Testing, Testing, Testing
God is testing His people to find out their weak points. Daily we go through trials and inconveniences to see how we react to them. God knows what we are but we do not know our own weaknesses. Peter thought himself strong, ready to die for his Master, but that same night he realized his weakness of character and wept bitterly because of it.
Sometimes we pass through great tests like Abraham and Job. But most of the tests are small, that we may not pay much attention to them. In traffic someone may cut you off; almost causing an accident. How do you react to it? Do you get angry or do you pray for this careless driver? If you have waited a long time in the store to get service and then someone new enters in and gets service before you, how do you react to it?
Patience is one thing where the Lord is testing us especially. “The Lord places us in difficult positions to stimulate us to greater exertion. In His providence special annoyances sometimes occur to test our patience and faith.” Test. Vol. 4 p. 166
“Each conflict has its place in the great battle for righteousness, and each will add to the joy of their final triumph. Having this in view, the test of their faith and patience will be cheerfully accepted rather than dreaded and avoided.” D.A.306
“Severe trial endured by the grace of God develops patience, vigilance, fortitude and a deep abiding trust in God.” A. A. p. 468
The trials and conflicts in our life not only reveal to us our weaknesses but they also develop in us patience and faith.
God is testing us in prosperity and also in poverty. When we are abounding, having a good fortune; it is a test to find out if we are selfish and keep it all to ourselves. When we are lacking the necessities we are tested to find out if we complain and become unfaithful in tithes and offerings.
The rich young man was tested when Jesus told him to sell all that he had and to give to the poor. He failed this test and went away sorrowful. He loved his possessions more than he loved Jesus or the poor and needy. Many professed Christians would fail this test the same way.
God is testing us in the health reform to find out if we have the willpower to control our appetite. Adam and Eve failed in this point. Paul writes that there are people “whose God is their belly”. Phil 3:19 Esau failed in this test also. Food was more important to him than his God-given birthright.
“Unless he is free from the bondage and slavery of appetite he cannot be a true, obedient servant of Christ. It is the indulgence of appetite and passion which makes the truth of none effect upon the heart. It is impossible for the spirit and power of the truth to sanctify a man, soul, body and spirit, when he is controlled by appetite and passion.” Test. Vol. 3 p. 57.
“Sins of the greatest magnitude are committed through the indulgence of perverted appetite.” Test. Vol. 4 p. 30
“Many separate themselves from God by their indulgence of appetite.” C.D. p.159
“Through appetite, Satan controls the mind and the whole being.” C. D. p. 167
Daily God is testing us in health reform. Many are failing this test and therefore also their salvation. The old Israel had a perfect diet during their wilderness journey, but they were not satisfied with it. When God finally did give them flesh to eat it caused a plague in which many perished.
Television is comparable to the tree of knowledge in the paradise. It brings the knowledge of evil to the people. It is a test to us to see which we love more; Bible reading or television watching. Same is with the worldly literature which is available everywhere.
God is testing our love to our fellowmen to find out if we love them as much as ourselves. Are we truly the good Samaritans or are we like the priest or the Levite who passed by without helping the wounded man? This love to our fellow beings calls for missionary work. How could we say that we love our neighbour and let him perish in his sins.
The great test by the Sunday law is, still before us. The smaller tests today prepare us for the great test in the future. If we remain faithful in the smaller tests then we will be well prepared for the supreme test that will soon come upon us.
Year 1914 the Seventh Day Adventist Church passed through a test in which only a small remnant remained faithful to God’s commandments. Something similar will take place in the test by the Sunday law.
“To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are few – this will be our test. At this time we must gather warmth from the coldness of others, courage from their cowardice, and loyalty from their treason. The nation will be on the side of the great rebel leader. will surely come.” Test. Vol. 5 p. 136
The smaller tests develop our characters; the great tests reveal what we are. The inconveniences and trials in our daily life are the test that in the end will determine our salvation or perdition.
Peter learned the value of.: these tests and wrote, “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:” 1 Pet. 1:6-7
So important were these trials to David that he prayed to God to try him. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” PS 139:23-24
As we know the purpose of these daily tests let us look upon them as blessings of God to prepare us for heaven, rather than inconveniences. No one has ever made it to the perfection of the character without these tests and trials. They prove that God has not forsaken us but is still working on our characters. God is not giving us even one pain or sorrow needlessly. As He place us in the fire, He is carefully watching us, in order to purify us as gold or silver. Let us learn to thank Him for these daily tests and prove ourselves faithful in them. Then the end result will be the perfect character of Christ. in us. May the Lord help us in this.