Function of the Brain – Part 4
What Causes Brain Damage?
“Perfect health depends upon perfect circulation.” It is Satan’s design so to pervert every function of our being that life may be made miserable, and God may be dishonored in the creatures He has made. If women make the customs of the world their criterion, they will become unfitted, both physically and mentally, for the duties of life. Many have done themselves untold injury by compressing the waist Their power to do good in the family and in society is greatly lessened; and if they are mothers, their children are robbed of vitality. When the waist is compressed, the circulation of the blood is impeded, and the internal organs, cramped and crowded out of place, cannot perform their work properly. It is impossible, under such circumstances, to take a full inspiration. Thus the pernicious habit of breathing only with the upper part of the lungs is formed. And feebleness and disease are often the result.” Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 89,88
Idleness and Inactivity
Inactivity is the greatest curse that could come upon one in such a condition. Ibid. 100. Idleness will destroy soul and body. The heart, the moral character, and physical energies arc enfeebled. The intellect suffers, and the heart is open to temptation as an open avenue to sink into every vice. The indolent man tempts the devil to tempt him OHC pg. 222
More people die for want of exercise than from overwork; very many more rust out than wear out. In idleness the blood does not circulate freely, and the changes in the vital fluids, so necessary to health and life, do not take place. The little mouths in the skin, through which the body breathes, become clogged, thus making it impossible to eliminate impurities through that channel. This throws a double burden upon the excretory organs, and disease is soon produced. Those who accustom themselves to exercising in the open air, generally have a vigorous circulation. Men and women, young or old, who desire health and who would enjoy life, should remember that they cannot have these without a good circulation. Whatever their business or inclination, they should feel it a religious duty to make wise efforts to overcome the conditions of disease which have kept them indoors. Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 101
Fresh Pure Air
“Some invalids refuse to be convinced of the great importance of having a constant supply of pure air. For fear of taking cold, they willfully persist in living from year to year in an atmosphere almost destitute of vitality. It is impossible for such to have a healthy circulation. The skin is debilitated, and they become sensitive to any change in the atmosphere, ibid. 103
Many have been taught that night air is positively injurious to health, and therefore must be excluded from their rooms…. Living in close, ill-ventilated rooms, weakens the system, makes the rnind gloomy, the skin sallow, and the circulation feeble; the blood moves sluggishly, digestion is retarded, and the system is rendered peculiarly sensitive to cold. Many labor under the mistaken idea that if they have taken cold they must carefully exclude the outside air, and increase the temperature of the room until it is excessively hot. But the system of one suffering with cold is deranged, the pores are closed by waste matter, and there is more or less inflammation of the internal organs, because the blood has been chilled back from the surface, and thrown upon them. At this time, of all others, the lungs should not be deprived of pure air. Judicious exercise would induce the blood to the surface, and thus relieve the internal organs. The power of the will is a great help in resisting cold, and giving energy to the nervous system. To deprive the lungs of air, is like depriving the stomach of food. Air is the food that God has provided for the lungs. Welcome it; cultivate a love for it, as a precious boon of heaven. Ibid. 104-105
The brain cannot work without oxygen which makes up a part of our blood. In four minutes people without oxygen can die.
“Sickness does not. come without a cause. Violent epidemics of fevers have occurred in villages and cities that were considered perfectly healthful, and these have resulted in death or broken constitutions. In many instances the premises of the very ones who fell victims to these epidemics, contained the agents of destruction which sent forth deadly poison into the atmosphere, to be inhaled by the family and the neighborhood. It is astonishing to witness the prevailing ignorance relative to the effects which slackness and recklessness produce upon health. Ibid. 105-106
“A yard beautified with scattering trees and some shrubbery, at a proper distance from the house, has a happy influence upon the family, and, if well taken care of, will prove no injury to the health. But shade trees and shrubbery close and dense around a house, make it unhealthful; for they prevent the free circulation of air, and shut out the rays of the sun. In consequence, a dampness gathers in the house, especially in wet seasons. Those who occupy the sleeping rooms are troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia, and lung complaints. Then the great quantities of fallen leaves, if not removed immediately, decay, and poison the atmosphere. Dwellings, if possible, should be built on high ground. If a house is built where the water will settle around it, remaining for a time and slowly drying away, there is a poisonous miasma continually rising from the damp ground, which breeds sore throats, fevers, ague, or lung diseases. Ibid. . 107-8
“Deprived of pure air, the body becomes diseased, torpid, and enfeebled.” Ibid. 160
“Sleeping rooms should be large, and so arranged as to have a free circulation of air day and night.
Those who have slept in an ill-ventilated room awake feeling feverish and exhausted. This is because the vital air was excluded, and the whole system suffers in consequence. Whoever occupies beds which have not been freely exposed to the air and sunlight, does so at the risk of health, and often even of life itself. Ibid. 106-7
Too much sleeping is not good and too little sleep is not good. For the brain to function properly it needs rest. Also during our sleep portions of the body are rested and nourished, sending supplies needed for the whole body.
“Every room, and especially every sleeping room, in the house, should be well ventilated throughout the year, both by day and by night.” Ibid. 173
“The work of God must not be done by fits and starts. It will not be placed on vantage ground by following a sudden impulse. On the contrary, it is positively necessary to follow the good work patiently, day by day, progressing in our ways and methods. One should get up at a regular hour. If during the day the work is neglected, and the following night is spent in making up for lost time, and the morrow and following day will show, as a result, a wearied brain and a general fatigue which constitute positive violations of the law of life and health. There should be regular hours for rising, for family worship, for meals and for work. And it is a religious duty, in every one of our institutions, to maintain this by precept as well as by a firm example. Many squander the most precious hours of the morning hoping that they can terminate the work thus neglected during the hours which should be devoted to sleep. Godliness, health, success, everything suffers from this lack of true religious system.” Manuscript Releases, Volume 11, 204
“In most cases two meals a day are preferable to three. Supper, when taken at an early hour, interferes with the digestion of the previous meal. When taken later, it is not itself digested before bedtime. Thus the stomach fails of securing proper rest. The steep is disturbed, the brain and nerves are wearied, the appetite for breakfast is impaired, the whole system is unrefreshed and is unready for the day’s duties.” Education 205
“Meanwhile, Dr. Paul B. Roen, director of the clinic for the study of arteriosclerosis at the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, says heavy meals at night load the bloodstream with saturated fat and promote a heart attack even in apparently healthy men. ‘The height of digestion following a large evening meal is reached after about seven hours, during deep sleep, when the body is at its lowest ebb. The blood pressure falls, the pulse rate decreases, the skin vessels dilate, the muscles relax, the body temperature declines and the overall basic metabolic rate decreases by 10 to 20 percent. The bloodstream is heavily laden with products of fat digestion and courses sluggishly through the arteries that may already be narrowed…
“Moreover, when frequently dining out with friends, the calories often are increased by the addition of choice, rich foods and liquor so that dinner represents 3,500 calories or more. This is a high caloric intake, in view of the fact that the average sedentary person requires only 1,800 to 2,000 calories for the entire day….
His suggestion corresponds with the health practices we as Seventh-day Adventists have advocated for decades: Eat a substantial breakfast, a larger-than-averagc noon meal, and a light evening meal, so that less blood fat will be circulating in the arteries during the relaxed sleeping hours.
Personal hygiene, including frequent bathing is very sensible for the health of the brain because it helps circulation.
From this point of view, we see how it is very important to recognize every part of the body as affecting the brain, and by extension the spirit of the person. Our health is in our hands, and with the help of Jesus we can follow His instructions in every area, for He that is faithful in least will also be faithful in much.