1 Samuel 18 & 19

After slaying Goliath of Gath by his heroic act,
Saul took David that same day, not anymore let go away
To his father’s home. But from this day on
Exciting and turbulent, even treacherous, perilous times would come.
David went wherever Saul did send him, behaving himself wisely, keenly,
Was made headman of the army, and all the people did accept him.
Then it came to pass when David and the army on the way,
Returning from the battle of the day,
That from Israel’s cities women came to meet King Saul,
Dancing, singing joyous, shouting loud and clear,
And every ear could hear:
“Saul slew thousands, David his ten thousands!”
Then indignation filled the king, enraged him greatly what they sing,
“Giving David more than me, what more can get he
But the kingdom! This shall not, not ever be!”
Jealousy and envy filled his heart, from this day forward…
It was the beginning of dark clouds,
Forebodings of uncertainty because of Saul’s unstable moods and doubts…


Saul was not a virtuous, pious king, on God depending, faithful, trusting,
He lacked true integrity, loyalty to God, carrying out His strict command he did not.
Twice directly went against the orders, when rebuked blamed others.
His mind with Samuel would clash,
And God rejected him for being stubborn, rash.
God’s promised blessings Saul then lost, but at what immensely dire cost –
For abandon him God’s Spirit did, (1 Samuel 16:14),
Betimes be troubled by an evil spirit…


 One morning from God an evil spirit over Saul did come (1 Samuel 18:10).
Raging wildly in his home,
David as usual on such days did play the harp, then the evil spirit would depart.
But this time Saul eyed him full of envy and suspicion –
To avenge his wounded pride, unpleasant situation,
Took his javelin to smite young David to the wall,
Twice he escaped, Saul could not make him fall.
He was afraid of him, removed him from his presence,
Made David captain over thousand,
Behaving himself wisely, God was with him,
Was loved by all the people of the land.


Wicked Saul flattered David promising,
His daughter Merab give for wife,
If valiantly the LORD’s battles he will fight,
But Saul had no intention doing this, his morbid mind was wishing only this,
David to be killed not by his own hand, but by the enemies of Israel’s land.
David did not realize that heinous scheme, that was imposed on him.
Merab, she was given to another man, but then
There was Saul’s younger daughter Michal,
And she loved David. This was told to Saul
And it pleased him, but his pleasing did reek foul –
For through his servants mention the condition,
David 100 foreskins from the Philistines to bring
To seal the deal that Michal be his wife.
But Saul in truth did hope that in that enterprise
Would David lose his life…
And David with his men went out, fighting with the Philistines out loud,
Slew not just hundred but the double number,
Bringing the demanded “dowry” yonder,
To the most astonished king, who had no other choice but give
Michal to heroic David for his wife, and happily to live.


But Saul feared David for God was with him,
Seeing how Michal loved him, made him even more afraid…
Increasingly Saul became the enemy of David.
So that he spoke to Jonathan his son and all his servants,
That they should kill David.
But Jonathan esteemed David highly ever since he met him.
His heart was knit with that of David.
He spoke nicely to his father, David did not sin against him,
Rather brought blessings, victories for the land,
Why should he lift his hand against him for no cause,
Heaping guilt, God’s wrath upon his head and house?…
But peace not long did last, Saul’s good mood deteriorated fast,
David had to flee Saul’s house, was in jeopardy again
Otherwise he would be slain.
By Saul’s dreadful jealousy and deadly hatred,
A conspiracy hung over David’s head,
When to Michal he then fled,
Saul’s servants were to kill him in the morning,
She made him safely to escape with many tears and mourning…
Then David went to Ramah to the home of Samuel,
Of Saul he all would tell.
Then both did go to dwell in Naioth Ramah.
Hence David the great hero, warrior, became a fugitive,
A homeless, haunted victim from a maddened, envious mind,
That to all reason, equity and dignity had become blind… Amen.

To be continued.

Edda Tedford, Canada