or shall we encourage them with ten good things? If we always condemn anyone, he will grow in the faults. If we encourage him for good things, he will improve .in good things. Then the faults will be reduced, so we can turn such souls to the side of our Saviour Jesus Christ.
How many persons are working like this? This is the time and place for us to think. If we think that anyone wants to destroy without repentance means this is the character of the elder-son becoming jealous of his own brother. (Luke 15:29-32) If you are not searching sinners for repentance, at least when the sinners realize and return from their sin, we should be happy with Jesus and the heavenly kingdom.
Pray for you and me:
“The time spent in criticizing the motives and works of Christ’s servants might better be spent in prayer. Often if those who find fault know the truth in regard to those with whom they find fault, they would have an altogether different opinion of them. How much better it would be if, instead of criticizing and condemning others, every one would say, “I must work out my own salvation. If I co-operate with Him who desires to save my soul, I must watch myself diligently, I must cut away every evil from my life. I must become a new creature in Christ. I must over come every fault, then, instead of weakening those who are striving against evil, I can strengthen them by encouraging words” -8 T. p 83,84
Generally, those who find fault with others, think that they must be punished. They don’t think their character is against Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul says, “bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do” Colossians 3:13 Those who have the character of Jesus Christ, they will go forward with love and heavenly love.
One who is against the character of Jesus Christ, enjoys seeing his brothers problem’s and unhappiness and is critical. What advice the Bible gives for such people are… If some one says, “I Love God”, and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?” 1 John 4:20
Love your own soul:
“While many are neglecting their own souls, they eagerly watch for an opportunity to criticize and condemn other “Now”, say these self-constituted judges, “we have facts. We will fasten upon them an accusation from which they cannot clear themselves”. They wait for a fitting opportunity and then produce their bundle of gossip and bring forth their tidbits… while condemning the errors of others, they indulge far greater errors themselves.
Is there no law of kindness to be observed? Have Christians been authorized of God to criticize and condemn one another? Is it honorable, or even honest, to win from the lips of another, under the guise of friendship, secrets which have been entrusted to him, and then turn the knowledge thus gained to his injury? Is it Christian charity, to gather up every floating report, to unearth everything that will cast suspicion on the character of another, and then take delight in using it to injure him? Satan exults when he can defame or wound a follower of Christ. He is “the accuser of our brethren,” Shall Christians aid him in his work?
“God’s all seeing eye notes the defects of all and the ruling passion of each, yet He bears with our mistakes and pities our weakness. He bids His people cherish the same spirit of tenderness and forbearance. True Christians will not exult in exposing the faults and deficiencies of others, they will turn away from vileness and deformity, to fix the mind upon that which is attractive and lovely. To the Christian every act of fault finding, every word of censure or condemnation, is painful”. 5 T. p. 95, 96
Do the work of salvation
Many persons are happy with others punishment. That is a very bad habit, so, first you have to concentrate in keeping your salvation. You know the fate of those who tried to destroy the prophet Daniel in the den of lions? And also you know what happened to Miriam who acted against the servant of God, Moses? If you find anybody goes in a wrong path, make them to realize it and correct it in the name of Jesus Christ and God will bless you with a life of joy and love.
“A glance, a word, even an intonation of the voice, may be ,vital with false wood, sinking like a barbed arrow into some heart, inflicting an incurable wound. Thus a doubt, a reproach, may be cast upon one by whom God would accomplish a good work and his influence i.e. blighted, his usefulness destroyed. Among some species of animals, if one of their number is wounded and falls, he is at once set upon and tom in pieces by his fellows. The same cruel spirit is indulged by men and women who bear the name of Christians. They manifest a pharisaical zeal to stone others less guilty then themselves. There are some who point to others faults and failures to divert attention from their own, or to gain credit for great zeal for God and the church” 5 T.p.59
So, one who can realize and recognize the Christianity in his heart, has to leave the habit of betraying others with false allegations. and realize thy own sin of jealousy of others health and wealth, name and fame. We should forgive others and make them realize their faults. This leads one to salvation in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. If we do this, we will become a perfect soul in the life of Jesus Christ. This is the wonderful work in the Christian life.
What you need, do that for others:
“Therefore, what ever you want men to do to you, do also to them for this is the law and prophets” Matthew 7:12 “If you are a true Christian, ignore other’s faults, and correct yourself. If we do like this, we can see the healthful condition in the Lord’s Church. When the lord collects His gems, He can see the faithful and honest souls. When he makes the crown’s for them, the light will given brightness to the crown from the Lords throne” 5 T. p. 96, 97
So, If we want to be perfect, first we have to obey our lord of God, then afterwards we will not find any fault, or jealousy, anger, or misunderstanding among the children of God.
So, brethren, “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin” I John 1:7
We will encourage everyone with this word. If we often find others faults, we are losing our salvation and also disturbing others salvation. It will be very sad in heaven. So, first we love ourselves and keep our salvation then we will help others to receive their salvation. If we do like this, our love is reaching to our heavenly father through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Then after what? Happy! Every where!! In heaven also, praise the Lord, Amen.