The Pillars of Our Faith – Part 2
As Seventh Day Adventists we are required to study in detail the earthly and heavenly sanctuary and it’s very good to have this knowledge. We want to understand what Jesus is doing in our behalf in the heavenly sanctuary. Many of us know what the earthly sanctuary contained, with it’s different colors, curtains and utensils. It is also important to know the meaning of the colors, curtains, and utensils. They all pointed to a significance in the ministry of Christ in behalf of human kind.
Which are some of the pillars of our faith we should know? I will begin by mentioning the Sabbath, the fourth commandment in God’s law, a day that God established for us to worship him. The next pillar is the state of the dead. In our time the doctrine of the immortality of the soul is like a hot pancake. The Bible states in many verses that when we die we are in a sleep until resurrection day. The Ten Commandments and the faith of Jesus is another pillar. The Bible says, “if ye love me keep my commandments” John 14:6. The Lord also in the new covenant writes his Law in our hearts and mind. Having the faith of Jesus is important. “When the Son of man cometh shall he find faith in the earth? As true believers we should have the faith of Jesus. Another pillar is the Three Angels Message found in Rev. 14:6-12, a very important message for the time we are living in. The Temple of God in heaver which contains the Ark of the Covenant in the most Holy Place is another pillar. Inside the ark are located the Ten Commandments. In the commandments as we stated before is the light of the Sabbath. The protestant world preaches that the Sabbath commandment was nailed to the cross and thus fulfilled in Jesus. The Lord has raised up the Adventist faith to defend the pillars of our faith from the false teachers in our time. We read before that the pillars of our faith shouldn’t be removed not even an inch.
There are many that know their Bible’s very little and they remove the pillars of the faith by not being able to defend them. “The enemy will set everything in operation to uproot the confidence of the believers in the pillars of our faith in the messages of the past, which have placed us upon the elevated platform of eternal truth, and which have established and given character to the work Those who have a hold of the truth theoretically, with their finger tips as it were, who have not brought its principles into the inner sanctuary of the soul, but have kept the vital in the outer court, will see nothing sacred in the past history of this people which has made them what they are, and has established them as earnest, determined, missionary workers in the world.” Selected Messages 2 p.447
There are souls that have only the theory of the message and have not let the principle enter into their soul. Many of us know the theory but we don’t live the truth, we have not experienced entering into the Most Holy Place with Jesus. As Seventh Day Adventist Reformers we should know that we have aligned the fence that was twisted, we have placed the pillars where they should be, we have raised up the property of Jehovah. What I want to say is that we have a right to exist as an organization because we have the original doctrines of the pillars of the faith of the pioneers. Our organization was not established by men but by the Spirit of God leading men and women to defend the pillars of the faith.
The message of the Investigative Judgment where Christ is interceding for us is very special. No other church teaches the ministry of Jesus in the Most Holy Place. Jesus is doing a very special work in behalf of his people. We have a soul to win or lose, when we see Jesus face to face will we be able to stand? My desire is that we may enter by faith into the Most Holy Place with Jesus, his grace is sufficient for us. We are sinners in need of a Saviour to help us to live the present truth (pillars of our faith). May the LORD help us to live as true Reformers for God’s honor and glory. Amen