We were very blessed on Sunday, May 5, 2024 to gather together in Niagara Falls, Canada to witness the baptism of two dear souls, George Radin and his wife Dragica. The event was marked by a spirit of joy and unity as we gathered to witness and celebrate this momentous occasion in the spiritual journey of the Radins.
Brother Evald Pedersen opened the service with words of encouragement to welcome the two new souls into the church of God. “Now we are one family.” he told the congregation of 20 witnesses who were present. He then read from John 1:12, ”But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.”
In John chapter one, the apostle John explains how the son of God came to brighten our lives in order to give us hope and light. He says in John 1:11,”Jesus came to His own and His own received Him not.” The majority did not receive Jesus then, and the majority does not receive Jesus now, but those who do receive Him will be blessed, not only in this life, but also have the promise of eternal life. Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.” We have two souls who have committed their lives to the Lord. It was such a pleasure to witness their decision to commit their lives to Jesus.
After the baptismal questions were asked, the Radins prepared themselves for entering into the church’s baptismal pool. While waiting, the congregation sang several hymns to praise God for the sacred occasion that was to follow.
Brother John Bescec conducted the baptism, immersing George and Dragica Radin in the water as a symbol of death to the world, and a spiritual rebirth and renewal. Afterward he spoke a few words of praise to God on this very happy occasion. “All heaven was rejoicing when these two souls decided to get baptized and dedicate their lives to the Lord. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist leaving us an example that we are to follow. Christ has made baptism the sign of entry into His spiritual kingdom. Through baptism you are solemnly saying that you are renouncing the world and are saying ‘yes’ to Christ and thus we become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King.
Mark 16:16 says, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” Thanks be to God that there are some who are still willing to accept God’s gift and are willing to step forward in faith and give their lives to Him.”
After the acceptance of George and Dragica Radin into the fold of the Hamilton church, they received warm embraces and heartfelt greetings from all present.
It was a very joyous time to be together to witness the baptism of these two dear souls who had been supporting the church for many years. As the witnesses reflected on this solemn occasion, there is hope that others will be inspired by the Radins’ example and likewise choose to also participate in the rite of baptism and become members in God’s church.