The East Congo Field covers the three provinces of the D R Congo (North Kivu, South Kivu and Maniema provinces). The lake, Volcano Mountains, natural hills and farms of Masisi in North Kivu and other sites attract many people for tourism. Unfortunately, many members and interested souls in this area are living in privation in camps because of the War of the M23 movement. (rebels recently qualified by the UA and UN as terrorists). Goma is the capital city of North Kivu. In different territories and rural zones of the NK province there are wars, violence and other crises. Some of our isolated members were forced to flee to save their lives. In Goma we received different families who are temporarily living either in the camp or in some family’s home.
This is a very big challenge for the Goma church since it is not easy to assist them (food, health and other needed items.). Goma has one organized church with 12 members and 8 interested souls. A baptismal class will be organized in the near future. We worship in a small rented house and we sometimes have difficulty paying the rent since there are some unemployed members, some divorced sisters who face the challenge of providing a living for their children, some lost their jobs when they decided to join the truth. Dear reader please, pray for us during this challenging time.
Besides the hardships, we are strong in faith and organize revival meetings and seminars regularly. We visit and are visited by some brothers from Rwanda, Gikombe Church in Gisenyi, which is the nearest city from the border.
Goma meetings and fellowship (North Kivu district)
From Thusday 26th to Sunday 28th May 2023, we held a baptism, had the Lord’s Supper, held an Evangelism meeting, Cooking classes, and seminar series. Different topics were presented and they proved to be a blessing to each and every one to strengthen them in their journey to the heavenly Canaan while in this troubled world. It was a real blessing. Around 20 Sisters and brothers from Rwanda attended joyfully and some Field and Union officers were present also.
The main theme was: “Behold, He comes.” The following topics were presented.
Families for Christ: What to do to rescue my family? Secrets of happiness in the family, how to make my family a nest of love, educating for eternity.
Young people and their specific challenges today: Am I ready for marriage? Choosing friends, the 5th Commandment and my relation with my parents; courtship and marriages as approved by Heaven.
My body, an inestimable wealth: diseases and their cause. Drugs and their consequences vs Natural remedies, the health reform.
The last warning and my duty as a Christian: how to win souls for Christ in big cities and among atheist people or other religions.
Preparation for the crisis ahead and last day events: fulfilment of prophecy, signs of the times, and our needed preparation.
The prophesied Reform Movement: God’s church in the last Days, historical facts and the truth of the Remnant Church. The full truth regarding the separation among God’s people (1914-1919) and the Rebellion and offshoot of D. Nicolici in 1951. Identifying the false reform, and apostate rebel church.
On Friday the baptism of one soul took place in the clear waters of Kivu Lake. This newly baptized brother is now zealous to bring new souls to the Lord. On Sabbath, Pastor Normand Sindayihebura, the Union President gave the sermon based on how to make a responsible decision:
“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that [were] on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15
It is important for us to repeat the final meaningful words of Joshua. He emphasized the thought that, How do these words apply to us today as individuals and families?
To made the right decision, six points were brought out
1) A family devoted to the Lord. It is possible to serve God through our family relationships and to submit our family projects to the Lord’s will. Our family relationships should be based on the truth of God as revealed in His Word.
2) True leadership begins at home. The leadership of a true leader begins within his own house. “For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?” 1 Timothy 3:5. Work diligently to take care of your family. Many marriages have failed and are separating because they can no longer find the time to care for and nurture their family.
3) Committed to the family unity. Joshua did not just say, “I will serve the Lord,” he said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” It is not enough to be a leader; you must, above all, be the leader of your own house. And be united.
4) An example for those inside and outside the home. How many people say, “Do what I say, but not what I do.” But Joshua set an example for his household and for others who could imitate him in his good decisions and behaviour. Joshua’s example encouraged the people to also declare, “Therefore will we also serve the Lord; for He is our God.” Joshua 24:18
5) A house grounded in God’s truth. The decision of Joshua can be yours today. And this will ground God’s truth in you and your family.
6) Continuous blessing. He made his decision taking into consideration all the blessings that are promised to the faithful. God honours them that honour Him. Obedience will always bring blessings. There can be no blessings in our lives and in our homes if there is no obedience.
A family without God is susceptible to failure
Ask yourself if you can make the same decision that Joshua made. Are there improvements that need to be made in your family? This is a choice that we need to make, not just on one day, but every day. Things will always get in the way of you choosing to do so. These things will try to replace the first place that God should have in your heart.
A family without God is susceptible to failure, regardless of social class. If God is not in control of your home and your life, all will be in vain. Do not let your marriage end for lack of God’s presence. Do not give up on your family, fight for it! Jesus is our best friend and is always willing to help us serve Him in our life and in our family. Amen.
This was a very inspiring sermon for all present.
Around 76 souls attended the meetings and in the afternoon Sister Yvone Solomo, wife of Pastor Normand, gave a Bible study based on Christian attitude and Christian women. It was a wonderful day, we did not want to separate until sunset.
On Sunday, a cooking class was conducted by sister Yvone Solomo. She taught the other women how to make whole meal maize bread and Soy Tofu.
Brethren and visitors from different areas attended. We pray and hope that God will continue to open doors to our great needs so that souls can be strengthened. We are few in number but are firm in our decision to be light bearers in this city and the surrounding area. Many are our challenges, needs and hindrances but we trust that God is in control.
Because of the Civil war and M23 crisis in our province, which has caused the displacement of many people into camps, hunger, crime such as murder of innocents, violence in all of its forms, we have many great challenges. Please pray for us. We have nothing to fear. Your daily prayers for us are our strength. “In reviewing our past history, having traveled over every step of advance to our present standing, I can say, Praise God! As I see what the Lord has wrought, I am filled with astonishment, and with confidence in Christ as leader. We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history.”—Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, p. 196
Sent by Victor Shumbusho, Church Leader (Goma Church)